Part 154

The noise at John F. Kennedy International Airport greeted the arrival of Alland along with Marsha and Alsava who had just set foot at the arrival gate. Many parents, children, and a lover are waiting for the arrival of their loved ones who are waiting for their arrival. Marsha noticed the movements and interactions of the many people who were currently standing right behind the pick-up line waiting for the arrivals. Alland who saw Marsha almost hit someone because his focus was distracted, immediately pulled his woman's waist into his arms. Marsha gasped in surprise because Alland suddenly pulled her and hugged her in his warm embrace.

"Be careful Marsha, you might fall." Alland said which immediately answered the question that was on Marsha's mind before she asked it.

"Ah, sorry I was daydreaming earlier."

"What are you daydreaming about, hm?" Asked Alland who in return shook his head from Marsha.