9.) Let's Take A Ride

After pondering over where she should head next, Dawn made up her mind.

"My next destination will be District Y25!"

Dawn honestly felt terrified at the thought of fighting the Flame Griffin, but not only would it give her some insight but increase her chance of leveling up as well.

In World Savior, Dawn didn't recall seeing monsters such as the Giant Rats, Vultures, and Hunting Wolves that roamed District W23.

'Than again, World Savior never went into detail of District W23 either,' thought Dawn.

"District Y25, huh? Okay, take me along with you!" The boy's request surprised Dawn, watching him stand to his feet.

"H-huh? Excuse me, but did you just say take you along?" Dawn didn't think her ears were working properly and stared confusedly at the boy, who fixed Dawn with a glare.

"Look, even though I don't like it, if there's one thing I came to realize, other than blindly doing nothing will prolong your own death, it's that fighting in a group is better than fighting alone. My skills are good, but fighting alone, especially against large packs of monsters, puts a strain on me."

Dawn could see that the boy was thinking ahead instead of being controlled by his emotions.

"I promise not to hold you back. Besides, from what I read in the chat forms, nothing but low-level monsters like the one we saw reside in this district. If one wishes to get stronger, then they must fight stronger monsters," said Kris as Dawn looked above his head and just now noticed that his rank was the same as hers.

"You sure do know a lot! Where did you get all this information from? Aren't the satellites down?" asked Dawn. Watching when the boy looked away and began moving his hands, she jumped when she saw a large blue screen appear before both of them.

"Wait! I thought we couldn't see each other's systems!?" exclaimed Dawn. She woke up Neko-chan, who rested on top of her head and confusedly tilted its head, wondering why it was seeing a blue screen.

"Even though we can't see each other's status screen, it's different for other functions. A fact I learned from reading the chat rooms. See, this is the chat room consisting of all the residents of District W." Dawn skimmed her eyes down the long list and felt hope rise in her heart.

"So, can we contact our family?" Dawn eagerly asked.

"Sure! What district does your family live in?" Kris asked, and Dawn found herself in a dilemma.

Since the world changed, Dawn asked the question if her family would still be alive. Fondly, recalling the warmth of her mother and her bossy but kind older brother.

Dawn had already lost one family member and couldn't stand the thought of losing another.

"Hey, it's okay! Just give me their name, and I may be able to find them." Seeing the downcast expression displayed on the girl's face, Kris wanted to cheer her up somehow, which was weird for him as he usually didn't care about people too much.

Unlike this girl, who cared for her family very much, Kris only had his mother, and their relationship wasn't close. The woman would rather spend her time away from home, being dotted and spoiled by wealthy sugar daddies, than stay at home and take care of her son, who she cursed and constantly left home alone to have a good time.

After giving him the name of her parents, Dawn saw a long list of profiles, but only two caught her attention.

"That's them!"

Seeing their profile picture caused hope and joy to fill Dawn's soul. Turning to Kris, she demanded to know what she could do next.

"Pull up your system first."

Dawn followed Kris's instructions, who took her to the profiles of her mother and brother.

"Alright, send them a DM, and when they receive it, they will answer you back."

Dawn nodded her head and prayed that her family was still alive and managed to keep themselves safe. Fingers trembling, she began to type her message. Kris, who stood next to her, witnessed tears rolling down the girl's cheek and decided to give her some privacy.

After sending her family a message, hoping they would receive it and answer her back soon, Dawn turned to Kris.

"Alright, I'll take you with me! But I want a true partnership. I have your back, and you have mine, got it?"

Dawn held out her pinkie, and the boy had to hold himself back from teasing the other girl for doing something so childish.

"Alright, I promise!"

"Good, now mind telling me your name?"

"The name's Kris, and yours?"

"It's Dawn!"

Now that they knew each other names. The two shook pinkies as the boy, the girl, and the cat started their journey together. It took them three days, traveling on foot and battling monsters, before the two spotted a motorcycle lying amongst the rubble and used it to enter District Y25.

Riding on the back of the motorcycle, hands gripping Kris's waist, Dawn enjoyed the wind whipping past her hair and felt a sense of freedom. No part of her missed the dingy and overcrowded warehouse as Dawn knew that those who chose to stay there were just like cattle, waiting for death.

Too bad the scenery wasn't roses and sunshine, similar to District W23. Destruction and dead bodies lay rotting on the ground, plugging the air with a thick smell of death and decay. A truly tragic sight that Dawn was sadly starting to become accustomed to.

Stopping at an abandoned gas station, Kris refilled the motorcycle and suggested they stack up on snacks while they camp here for the night. Sitting on the roof of the building, Dawn peered towards the starry night sky, petting Neko-chan resting in her lap, snacking on a bag of BBQ flavor chips, and began recalling her days before the apocalypse struck.

'Even though I used to dread it, I miss waking up early in the morning, heading to the café, and starting yet another shift. I miss my strict but kind-hearted boss. I missed talking to my mom and being scolded by my overprotective and knuckleheaded brother. Dear God, if you truly exist, please allow them to be alright.'

Dawn hoped with her entire heart that her family somehow managed to survive, not wanting to dwell on the negative thoughts, such as them perishing.

'I already had to bury one family member. I'll break if I have to bury another.' The last few months of last year still weighed heavy on her heart.

Dawn hugged her knees, pushing the fragments of memories, centering around her beloved father, a man who loved and spoiled her, locked away in a vault, just like his body that was now cold and lying in a coffin.

Not in the mood to relive those depressing feelings, Dawn focused her attention on other things.

"Mind if I take a seat next to you?"

Kris's voice snapped Dawn out of her depressing thoughts, nodding her head as the boy sat himself beside her.

"Kinda hard to believe that the world could end in a blink of an eye, huh?"