His protection

Meredith did not know how long she had been sitting out there on the floor, lost in deep thought about how sudden her life had changed, when she heard a sudden knocking at the door which made her jump.

She wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now so she ignored the person.

The door creaked open and she instinctively shrunk from it. But then she stopped when she

noticed the person who had entered.

He was still wearing his black shirt. Hand still on the doorknob, he stared at her with an unreadable expression and she took it as him judging her.

Meredith wiped her tears from her eyes and looked away from him.

She must've looked as pathetic as a child with tears running down her face and her arms pulling her knees into her chest. But he did not turn away.

Instead he walked slowly towards her, his red eyes never leaving hers. He crouched next to her slowly, as if he didn't know what to do, putting all his weight on his feet.