"Squirtle use water gun." I called and Squirtle fired a powerful blast of water catching the clueless pidgey off guard. The impact sent the pidgey rolling into the trunk of a tree.
"Follow up with a tackle to make sure it stays down." He takes off running and just as the pidgey was shaking off the stun from the previous attack it was met by the hard head of squirtle, once again hitting the tree and swirls appearing in its eyes. I toss a Pokéball and capture it.
"Good job Squirtle." I say as I hold out my fist which he bumps with his own. We had battled 5 pidgey over the last 30 minutes and this was the biggest one, so I think I might keep it for my gym team. You see shortly after me and Squirtle set off I thought it might be a good idea to see what kind of things my bag contains. Seeing as how I was going to take my time through this first route to capture Pokémon. Thankfully I did too, for it allowed me to pursue my current plan.
When I opened the bag a screen projected over the opened space and listed out the items currently inside it.
[ Letter from You Know Who] x1
[Camping Supplies]
[Pokeballs] x1,000
[Unregistered Pokéballs] x1,000
[Unregistered Pokédex]
[Mask] x1
[Pokemon Food]
[Change of Clothes] x5
[Money: 500,000]
Even though several things in the bag caught my attention the letter immediately popped out, so I figured I should read it first.
"Ah, Mortal or should I say Jace now? Anyways you have opened the bag and are probably quite confused by it's contents or perhaps surprise would be the more accurate description. You should remember that I could read your thoughts so your plans where not hidden from me. Nor do I blame you for this choice, rather I have given you a few extra things to help you with this.
The Pokéballs in your bag are unregistered, meaning they will not teleport away to Professor Oak's lab when you capture a Pokémon with them. This should be good for you 2nd team I imagine. As well as an unregistered Pokédex which you can update the name and picture at your discretion. This way you can scan a Pokémon you have captured for your second team without it being shown to Professor Oak.
I also took the liberty of getting a mask and disguise based off one of your other favorite shows, Naruto. You will find an Anbu mask and outfit that are labeled [Mask] and [Disguise]. This will be the last of the help you will receive from me, so all I can say is don't get caught. This may be an "anime" world, but it still has prisons for people that do the kind of things I suspect you'll be partaking in. Death itself is also not out of the equation.
Good luck Jace, I'm eager to see how your new life pans out.
-You Know Who"
I didn't take anything else out as it would not be fitting to get caught by one of the other 3 while changing into a ninja outfit. But I had the basis of my plan. I would capture multiple pidgeys to use as information gatherers and scouts while keeping the strongest one to be apart of my primary team. Next was to do the same with Rattatas except I wouldn't be adding one of them to either team, they would strictly be gatherers and thieves.
They are already known for thieving from unsuspecting trainers, so why not use that to advantage? And our little friend that has came to check out the commotion from my battle with Pidgey will be the first addition to my secondary team. Spearow. It may not be a permanent member, but it will be a fine add on until I capture more Pokémon.
*spearow!* it cawed as it flared its wings and Squirtle took a stance in front of me.
*Squirtle!* he cried and I smirked as they squared off.
"Lets go, Squirtle. Water gun." After numerous battles of fighting flying foes with a water gun Squirtle's accuracy and power had steadily improved. Even though the Spearow took off the ground it's right wing was hit with the attack causing it to spiral.
Squirtle immediately fired another blast, but this time missed as the Spearow caught an updraft and took a sudden vertical evasion. It turned around high in the sky and began to dive down at Squirtle.
"Rapid Spin." Squirtle crouched low and jumped with all its might as He tucked his body inside his shell and propelled himself towards Spearow with a spinning shell. The move caught Spearow off guard and couldn't evade fast enough and crashed beak first into Squirtle's shell. Swirls filled its eyes and o sent an unregistered Pokéball to capture it. It rocked thrice before letting off a soft click, and Squirtle brought it back to me.
"Good job, Squirtle." He returned my smile and we continued our trek. A little way in we captured a few Mankey and Sandshrews that were just off the trail. The Mankeys were the only real challenge as they were fast with no disadvantage to Squirtle's moves, but with a tough battle they were defeated.
