Chapter 2

"Woah" Despite Percys disposition to being coolheaded this was still his first time in a city, and he could not help but let out his shock. He wasn't really the dumb happy kid that he was around his house. He knew the dangers and was ready to sacrifice his morality and kill people and Pokémon when he had to. He was going to get Pokémon based on strength and not morales.

"It really is incredible isn't it? I watched this place go from a small town into one of the biggest cities in Kanto. Come on in and we'll get you your starter" The Professor said with a hint of pride.

It really was incredible how many great people came out of this city. There was Red, Blue and Professor Oak. They came out of the city when it was still a small town with no reputation. Since then it grew and grew and earned the nickname Champion City. It was now the number one city in science and research in Kanto.

Professor Oak and Percy walked into the building. He then took Percy to a room where there was 12 poke balls sitting on a table, supplies and what looks like a red phone to the side. "Alright Percy here are the starter Pokémon and your starting supplies. Let's release them so you can pick."He walked forward and pressed the buttons in the middle of the pokeball.

12 Pokémon popped out of the balls and a blue light materialized Pokémon on the ground. Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Chickorita, Cyndaquill, Totodile, Torchic, Treecko, Piplup, Turtwig and a Chimchar. 'Normally I could only pick a Kanto Royal Pokémon. I need to be pay the Professor back for this.' He thought.

Percy stood in front of the Pokémon and inspects them carefully. 'I should probably test their personality's. I don't want to choose one then find out their personality is problematic. Suddenly his eyes opened wide and he released an intense violent energy. The reason he can do this is because he unlocked aura, a energy in all life. He meditated and trained with his power until he could release his emotions. There are all type of people with different kind of aura. Percys aura was energy release he could release his aura and influence living creatures with emotional intellect around him.

The wave of violence smacked into the surrounding Pokémon and Professor Oak. The Professor stood straight and tall unworried because he has Alakazam by his side. 'The boy isn't ordinary.'

About half of the Pokémon ran away behind things cowering in fear. They have only been alive for a few months now and have not encountered anything with a will to kill. The Pokemon left were standing straight understanding that this power is a test to them.

A Chimchar, Totodile, Turtwig, Treeko and a Bulbasaur remained shivering in the face of the intense energy. After a few seconds of this the Chimchar and the Treeko couldn't withstand their fear and ran away. About 10 seconds later the Bulbasaur backed up and ran away behind a desk in the corner of the room.

The Totodile and Turtwig stared intensely at Percy. 'This should be enough.' He stopped releasing his intense energy and walked toward the Turtwig and Totodile. They calmly stared at him as he walked forward. "Will you listen to my instructions?" He asked the Pokémon. The Totodile nodded its head while the Turtwig shook its head.

