32.) Dream

Dawn was stirred awake by a mysterious voice. Opening her eyes, she panicked when she saw that her arms were chained to a walls. The brisk, damp room that held her captive was unfamiliar to her. Her knees ached from having to kneel down in this uncomfortable position.

"Where am I?" Dawn murmured to herself, wincing when a hand seized her chin, pinching it painfully as she was forced to stare at a face shrouded by a black shadow.

"I went through a lot of trouble to capture you, sweet Liliya." The charming voice of a man entered her ears, yet instead of swooning, fear overtook her. Her mouth moved on its own as if she had no control of it.

"Don't you dare call me that, you bastard!" The voice that spat these words was filled with vemon.

'Who is this guy? Why am I here? Why do I have no control over my body!?' mentally screamed Dawn, before recalling the name the man had used to address her.