The dream

Meredith was in the woods. It was dark, cold and quiet. An icy shiver ran along her spine when she felt like someone was watching her even though she thought she was alone.

She heard a tree branch broken suddenly near her. She then heard the growl of a wolf and she whirled to the left startled. She watched in horror as a massive creature ran towards her.

Icy tendrils robbed her of action, freezing her in place. The creature was bigger than she could ever imagined. Although it was wolf it was no ordinary wolf. The power it radiates as it's four white paws stood firm to the ground was scary.

It stepped forward slowly; it's enormous, round, electric blue eyes keeping track of her every move.

Meredith screamed, but she knew no one could hear her.

The wolf moved closer to her, Meredith closed her eyes and gritted her teeth to hold in a sob. Surprisingly, it darted t's tongue to lick the juncture were her left shoulder met her neck.