Nodding Percy thought to himself. 'This is the best outcome. I didn't want to hurt the Turtwigs feelings and make it go through so much for no reason.' He crouched down in front of the Totodile and looked into its deep brown eyes. "I will make you strong and powerful. So please trust me and follow me." He said. He then reached his hand out to touch the Totodiles head. He waited for the Totodile to put his head into his hand. The Totodile grinned mischievously. Then it nodded and waddled toward Percys hand. He put up its head and switched up and clamped its mouth over Percys hand. He frowned as he thought this Totodile was going to be a pain in the ass. He picked up his arm and swung it around his head. Totodile flew off his arm screaming and landed in a bunch of books. Totodile walked back with a dejected look and stood by Percys side. Then Percy walked back to Professor Oak who has already put away all the Pokémon that were cowering in corners. "A Totodile huh. Good choice Feraligatr is one of the strongest Royal Pokémon. At least in the top 5 of the strongest final evolutions. Alright let's show you what I'm giving you to start." He walked over to a table where a large backpack and a red phone sat. "Here is some supplies and a state of the art Pokédex. You can look into the bag when you get going. First I'll explain to you all of the functions of the Pokédex. Like a normal phone, it has access to apps, social media, a normal phone number and a camera for photo taking or videos. It also has a catalog for all known Pokémon in all the inhabited regions. I don't know if you know all the regions but I'll tell you anyway. There is the northern continent. It consists of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Orange Island, Sevii Island and the Rota Kingdom. There are 5 strong clans on each of the continents. In Kanto it's the Arcanine clan, in Johto it is the Tyranitar clan and in Hoenn it's the Metagross clan. Sevii Island, Orange Island and Rota kingdom are all in a closely knit Alliance and have the Salamance and the Dragonite clans spread throughout. The northern continent also has a loose alliance at the moment. The northern continent is at odds with the other three continents right now. Although the other continents aren't allied together and are split into many pieces and are fighting among each other. Do you want to know what all the powers are in the other continents?" 'There isn't a reason for me to not.' After thinking for a second Percy nodded. Professor Oak nodded as if he knew what he was going to say. "The southern continent has the Sinnoh, Pasio, Ransei, and Lental. The 5 strongest forces here are the Garchomp clan, the Lucario clan, the Luxray clan, the Mamoswine clan, and the Tangrowth Clan. The eastern continent has the regions Kalos, Almia, Oblivia, Fiore, and Orre. Their 5 strongest forces are the Goodra clan, the Florges clan, the Tyranitar clan, the Flygon clan and the Gogoat clan. The western continent consists of Unova, Galar, Alola and Ferrum. The strongest forces there are the Krookodile clan, the Hydreigon clan, the Volcarona clan, the Kommo-o clan, and the Dragapult clan. If you ever want to know what the situation is in each region you can call me with your Pokédex and I'll tell you. I'll explain all the functions of the Pokédex now. Like a normal phone, a Pokédex has access to media, internet and has its own contact information. There is free service in almost all of Kanto. The only places there isn't is deep in Mt Moon and the deepest part of Viridian Forest. You can upgrade your service feature for about one million poke dollars. Then the service will be able to cover almost all of the continents. There is also a full catalog of Pokémon and short descriptions for them. After catching a Pokémon you can see all of the information of it including weight and height. Also if you hold the camera over a Pokémon or a pokeball with a Pokémon inside it then you can see in-depth stats. The stats shown are moves, move mastery, gender, level, abilities and potential. Fortunately service isn't necessary to use the catalog or to use the identify function. Move mastery is when a Pokémon practices a move enough to the point where it gets much more stronger. There is ordinary, expert, and master. When a move reaches expert rank it becomes significantly faster and stronger and can be performed while moving. Master rank moves can be changed to ones liking and becomes even stronger and faster. You can also use more than on expert move or master moves as long as their the same rank. Potential is divided into seven categories. White, green, yellow, orange, red, blue and purple. Potential influences how fast a Pokémon levels up and masters their moves. The levels show the general strength of a Pokémon. Pokémon with lower levels can defeat Pokémon with higher levels. There are several separations when it comes to levels. There is the baby stage which is levels 1-10. Pokémon level up here just by aging and are adults when they reach level 10. There are rookie trainers which don't have a single Pokémon beyond level 39. When a Pokémon reaches level 40 it becomes an elite Pokémon and the trainer becomes an Elite Trainer. Only about one out of every ten trainers can become Elite. A Pokémon's strength increases a lot after reaching level 40. A level 40 Pokémon can defeat two level 39 Pokémon of the same species. There are also Champion Pokémon and trainers. A Champion Pokémon is level 70. The Elite Four of each region have one Champion Pokémon in their team while a Champion of the region would have a full team of Champion Pokémon. Only some extremely strong Gym Leaders would have Champion Pokémon. Each level above level 40 would take significantly more work than level 39. There is also a map function in which there is a basic layout of the routes and the locations Pokémon were commonly found out. There is also a feature where trainers in the area can post about uncommon or rare Pokémon they've seen. Unfortunately service is needed to update the posts. Also, because I deemed you as a trainer with a lot of potential I gave you some high tech add ons. When you point the top of the Pokédex toward an item and press the power bottom and the volume button at the same time you can store things in a subspace. He demonstrated, pulling out his own Pokédex and pointed at a book with it. After pressing the buttons the book got sucked into the phone kind of like how a Pokémon gets sucked into a pokeball. No living thing can be put in unless it is a plant without sentience. The space inside is 2 cubic meters. It can be upgraded and expanded with materials or money. Just come back to me for that. This is almost everything there is to know about a Pokédex. You can explore it more later. So, do you plan on heading out immediately?"

'If I were to go out right now then I would only be asking for death. I should train my Totodile first so I don't get slaughtered.' After thinking for a second Percy shakes his head no. "I think I'll stay here for a while."