
Meredith furrowed her brows at the annoying voices. It was so loud yet so quiet since she couldn't exactly decipher what they were saying.

She lay silently unmoving trying to recall what had happened and where she was.

She froze when it all came back to her. Someone..someone has tried to raped her. All of it flooded through her head, in a flash of color and events. She had went to the bathroom and the guy and attacked her. Fortunately Marcus had come to save her.

Her line of memories were interrupted when she realized what they were saying. It was obvious they didn't know she was awake.

"I screwed up. I promised to protect her and I-I couldn't even protect her from this. She probably even hates me." She heard him blow out a shaky breath. The frustration and pain in his voice was clearly evident.

"Marcus calm down. You saved her remember? He didn't even-"