27.) Rest in Peace

Outside the circus tent, Pumpkin, the succubus, took a trembling step back. A hand clutched at her chest which was gripped with fear, eyes blown wide. 'Such a malevolent aura! Where did it come from?!'

Pumpkin asked herself, feeling that their roles had somehow reversed. The intensity of the boy's aura was so strong that the sweat-drenched Pumpkin gasped as she tried to take in oxygen.

It didn't take long for the strength in her legs give out, knees touching the ground as her eyes were forced to stare at the ground and she saw a pair of sneakers enter her view.

'This pressure is so heavy as if a mountain is weighing me down.'

Using all the strength she could muster, Pumpkin was finally able to lift her head, eyes meeting Kris's glowing gold irises, yet this was nothing more than a mistake on her end.

A scream ripped from her throat. What flashed in her head were gruesome scenes of her death. All which she mentally experienced. Such as: the decapitation of her head, a hole piercing through her chest, and being swallowed by a black void.

"I don't want to die." Before she knew it, tears were streaming down her cheeks as she wept, eyes pleading for mercy. The sight of her tears brought forth a cruel spark of excitement to Kris, who smirked and said,

"This victory is mine."


The battle between the incubus and Trevor left the room destroyed. Each time one would throw a punch, loud cackles of thunder echoed off the walls of the room. Neither was backing down despite their strength being somewhat even.

The minotaur beast swung his fist at his opponent, colliding with his jaw, causing his feet to slide back against the ground. "Tch, not bad!" Trevor grinned, wiping away the spill of blood that ran down the edge of his mouth.

"For once, I finally get to go all out!" A battle crazed glint entered Trevor's eyes. Rushing forth, he threw a series of punches at the minotaur. The beast roared as it tried to deflect Trevor's attacks, but it was useless.

"You put up a good fight, but sadly you are no match against me!" Trevor leaped in the air, fingers interlocked, ready to slam the beast's head into the ground. But a heavy blow from an object sent him flying and crashing into a wall.

A flare of searing pain spread throughout Trevor's body. 'Shit! What the hell did he just hit me with?!' Using the one eye that was still left open, Trevor zoomed his gaze over to the creature and saw it wielding a halberd weapon in his hands.

"Oi! I thought this was a battle of strength?! A proper brawl between men, but I see I was wrong." Trevor removed himself from the crater and flashed his opponent a look of disappointment.

"Just like that bitch over there who manipulates people and lets others fight for her, you, too, are a coward. My Tricia may have been arrogant and didn't use her head a lot, but she had heart. Even in the face of danger, she always ran forward, never once looking back."

Trevor's eyes long for the once spunky girl who was the other half of his soul. "Honestly, I can't fathom why you two would do such a depraved thing to someone who never once did anything to you! You had no beef with my Tricia! Why did you do that to her?!"

The sadness in his eyes was replaced with unhinged fury, shooting his eyes straight at Martha, demanding answers from her.

"Must there be a deep-seated reason why?" Martha responded in a straightforward fashion. "Trevor, before the apocalypse, the world was already filled with monsters. People steal, rape, and kill—some for absolutely no reason. While you may see Jerry as a villain, to me, he has always been the big brother I adore!"

"The one who shielded and protected me from the harsh environment that forces children to do unthinkable things to survive."

Martha began recalling bits of her childhood, which existed of a father who knocked up their prostitute mother and left her the very next day. A mother who would rather spend her days away from home doing gods know what.

With no proper guidance, how could either of the two walk a narrow and straight laced path? Instead, Jerry joined a gang, and thus, his life as a degenerate criminal began. Yet despite the numerous immoral things her brother had done, none of them had shaken Martha's loyalty towards him.

"Tricia wasn't the first girl Jerry had taken a liking to only to end up six feet in the ground. If it's anyone fault, it's theirs for being so stupid and for leaving their guard wide open! Tricia was just one of many girls who had the unfortunate luck of catching my brother's eyes, but none of that has anything to do with me!"

In some twisted sick sense, Martha believed that she was innocent and that her hands were wiped clean of her brother's treacheries. Trevor was flabbergasted by this monstrous woman standing before him, who shared no sense of guilt or had a conscience for what she had done to an innocent person.

"Unfuckingbelievable... The true monster was never this guy" --Trevor pointed his eyes at the minotaur-- "No, Martha, you are the true monster, and for the sake of all humanity, you must cease to exist."

Similar to Trevor's first encounter with Jerry, a red battle aura bathed Trevor's body. Visible on his body were various veins as his eyes bled gold. A rush of power swarmed around him, and two extra pairs of arms grew from his body.

"Martial Art Technique: Lion's Fury!"

Immediately, Martha sensed she was in grave danger and ran behind her drugged-induced pet. In a flash, Trevor appeared before the beast and unleashed a series of lightening fast punches that rendered the beast defenseless, unable to protect itself.

Martha watched with wide trembling eyes as her beloved pet was defeated, shaking like a leaf in the wind when Trevor's intimidating form loomed over her.

"N-No! I-It can't end this way! Brother! I did nothing wrong! I don't want to die!" Staring up into Trevor's soulless eyes, Martha was paralyzed with fear and cried. In slow motion, Martha watched as Trevor swung his fist back before punching forth.

Right before the heavy impact of Trevor's fist made contact with Martha, he swore he could hear Tricia's voice and even saw a glimpse of her standing behind Martha.

She was just as he last remembered her with tan skin and pixie cut raven hair, staring at him with those beautiful cat-like eyes and that mischievous grin that he loved oh so dearly.

"Sorry for leaving you the way I did, Trev, but know that I will always love you, big guy. Thank you for being my best friend and best soulmate a girl like me could ever ask for~!" The ghost of his dead girlfriend said her last farewell. A crystal tear escaped from her eyes.

Just before it hit the ground, Trevor's fist slammed into Martha, smashing her head into the ground. She died upon impact. The crater where she rested was covered in her blood. Trevor stared down at Martha's destroyed face, voice soft as he murmured, "Rest in peace, Tricia."