Part 34

It would be a lie if Marsha didn't feel hurt when she found out that Alland was just playing with her heart. Maybe the curse happened to an unlucky kid like her. The moon hiding behind the night clouds which is said to be a harbinger of disasters true and now disaster befell Marsha. Marsha did not think that the disaster had to her. After what happened in the past, now it's all happening again. Marsha is again disappointed by the people she loves.

Why does she always feel hurt?

Why does misfortune always accompany her?

What had Marsha done to make her accept all this pain?

God was really cruel to her. Marsha never did evil or vile, like the person who hurt her. These thoughts have haunted her to this day. Marsha's gaze was blank. However, she could still see herself in the mirror of her dressing table with a pitiful look.