Chapter 4

Opening his eyes Percy feels a heavy pressure on his chest. Looking down his face turns sour as he see a big blue reptilian sleeping on his chest. He slowly gets Crash off of him and slides out of his bed. He picks up the the edges of the blanket and slowly envelops a Crash in it.

Suddenly he violently picks up the blanket with Crash in it and throws it over his shoulder into a wall. With a loud crashing noise the blanket starts thrashing violently until Crash rolls out of into onto the ground. He stared angrily at Percy and launched himself forward into Percy. After head butting Percy and getting his revenge.

He walked away and plopped on the ground expectantly. "Alright I'll feed you just please don't sleep on me. I can barely breath." Professor Oak left Excellent Totodile food in the pantry's of the room. This food costs quite a bit too. After feeding Crash, Percy went onto his Pokédex and searched the shop in Pallet City. After browsing for a while he bought 24 energy powder.

While potions heal Pokémon it doesn't restore the energy of it. 'I need to maximize the progress we make. So instead of waiting for Crash to regain stamina I could double the amount of progress by restoring his energy. I should buy more of this on the road since it'll make it easier to have battles and not be weak after.'

After waiting for about 10 minutes somebody knocked on Percys door. He got up and opened the door but nobody was there. All that lay there was a cardboard box. He brought the box inside and opened it. Surprisingly it was the energy powder. He didn't know how the stuff got here so fast nor who dropped it off and left so fast. After thinking for a while he decided it was time to train. He took Crash back into his ball and walked toward the training area Professor Oak showed him.

While he was walking he was think of a training regiment that would work to Crash's strengths and cover his weaknesses. Before long he arrived at the training area where there were a couple of other trainers training their Pokémon. He called out Crash and explained the way they were going to train.

"So we are going to do body training in the morning and move training in the afternoon. I'll explain the body training first. You're going to practice speed, reflex, strength and acrobatics. We'll start with speed."

After explaining what they were going to do Percy marked a path where Crash would be running. The path was about 600 meters and had all kinds of turns and zigzags. "Follow this path as fast as you can." Crash nodded with a serious face and got on the starting line. After measuring Crash's speed Percy said, "Lets do it one more time but his time if you are any slower you have to run again."

Understanding that this is meant to prevent laziness Crash got serious. Crash rested for a 30 minutes and Percy fed him energy powder. He got on the starting line again and went as fast as possible. His time improved by 3 seconds. Although that doesn't seem like a lot for his speed it is a huge amount of progress as long as they can do it consistently.

They rested for 20 minutes and Percy explained how they were going to train his reflexes. Percy brought with him a baseball before he came. "I'm going to throw this baseball at you and your going to hit it back with your tail. This will help with your coordination and tail skills which will become important for you later." After his explanation he walked about 30 meters away from Crash and threw the baseball.

After struggling for 20 minutes Crash got the hang of it and could successfully hit it back to Percy about 50 percent of the time. After practicing like this for 1 hour they stopped and took a break. However they didn't need energy powder since it wasn't that taxing on Crash's body. After resting for 20 minutes Percy explained the strength training. "For strength training I'm gonna put a bunch of weights on separate parts of your body and I'll have you do a bunch of exercises with them on. It's really simple and we won't have to do it soon because we will be on the road with a lot of opportunities to get stronger."

After exercising intensely with weights they finished their training and rested. Percy fed Crash energy powder and explained the acrobatics training. "This training is pretty simple. We just have to do this obstacle course together so you aren't so clunky and slow when it comes to the real world." Percy knew the weaknesses of the Totodile line is speed and dumb movement. He hoped to correct this problem early. He also wanted to participate in the course because he thought it wasn't fair that Crash had to train and he didn't.

Meanwhile Crash felt himself becoming stronger and was excited with his progress and started to respect his trainer. By the end of the obstacle course the Totodile finished a whole minute after Percy did. Crash was extremely disappointed in himself and vowed to train harder from now on. After doing the obstacle course 3 more times Crash was able to shave off 5 seconds. He tried to go again but Percy stopped him saying that overtraining isn't good and they will do a lot more in the future.

