Part 38

Thanks to Alisya's help, early in the morning Alland was able to get up from the hospital gurney. He prepares to look for Marsha's where abouts and will bring her back. Alland looked at himself in the mirror in his room. He saw his reflection wearing a luxurious black suit. He also didn't forget to use a black tie to complete his outfit today.

Before Alland stepped away from the mirror, he suddenly remembered the look of disappointment that Marsha had cast on him that night. Alland didn't want that to happen to their relationship. It's all just a misunderstanding, that's all. That night after the event was over, Alland would indeed explain all the misunderstandings that occurred between the two of them in more detail. However, before Alland had time to give further explanation and make amends, suddenly an attack thwarted his plans. That is why until now Alland is haunted by a very deep sense of guilt.