Chapter 6

About 2 days later Percy and Crash were finishing up their morning training session. They made a lot of progress and Crash was a lot stronger than before. Crash now could easily beat the same him from when he fought against Max.

When he used Aqua tail his tail was covered in rushing water and the water extended it about 3 inches. It could easily destroy trees and would most likely permanently cripple Percy if he was hit by it. Crash's Scald now had the same speed and heat as when he battled Max.

The water was boiling and would severely burn Percy if it touched him even a little bit. The pressure is now high compared to before and the stream was thicker and lasted longer. He could also cast his moves a lot faster.

Before it took 2 seconds to cast Scald, but now it takes less than 1.5 seconds. Aqua Tail is by far his best move and only needs 1 second of preparation time. Using Leer now took less time as well. It could be used in 1.5 seconds. His Protect move also was better.

Whenever Crash could use Protect he would. This resulted in it being able to cover a 180 degree angle and could withstand strong moves. Crash had also been consistently sparring with Max and had much better battle sense. When Percy pulled up Crash's stats he was quite happy.

Pokémon: Totodile

Lv: 17

Type: Water

Abilities: Torrent, Sheer Force

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Red

Moves: Scary Face, Bite, Leer, Water Gun, Rage, Scratch, Aqua Tail (Inherent Move), Scald (Inherent Move), Protect (TM)

Percy was quite satisfied with Crash's progress and now thought that he would do quite well in the wild. At least on Route 1. He was planning on taking this escort job very seriously and not go out of his way for any Pokémon.

After a couple minutes of resting on a nearby bench Percy pulled up the Pokemart app on his Pokédex and shopped for some supplies since he was leaving in a few hours. He ordered:

30 Normal Totodile food

10 Pokeballs

5 Antidotes

5 Potions

30 Dried meat and fruit

After ordering all the supplies to his room he got up and performed some stretches for his jog back to his room. He let Crash out his ball and said "Let's go back buddy and we'll go into Route 1. Crash nodded clumsily and set off toward the room.

Percy followed and started speeding up his run. He quickly passed Crash at a fast jog. Crash sped up his pace until he could keep up with Percy. All of a sudden a girl stepped around a corner. She had a pink fluffy scarf with high heels and sunglasses.

Percy reacted fast enough to pivot and move around the girl. Crash however was not so delicate and ran face first into the girl. Crash by no means was a light runner, so he crashed into her with all his weight and speed. "Aaaah" she screamed and fell on her bottom. 'I'm doubling Crash's acrobatic training.'

The acrobatic training was easily Crash's least favorite. So he would always slack when it was time to train. Percy recalled Crash back to his pokeball while running and quickened his pace. After passing the corner he noticed that there were what appeared to be bodyguards behind her.

There were two large men with military style hair cuts. Their black suits were tight from their bulging muscles and they reacted quickly, pulling out pokeballs and releasing their Pokémon. Two Machoke came out of the pokeballs and looked to their trainers for orders.

The big bodyguards silently pointed at Percys quickly moving figure. Percy looked back and saw two muscular Machoke chasing him now. He put absolutely everything he had into running. He strengthened his muscles with aura. He has been practicing his body aura control while Crash has been training and could do simple strengthening techniques.

He didn't really know why he was running. Percy was only with Brooke and his father for most of his life, so his talking skills were really poor and he was socially inept. He realized now that he could've just apologized and went on with his day, but now he got himself into big trouble.

Although he was being chased by Pokémon, Percy was confident that he could get away. He knew that Machoke weren't speed based and weren't very flexible when it came to making turns. Something else that didn't help was the fact that these were specifically trained for body-guarding and not speed.

They were surely significantly slower than average Machoke. After rubbing her butt the girl stood up and shouted words of encouragement. "Get his ass. Bring him back to me!" She screamed at the Machoke. The bodyguards stayed silent. Percy suddenly turned into an alleyway and ran harder.

He jumped over trash bags and his feet slammed into the blacktop. The Machoke at this point were about 10 seconds behind him and the distance was widening. One of the Machokes that were slightly faster tried jumping over the trash but it's foot got caught on a piece of trash and it fell on its face.

After seeing what happened to its friend the other Machoke just charged through the trash which slowed it down a little but was fine. Percy hit a couple more turns down alleyways and was eventually able to lose the other Machoke.

After the Machoke returned to the bodyguards and the girl. She was furious and hit a bodyguard across the face and yelled spitting into his face, "How stupid are you people you can't even catch somebody with your Pokémon?" The body guard stood still and did not respond. "Just you wait till I'll tell my dad about this. He's gonna file a complaint with the Bodyguard Association, and then your gonna be kicked out."

She kicked the body guards shin but he stayed unmoving. If anyone else saw this scene they would find it comical as there was a small girl kicking a large adult man with tons of muscle. It looked like a little girl throwing a tantrum to her father. After hitting the bodyguards a few more times she calmed down and said, "Whatever let's just go to the meeting spot so I can get rid of you guys."

She walked away and the body guards followed. Percy leaned against a nearby wall sucking in breath. He has never ran like this before and his aura felt completely drained. After breathing for a couple minutes he slowly made his way toward his room. By the time he arrived at his room all the things he ordered where in boxes and stacked on top of each other in front of his door.

He pulled the stack of boxes into his room and opened them immediately. After opening all the boxes he was quite satisfied with the quality of his orders however he only had 5,150 poke dollars left. After unpacking all the materials he stored them in his Pokédex.

And let Crash out of his pokeball. Crash looked guiltily up at Percy before Percy scolded him. He told Crash that he was tripling the acrobatic training. He decided to triple it after he ran so fast and far. Although Crash was unhappy with the training he knew Percy was doing it for his own good.

After scolding Crash for a few minutes he got ready to leave. He stored all his things in his Pokédex and decided to call Professor Oak. After a small conversation and then a good bye Percy hung up his Pokédex. He learned that cities have ranks which are determined by their size and economics.

There were 5 levels of cities. A level 5 City is one of the largest Cities in the region. It had a 50 million population and was home to the strongest Gym leaders, and sometimes elite 4 members. Pallet City is one of these Cities. A level 4 City has a population of about 25 million people.

A level 3 City has a population of about 5 million people. A level 2 City had 1 million people. And a level 1 City is only the size of a large town. Most of the time only level 3 cities and above had gyms. Sometimes a level 2 City would have one.

Gyms weren't something to challenge anymore but became more of a sign of military strength. They would fight Pokémon tides and defend against foreign enemies. Trainers could apply to gyms and be taught and raised by the gym if they pass a test. Gyms also issued missions where there would be rewards based on the difficulty.

They would also make frequent excursions to rescue people or cull a growing tide. The Honey City that Percy was supposed to escort the idol to is a level 3 City. It's gym leader was a woman who's name was Heuning Miele. She specialized in female and bug Pokémon.

A few seconds after Percy hung up he got a notification on his Pokédex. He checked it and saw it was from Jason. Jason asked Percy to meet him a little earlier than arranged and Percy responded with yes.

Percy then double checked his room to make sure he didn't leave his belongings behind. Then he walked out ready to meet up with Jason.