Part 88

No, this cannot be left alone. Marsha has been living with Jasiel since she was 5 years old until now. The closeness of the two cannot be doubted, Jasiel is Marsha's little prince. No one loved Marsha more than Jasiel. Osric Jasiel Rich is Marsha's older brother and protector. How could Jasiel immediately change just because of the power he got? Jasiel had told her that no matter what happened he would never want to go back to the family again. Marsha also agreed, that's why the two of them are always compact and together. But the fact that Marsha had just discovered really made her want to scream in anger. What was Jasiel's strongest reason that he could occupy the place he had left so long ago, let alone without telling her?

"You can't do this, Jasiel." Marsha thought.