34.) Hangover

A few days after the party had ended, Dawn woke up with a terrible hangover and nearly passed out when she noticed lying in bed with her were three stunningly attractive incubi. One of which was the male vixen who spoke on her behalf. But Dawn's eyes popped out of their sockets when she saw that neither of them was wearing a shirt.

'Abs! So many yummy abs!' Dawn's inner fangirl fainted with a river of blood burst from her nose. The urge to caress, touch, and lick burned strong within her.

'No! Bad Dawn! Consent is important!' After mentally slapping away her naughty desires, she asked the bigger question at hand. 'Why are their shirts missing!?'

The beautiful incubus with the pink hair must've sensed her eyes on him. Rosy pink eyelashes slowly fluttered open. "So, the new master has awoken!"