Part 90

Marsha's steps turned into a small run when she had only taken a few steps on the first floor of the company building she was currently in. Remembering Alland who lost his hearing made Marsha's heart really hurt. Even more painful than being betrayed by Jasiel. Not to mention that the wound that Jasiel had given her healed, now the wound in her heart opened again very wide when she learned the facts about Alland's condition.

Marsha immediately ran to the lobby where Kate's car was still parked in front. Marsha didn't really care what people thought of her. Their view of Marsha will not provoke anger, Marsha is already immune to such people. Of course, this wasn't the first time for her, too often getting such treatment made Marsha stronger than before.

"Take me to..." her sentence was cut short when Marsha realized that she didn't know which hotel Alland was in.