They then took an hour break. Percy fed Totodile energy powder and explained how they were going to train moves. This is what Percy thought of when he was going to sleep last night. "We are going to prioritize training Aqua Tail because it is your strongest attack move and also an inherent move. You also need to train Scald or else it'll be difficult for you to hurt flying Pokémon. I also want to buy you a Protect tm but that'll have to wait until we get back. Also practice Leer as it'll be important when fighting in the future. Do 100 Aqua tails 50 Scalds and 50 Leers. When I buy you protect make sure you do it whenever you can since there is such a cool down on when you can use it. First show me all your moves so I can gauge your progress."

Crash performed Aqua tail which just looked liked his tail covered in water it probably wasn't much stronger than a normal hit with a tail. He then performed Scald which was a blast of water that lasted for one second. It was weak and at best could be used to wash dishes. When sprayed onto Percy it felt like taking a warm shower.

'This definitely needs work.' Percy thought. Percy told Crash to focus on the heat of the water. When Crash used Leer on Percy he felt his skin became softer and he lost some general toughness. While Crash practiced his moves Percy practiced throwing a pokeball at a target. About 2 hours later Crash collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. He did all the moves Percy asked him to with energy powder breaks in between sets. By the end of the day his Aqua tail was significantly stronger.

It was no longer just covered in water but the water extended the size of his tail an inch and the water looked to be flowing steadily around his tail. He could prepare the move in about 1.5 seconds which halved his previous time. His Scald also improved a lot. It was now more of a pressurized stream that lasted 1.5 seconds. It was a lot hotter now too since Percy wanted him to focus on the heat of Scald. If Percy was hit by Scald he would probably be burned and it would hurt a lot. The speed at which it could be used was faster as well.

Before it took 2.5 seconds to use it while now it only took 2. Crash's Leer could now be used faster. Before it took 3 seconds to use it now it only took 2. Keep in mind that the only reason Crash improved so fast is because he has never used moves since birth and has been waiting in a pokeball. His progress will be slower from now on. Percy returned Crash to his pokeball and walked toward his room. When he arrived he let Crash out fed him, and jumped into his bed. He pulled out his Pokédex because he hasn't checked it all day.

He checked Pokenews and browsed it to quench his boredom. After browsing for a couple minutes he found nothing interesting and decided to call Professor Oak. Percy opened his contact and pressed call. After talking for half an hour Percy said his goodbye and hung up. He learned some pretty valuable information from Professor Oak. 'Apparently Pokémon of the Totodile line eat stones to help digest food. The Professor said I should do this with my Totodile because it can help with learning rock type moves. Totodile doesn't need the rocks for digesting since I give it processed food.'

He thought it would be really good if Crash can learn some rock type moves to counter flying and electric Pokémon. After thorough consideration he decided to order small rocks for Crash to eat along with Protect. He pulled up the pokemart app and ordered some perfectly sized rocks and protect. He waited for a couple of minutes until he heard a knock on his door.

He jumped up and tried to catch the person delivering it didn't make it in time. He opened the package and brought out rocks. He then told Crash to eat them which he did happily. Then he pulled a white disc and offered it to Crash. Crash reached out to touch it and when he did it evaporated into nothing. 'That's so cool' Percy thought. "Can you use protect now." Crash obeyed and a small translucent shield appeared in front of him.

Then Percy tried testing the strength of it. He pulled his arm back and punched as hard as he could his fist collided with the shield and after a little resistance the shield broke and his fist went through. 'We really need to work on that. It probably can't even withstand an attack from a Ratatta.' "Alright, practice this whenever you can." Percy said. After some more experimentation Percy learned Crash could use it once every 5 minutes. Exhausted from a long day of work Percy and Crash crawl into the bed and fell asleep quickly.