The strongest Sandshrew went to my secondary team with Spearow and the strongest Mankey went to my primary team bringing me up to 3 for my primary team. I wanted to keep going, but I could see the fatigue beginning to catch up to Squirtle so with the sun signaling it's noon we took a break just off the trail.
I used this time while Squirtle regained its energy to tell the Pokémon that I had captured so far, my goals. For now Spearow from my second team and Pidgey from the first would go around and attack any rattatas they see and have the other pidgeys bring them back. This way they can get stronger and I get my thieving rats. I had the Mankey spar with each other and similarly with the sandshrews.
I had played the games and seen shows, but I couldn't pretend that I truly knew the best way to train my Pokémon. For now I'll just have them progress through spars and battles and once I study up I'll begin teaching them moves and setting forth an actual training schedule.
A couple hours and 10 rattata later we were ready to set off again. Spearow and Pidgey both took down 5 rattata in that time and seemed to be annoyed that they didn't defeat more than the other. At this current pace I have a feeling that Squirtle will evolve soon, and while it feels quick I have to remember that he's single handedly defeated 6 pidgey a Spearow, 4 Mankey, and 4 Sandshrew.
A little further down the trail and off the path a little ways I spotted a river, and on that river I spotted a familiar redhead sitting in the bank with a pole in the water. An idea clicked in my head, that I could borrow her pole to capture Pokémon. Only any Pokémon I caught would have to be for my primary team and I already have Squirtle.
With that idea down, I decided to move further down the river and just have Squirtle fish out some Pokémon. And the one I had my mind on was a Gyrados or rather a magikarp as even with Squirtle on the verge of evolving I didn't think he could take on a Gyrados. So with a significant distance between me and Misty I had Squirtle dive in for a magikarp. Imagine my surprise when i see a shiny magikarp go sailing out of the water with Squirtle right behind it. Cocky grin and all as he stands with one foot upon the flopping fish.
A laugh bubbled from my throat as my grin grew and I threw an unregistered Pokéball and captured the fish.
"Hahaha! Great catch Squirtle!" He crossed his arms with and lifted his chin at the praise, but when he saw my extended fist he bumped his against it as had become our tradition
"Lets go, we've caught all I want to capture on this route to be apart of my teams. Anything from here on out will be helpers for us. I expect you'll evolve before we reach Viridian." Squirtle's eyes went wide and they seemed to sparkle before a determined glint settled in his eyes only for a rain drop to hit his head. I looked up and saw the gathering clouds.
"Looks like they'll get to help us sooner than expected. Sandshrews and Mankeys come on out!" 8 flashes appeared as the Pokémon came out and I tossed a bundle to the Mankeys.
"Rain is coming and I'm sure none of us besides Squirtle here wants to get wet. So Sandshrews I want you to create a sturdy flat mound of dirt for the Mankeys to build our tent on. It's quite a large tent so make sure the spot is big enough. From here to here and there to there."
I took a stick and put 4 lines that marked out a space of about 10 foot from left to right and 12 foot from front to back. All of them nodded their heads and began working. I was quite happy with the "camping supplies" that You Know Who had given me. The tent was built in such a way that you could have a fire inside, but the smoke was filtered out the top of the tent. And you didn't have to worry about the rain because a flap extended out over smoke exit, so it would have to be an extremely windy storm to blow rain up under the flap.
Within 10 minutes and just before the rain started to hit us in full force the tent was up and me as well as all my captured Pokémon were settled in the tent. Aside from Magikarp obviously. Maybe next time I'll have the Sandshrews and Squirtle work together to make a small pool for the little guy. We would wait out the storm inside this tent and continue our journey into Viridian. If my memory is right it didn't last too long in the show.
Author's Note
Current Teams:
Primary: Squirtle
Secondary: Spearow
Extras: 3 Sandshrews and Mankeys
5 Pidgeys
10 Rattatas
Second chapter down, and list of Pokémon have joined already. Once we reach Viridian we'll see the Rattatas really be put to use along with the pidgeys.
Hope you enjoy.