24.) Hell Paradise pt.2

The men in the room whooped and hollered with excitement as they got ready to attack. "Well, men, it looks like we got ourselves some new play toys! It's been a long time since I felt the touch of a human woman!" yelled the voice of a random man.

"What about the men?" another voice asked.

"We'll give them to Martha! That crazy bitch gets off on torturing pretty boys!" The one who said this threw a look at Rin, eyes laughing with mockery at the tragic fate that awaited him.

Yet again, Dawn heard this name and was curious about this Martha character who never entered the book. Not wanting to waste any more time, one of the guys got impatient and ran towards Dawn with a battle cry. Seeing her master about to come under attack, Neko-chan forcibly leaped out of her mistress arms and shifted into her tiger form.

The screams of excitement changed when Neko-chan enforced fear into him when she roared in his face—meeting his fate when Neko-chan ruthlessly severed the man's head from his body by biting it off, showering the floor with blood. Enforcing fear and cautioned in their enemies.

On the other hand, such a scene forced Dawn to recall Neko-chan's breed as a monster. Only around those she trusted did Neko-chan drop her guard, but those who were a threat would not live to see a second day. Since Neko-chan chose Dawn as her master, it was her job to protect the short-haired girl.

"You guys go on ahead! The cat and I can handle ourselves!" shouted Lily, wielding her bow and shooting out yellow arrows.

Dawn scanned the power levels of the succubi and Players in the room. "Most of them are ranked between levels four and six! Only a few are ranked at level eight! So be careful!" Dawn advised them before dodging a glowing fist that created a dent in the ground before fighting her way through the crowd.

"Mistress!" Right after Dawn dodged the fist, another man wielding an average-looking battle hammer tried to swing it down on her head. Luckily Rin pulled her aside, causing the man to miss his target, but before he could get angry, he was encased inside a wall of ice by an irate Rin.

Trevor was grabbing men by their heads and flinging them across the rooms. Even though they could handle themselves, such a large group did nothing but stall and tire them.

"Insects!" Rin said in a venomous tone before sharp pillars of ice erupted from the ground, impaling a number of their foes. Though as Dawn watched the battle, she noticed that none of the succubi stepped in to help.

Asking herself how come, Dawn's eyes met those of the succubus on the large pink stage and blushed when the woman winked and smiled in her direction. "Yo, Beats, drop me a beat!" the succubus, who went by the name Sugar, said into the mic. Her words reached the succubus stationed in the small room above with a glass wall surrounded by DJ equipment.

"Gotcha, Sugar!" The woman moved her fingers across the soundboard, and instantly the room was flooded with a hip-hop beat and tap lyrics flowing from out of Sugar pink glittery lips. Paying no attention to the bloodshed a few feet from where she stood on stage, she and the other succubi continued with their jobs, showing no intentions to step in.

This scene angered some of the other male Players until finally one asked the question bouncing around in Dawn's head. "Hey! Would you stop the music and get your ass down here and help!?" demanded a man who was having a hard time defending himself.

Sugar regarded the man with a cold stare.

"We are only obeying the command of our master, who stated our only job is pleasing our customers. Fighting was never part of our job description!" She gave the man a fierce look before continuing with her song. The man couldn't utter a retort as he was sent flying by Trevor's fist.

Finally, Dawn, Rin, and Trevor managed to reach the staircase, missing how Sugar's eyes trailed after them. 'Hmm, something interesting is about to happen~!' Sugar's lush lips formed a secretive smile, as she continued her performance.

Left behind, Neko-chan was like a ferocious beast as she tore off limbs and heads. "Too many annoying flies!" grumbled Lily, shooting out arrows, her words aimed towards the weak-level Players that kept attacking. Each time she defeated a group, more would spring up like cockroaches.

"Alright, it's time to end this!" Directing her arrow in the air, Lily yelled, "Sparrow Rain Dance!" She shot a arrow into the air, which took on the form of a sparrow that rained down hundreds of arrows.

This move took out the remaining low-level Players, a sight that embraced Lily with joy. "Great! Now that the weaklings are out of the way, why don't you boys come and dance with me?" From the shadows, the two goons that were with Jerry earlier showed themselves.

"Be careful about what you ask for, girl!" cockily said the huge one while popping his knuckles. The skinny one did nothing but laugh, sounding like a snake hissing.

"What can I say? I'm a confident girl! Now, show me what you've got!" Lily cocked her lips into a grin, gripping her weapon as Neko-chan rejoined her side after finishing off a few men who dared got in her way.


Dawn, Rin, and Trevor ran up the spiral flight of stairs that soon reached a dead end, finding themselves standing in the middle of a long hallway that on either side existed a pair of double doors.

"So? Which way do we go now?" asked Dawn as Trevor analyzed each set of doors and pointed towards the one on the left.

"I'll take this door! Shrimp, you can take the other!" stated Trevor, leaving Dawn with no room to argue. In a few short paces, Trevor reached his self appointed door and walked inside. Dawn could do nothing but watch dumbly as the door closed after him.

"Well, I guess this leaves us with no choice but to enter the right one!" After walking to the door, she placed her hand on it and pushed it open. A burst of light blinded her for a second, hearing the door close behind her.

"Well, well! Look what the cat dragged in," Dawn heard a familiar voice. 'That's definitely Jerry's voice, but wait! If I'm in Jerry's room, what room did Trevor enter?'