The ritual

The ritual is still going underway and soon, she will be able to perform the breakage of the soul tie.

She had already prepared the pentagram for Marcus to lie down on. She already dripped droplets of her blood in the three circles on the sign for the ritual to begin.

The herbs have been gathered and they have been mixed with the moonlight potion. She drank it and is now ready for the next part of the ritual.

She looked at the moon and pondered on for a moment. Since getting the book, she had been striving to push herself to the limits as she wanted to wholeheartedly learn how to use her powers.

Her ancestors, especially her mother, had always been great and had made a name for themselves. Of course, she, too, must want and have the same recognition, right?

She took a deep breath, and released it. As she knew that she is already doing her best to do the ritual alone, she had to continue on and do her best so she can accomplish the ritual.