Find her(2)

Meredith, Atlas, and Marcus were left to pick up the pieces of their shattered trust and regroup for their next move. They knew they had to move quickly to awaken Gwen and stop Austin's plans from coming to fruition.

They decided to rest, but with Gwen's safety in the picture, they are determined to defeat their enemy and vowed to only trust in each other in order for their plans to usurp Austin not to fail.

They knew that they couldn't do this alone and that they needed to work together to succeed.

Meredith recalled a teleportation spell that would immediately transport them to locations that they have previously visited. Since they have been to Austin's palace for a lot of times, it was easy to come here.

Just as they were about to enter the palace gate, the three almost gasped in surprise when they were greeted by one of the helpers of the place. She was cheerful… but something was a bit off.

"Hello, Meredith, Atlas, and Marcus! Welcome back to the palace!"