Part 7

"WHAT TIME IS IT?!" Marsha screamed uncontrollably looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand.

Marsha immediately got up from her sleep and did a fairly short bathing ritual. She had convinced herself not to be late this morning when she was going to interview the giant company. But in fact, he violated her own beliefs and it was all because of her carelessness that she watched Korean dramas all night long. Marsha likes the drama that comes from the ginseng country.

Marsha came down from her new apartment to the lobby. Marsha looks busy with the cellphone she uses to call Hans, her manager. The man could not be reached until suddenly his cell phone rang when he wanted to call the man again.

"Hello Hans, where have you been?!" a sentence just slipped out of Marsha's mouth without seeing who was calling her.

"Hans? I'm Starla. What the hell! You're back in New York, but you didn't tell me!" there was a scream from the other side.

Marsha also had to keep the phone slightly away from her ear so as not to hurt her eardrum.

"I'll see you this afternoon. It should be so considered because i've got work to do." Marsha answered who was already busy standing on the side of the road waiting for a taxi.

She couldn't keep waiting for Hans, whose delay was getting longer even though she was already late.

"Where do you work? Why didn't you call me last night? I can pick you up, Marsha!"

"Oh, c'mon Starla. I didn't know i had to go home last night either. Hans booked the tickets straight away, i even missed getting to know that handsome guy!" Marsha grumbled remembering that she had almost met a handsome man in her escape town if Hans hadn't called her and sent her straight back to New York.

"You haven't answered me yet. Where do you work?"

"This afternoon meet me at the cafe near the office i work. I'll send the location to you. Don't forget to invite Hana. I'm very busy so i'll close first!" she said then ended the call when the taxi she was riding stopped in the lobby of a very tall skyscraper.

Marsha mumbling annoyed in disgust at the sight of the building was reminded of something she didn't like.

"Ms. Charlotte?" asked a receptionist who was on duty when Marsha was just about to pass the reception desk.

Marsha just nodded her head, then the woman took Marsha to the top floor of the company via the elevator.


The clinking sound coincided with the opening of the elevator door in front of him. Marsha just got out and started walking again, until she stopped right in front of a brown door that had two doors.

"Mr.Stanford is inside. He's been waiting all along because you're so late." Said a woman who Marsha guessed was the CEO's secretary there.

Marsha winced a little hearing that. She glanced at her watch, it was true that she was very late and it was his first day. She should be able to give a good impression, not the other way around.

"Excuse?" Marsha greeted when she was already in the big room which was the CEO's room.

She didn't know how to introduce herself considering that the CEO had his back there.

"Ah, should i introduce myself again?" Marsha asked wanting to know what she should do.

She had to be able to sort out her words. So, as not to make the CEO angry because she was late.

"Besides leaving other people behind. You...are you like being late too?" he said while turning his body perfectly.

He showed a smile that even looked scary in Marsha's eyes.

Marsha was so surprised to see the man in front of her now. Is she dreaming? Why was that man even there?! There's no way he's the CEO here? Marsha thought frantically.

Even though she was quite panicked, Marsha had taken a few steps back. Seeing this made Alland even more confident if she hadn't forgotten him. He walked closer until he was right in front of Marsha.

"Surprised, huh?" he teased with an eyebrow he raised.


Marsha swallowed hard saliva. Why does that voice sound

Marsha's mind began to return to the incident 5 months ago. She had never forgotten that night even once. Of course, because it was a first for her. Don't know how much for that guy, but she never thought she would meet that man again like now. Amid Marsha's surprise, the man bent his tall body then leaned his face to examine the shocked expression that Marsha showed.

"Remember something, baby?" the temptation again.

Hearing that, Marsha was reminded again of that soft yet passionate voice. Where the man begged her to call his name and the man then called him and even moaned his name as a baby.

", are you Alland? Alland Stanford?" Marsha asked which she finally managed to get out even though she sounded nervous.

Alland smiled back at her, smiling arrogantly considering he was not the person this woman had to leave.

"Yes, i'm!"

"Ah, it's true. You asked me to do the interview, didn't you?" she asked again making Alland frown in disapproval.



Marsha nodded doubtfully. Of course, she was still shocked by the fact that the CEO was the same man she had sex with that night. But luckily Marsha was still able to handle it even though she was still shocked.

"They said i had to interview before setting my schedule. You know that shouldn't be necessary considering you guys are going to keep using me anyway," she said playfully.

Of course, she wouldn't admit it, this man in front of her looked very dangerous from his eyes and Marsha could judge that.

"What do you mean that damn interview! I don't want it. should have said what you should have to say!" he snapped unable to contain his annoyance.

Did this woman forget him?

Easy as that?

"Sorry sir, but i already said it. I'm here for an interview," she replied by acting casually.

"You forgot it? Forgot that passionate night?!" Alland asked not knowing what else to say.

He wondered why he was the only one who couldn't forget what happened that night.

"W...what do you mean, sir?"

"Shit! How could you forget it that easily?!"

"Forget what? I came here for an interview, but i don't think you intend to interview me," she said with a face that was already reddened with embarrassment and unfortunately, Alland didn't notice the discoloration on Marsha's face, the man was too lost in his thoughts.

"Forget about that damn interview!"

"Okay. Then i have to arrange my schedule. Excuse me." she said her goodbyes straight away from Alland's room.

As soon as the door to his room closed completely, Alland threw the books on his bookshelf in anger. He had never forgotten the events of that night for a minute, but why was it so easy for her to forget that night? Why can't he be like that woman? But why? Alland knew it was the first night for the woman named Marsha because he could feel and see it. It wasn't hard for Alland because he had done it a few times and the bloodstains on the bed made him even more sure it was the first time. Is that woman crazy? He thought.

Alland ruffled his hair in frustration. He had imagined a day where she would be very surprised to find out who she had sex with that night and ask him to be her boyfriend, but what the hell was those expressions and words. Everything felt like there was nothing between them and it all scratched Alland's ego which he always held in high esteem.

"Let's see, you'll regret it Marsha Charlotte!"
