Part 4

"What's going on?" asked Marsha as soon as she got into Hans's car, which belonged to her manager.

Hans looked at Marsha with an intimidating look. "Where were you last night?" he asked.

"Starla's apartment. Isn't that obvious?"

"You can fool anyone, but not me," he said urging Marsha to tell the story.

Marsha took a deep breath. "Okay, I went to the club all night with Starla and Hana."

Hans looked at her angrily. "To the club you said?! You forgot what happened to you, Marsha? Should I remind you again?!" he snapped uncontrollably.

Marsha closed her eyes for a moment. "I know Hans."

"Then, why did you go there?!"

"There were no reporters. The club is safe," she said, she was trying to make Hans less angry with her.

"You had no idea, reporters could be anything to get news about you," said Hans irritably.

"Starla has made sure the club is safe, Hans. Besides, I'm not alone. Starla and Hana are taking care of me." she said not completely honest.

Where did her two friends take care of her there? They are busy with their own business. If they took care of her, there was no way Marsha could make love to the stranger.

Hans pinched the bridge of his nose gently. Eliminate the pain that hit his head.

"I'll make sure again. Don't let news of you come back. Otherwise, there will be no more offers for you."

Marsha sighed harshly. "I'm not sure they'll call me

again." she mumbled.

Hans looked at Marsha sadly. "Hey there is still someone who will call you, trust me everything," he said encouragingly.

"Never mind, Hans. It's all over." Marsha did not expect anything anymore.

The news of her infidelity affected her and her career.

"You have eaten?" Hans asked changing the subject.

He didn't like seeing Marsha's face, which was usually always cheerful, become gloomy like this.

Marsha shook her head in response.

"Great. We're going to eat at my friend's cafe. He'll give you a free voucher if you come with me." he said excitedly.

Marsha furrowed her brow in confusion. What's that got to do with her?

"He's a big fan of yours, Marsha," he said glancing mischievously.

"Really?!" she screamed involuntarily.

She couldn't believe that in the heat of the news about her, there were still people who idolized him.

Hans smiled as he saw Marsha's sparkling eyes. "So, want to go there?" he asked even though he didn't need to be asked anymore.

Marsha nodded her head quickly.

"Don't tease him, Marsha. He's a little shy," he said making Marsha laugh out loud.

"It would be fun to tease him," she said with a mischievous smile.

Hans shook his head at Marsha's behavior. Indeed, the woman's mood is very volatile, no wonder indeed.


A bright red sports car cut through the busy streets of New York. Alland who had just left the A'Lisy Club had just been told by his secretary to return to the office. This afternoon Alland did have an appointment with someone he wanted to work with. Just because he wanted to re-confirm who made love with him last night, made him go back to the club. That's why he was late this afternoon.

"Good afternoon, Mr.Stanford." greet a man who may be two years older than Alland.

Alland shook the man's hand. "Afternoon." the answer is short.

"You may have known me before. I'm Noah Winston, owner of the Winston Company based in Russia," he said introducing himself.

Alland nodded in approval. He already knew the man in front of him.

Noah Winston is a successful young entrepreneur whose name is no less popular with Alland, but Noah is not as active as Alland. The man is just waiting for investors to come to him and if Noah himself offered to hold a meeting, then the man wanted big profits for his company. Alland knew that because the man was very meticulous about whatever it was.

"What made you come all the way here to meet with me Mr.Winston?" ask Alland.

Alland was curious, what made Noah come so far from Russia to New York? Surely he wanted more profit from Alland.

Noah flashed a smile. "My purpose for meeting you is clear Mr.Stanford. So, can we work together? My five-star hotel in Russia wants you." he said.

Alland was silent for a moment. Trying to think of something. It should not be hasty in establishing this collaboration. Moreover, he will cooperate in the hotel sector. Of course after the De Rich Hotel. Alland had already guessed it, but he thought Noah would offer his line of luxury villas in the Maldives.

"How much is my profit?"

"You can see for yourself." Noah handed him a piece of paper that he had prepared.

Alland scanned the files as carefully as he could. He does not want to miss a single sheet that might be detrimental to him.

A smile etched on his lips. This cooperation is very profitable for him.

"10%. I can only give you 10% of my shares," he said it made Noah wince in disapproval.

"That's a very small amount for my five-star hotel in Russia. You can see all the luxuries and advantages, Mr. Stanford." Noah's protests unconsciously made Alland know something.

"Accept or not at all," Alland said and put the files on the table.

Alland could hear Noah growl in annoyance, but he could still control his anger. Seen from a faint smile that Noah showed.

"Okay. I hope you can increase the percent after making a profit this month," he said.

Alland enjoyed a meeting that Alland thought was good enough for him and bad for Noah.

"Of course. We'll see how it goes," he said and stood up from his seat.

"Then, see you later," he said goodbye, then left.

"What's my schedule tomorrow?" Alland asked Tiffany's secretary when Noah left.

"Tomorrow morning you will attend a meeting to prepare the documents that you will bring to meet Mr.Rich. In the afternoon you have a lunch schedule with some clients who want to join you and in the evening Mam Stanford wants you to attend dinner at the mansion." Tiffany said so smoothly.

No wonder Alland hired that woman. The woman so quickly memorized the entire schedule without any mistakes.

Alland pinched the bridge of his nose slowly. Tomorrow's schedule is very busy. In the morning he has meetings, lunches, and family dinners. Of course, besides that, he had to finish some files that had piled up on his desk.

Remembering the family dinner, Alland had been avoiding it all the time. He never attended because he was busy, but it seemed he couldn't dodge it this time. His mother would not allow him to be absent tomorrow night, plus his sister Alisya had threatened him. Oh no, Alland hates family dinners.

"Should I wear my dress, sir? What kind of dress do I have to wear to be accepted into your mansion?" Tiffany asked while smiling shyly.

Alland frowned. Nobody invites this woman! Why is she so confident?!

Ah yes, one thing that Alland has not told you about his secretary. The woman who had worked with Alland for two years liked him. Alland was not a hypocrite to see every movement and little attention of Tiffany to him, but Alland had no interest in her at all.

"No one invited you."

"Come on, sir. I'm just accompanying you. Mrs.Stanford will ask again when you are getting married. So, what's the matter with me, maybe I can help?" she said it gave Alland enough thought.

Yes, of course, the dinner was just asking when he was getting married.

"Wear what you think is appropriate." Alland gave up.

He had no other choice. Maybe true, Tiffany will help there.

Tiffany smiled happily. "I'll do my best, sir," he said.

Alland snorted, but he had no idea he wanted Tiffany to do only natural things. He didn't want her to think he was starting to open up to her.

"You just keep me company. Remember your limits." Alland said, then left.

Tiffany pouted annoyed. "You're still the same, Alland."
