Half an hour with him

Adrenaline rushed through Meredith as she tried to

understand what happened. Had she just

hallucinated or she really heard a voice inside her head?

The man's lips curled up at her expression of utter confusion and once again spoke directly into her head without ever moving his lips or sound coming from his mouth.

"I asked you a question. Who hurt you?"

Meredith opened her mouth and closed it, shock passing through her. She pointed a finger at her chest, a frown marred on her face.

"Are you talking to me?

The man nodded to their surroundings and continued silently, "Dangers lurks around you and you're being heavily monitored. Their hearing is too sharp to be avoided, so for right now, I will speak to you in this manner, do you understand?"

Meredith swallowed and nodded. The man was beyond handsome. He was the most handsome person she had ever met and his violet seemed to glow in the bright sunlight. He was tall with angular cheeks, long flowing snow-white hair.