Chapter 8

Percy woke up with a big tail lying across his chest. He pushed the snoring Crash off of him and leaned upwards inside his tent. He rubbed his eyes and remembered he should check Crash's stats.

Nothing changed about Crash except that he was level 18 after the fights with the Sentret and Rattata. Percy changed his clothes and left the tent without waking up Crash.

Luckily nobody else is awake yet and Percy can eat by himself. He pulls jerky and dried berry. Gnawing on the jerky and fruit he checked the map on his Pokédex. After checking the map he realized he was closer then he previously thought.

They were about 1/3 of the way to Honey City, much closer then he thought. It was probably because they ran instead of walking. He then checked the posting function for trainers. There weren't any interesting knew post except that people are seeing Growlithe in the area.

They are only concentrated in the first half of Route 1. The 2nd half is from Honey City to Viridian City. At the moment Percy is in the first half. The reason why Growlithes are so special is because there are barely any in the wild.

The Arcanine Clan and the Jenny Clan have monopolized all the Growlithe they could find. This way nobody else can get it for a cheap price. The Jenny Clan is a clan of mostly women. They were a big part of the police force, and trained up officers to put into the police force.

All the officers were women with the exact same hair and exact same outfit. Their signature Pokémon is Growlithe. They were spread across all regions and continents and had power absolutely everywhere. Although they are spread far, they are divided into different factions based on where they were raised and were no friends of Jenny's from other regions.

In times of war they would have no problem with killing one of there own. The Arcanine Clan are in close relations with the Jenny branch of Kanto. They help each other in need and also take up a lot of space in the military and police force. There are people who can go through tests to get into the Jenny Clan.

Of course they won't be treated like a born member but they are able to enjoy benefits. Although in order to not be put into the logistics department you would have to be a woman. The Arcanine Clan does take applications too. It is for all genders but is extremely strict.

The passing rate of the entrance exam is less then one percent and the dropout rate is 80%. There is no wealth discrimination when it comes to applications which they changed recently. Percy never intended to join any organization, because he just didn't like to be under people.

A Growlithe was a great Pokémon and Percy will definitely go looking for the Growlithe. After, of course, when he finished escorting Charlotte. After eating his breakfast, he started meditating and circling his aura. This is how he trained he would practice his aura cycle and would achieve minor breakthroughs every once in a while.

His senses were heightened to the max and he could sense anything happening in a 30 meter radius. After about half an hour he started he felt Crash coming out of the tent. Crash waddled toward Percy and sat down next to him.

Crash knows not to disturb Percy when he's meditating. Crash tried meditating too a few times but was unable to become calm. He wanted to try it again so he sat next to Percy and started meditating. After sitting there for a few minutes Crash started to relax and really meditated.

They meditated side by side for about an hour. After an hour Jason walked out of his tent and let out a big yawn. After seeing Percy and Crash meditating he immediately stifled it. He quietly ate his breakfast and went to Charlottes tent to wake her up.

He woke Charlotte up and she ate her breakfast. Percy stopped meditating and stopped Crash too. Crash opened his eyes and noticed that he learned a new move. Crash immediately tried it and fell asleep on the spot. For Percy he just touched Crash and he fell over asleep.

Percy panicked and tried to perform cpr on Crash. Then he tried checking his condition with his Pokédex. He saw that Crash learned Rest. He breathed out a sigh of relief and returned Crash to his pokeball. Then they packed up camp and started on their journey again.

Percy and Jason were running behind Charlotte and her Ponyta when they noticed a small flock of birds heading their way. Percy used his Pokédex to identify the Pokémon coming toward them. It was 3 Spearow and 2 Fearow.

The Spearows average level was 15 while the Fearows levels were both 20. Percy noticed they seemed to be chasing something. After zooming in a little bit more on the small bird he saw that it was a Pidgey. This Pidgey surprised Percy quite a bit.

Pokémon: Pidgey


Type: Flying

Abilities: Big Pecks, Keen eye


Potential: Light Orange

Moves: Tackle, Sand attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Roost (Inherent Move), Brave Bird (Inherent Move)

The incredible thing about this Pidgey is that it can do the move Brave Bird which normally can't be learned by the Pidgey line. There were rare cases where a Pokémon knows a move it normally can't learn but through certain circumstances can.

The Pidgey saw Percy and them and frantically flew in their direction. "Do you wanna take this fight?" Percy asked. Jason nodded as he called out to Charlotte. "There's a fight coming our way get out the way and wait for us."

Charlotte looked behind her and nodded. She rode away on the Ponyta down the path. The Fearow and Spearow seemed to have noticed the duo and their Pokémon and have hastened their chase. Percy and Jason released their Pokémon and they started preparing their moves. "I'll provide support, use can use Sunny Day." Percy said.

Jason nodded and Max used Sunny Day. The sun got brighter and the area got hotter. Percy had Crash use Scary Face as they were approaching. The Fearow noticed that they were getting slower but had confidence in their numbers. Crash continued to use Scary Face until the Pidgey reached them.

The Pidgey was far ahead of the Fearow and Spearow at this point because of their speed being reduced to their minimum. The Pidgey seemed to understand that they were trying to help and came to a stop in front of the duo. It chirped a few times in front of them.

Jason nodded his head in understanding. After a few seconds of what appeared to be a conversation between the two the Pidgey stopped talking and flew next to them ready to battle. "She said that her and her Pidgey friends were snuck up on and attacked.

She was able to narrowly get away but her friends that weren't as strong were killed. She's asking for our help. She says if we help her, she is willing to become our Pokémon." Jason explained all of what she said to him.

When Jason finished speaking the Fearow and Spearow were just arriving in front of them. The Fearow wasted no time in attacking and dove at Crash and the Pidgey. Their beaks glowed white and they where speedily dropping toward Crash and Pidgey.

The Pidgey speedily dodged the strike of the Fearow. The Fearow flew past Pidgey and turned around again for another pass. Although the Fearow is evolved and a higher level it's speed was reduced by Crash by a lot, so a fast Pokémon like Pidgey can dodge easily.

Crash however even with so many advantages was just a little bit slower than the Fearow. The other Fearow that was speeding toward the Totodile was about to slam into Crash when Percy called out "Bite!" Crash heard him and opened his mouth, allowing the Fearows beak to slam into his stomach.

His mouth clamps over the Fearows skinny neck and blood sprays over his face. The Fearow struggled in Crash's mouth and used Fury Attack on his stomach. Crash stepped back and released the Fearow. The Fearow backed away and eyed Crash warily.

Although the Fearow was hurt, it wasn't too bad and it could still fight unhindered. Max was fighting with two of the Spearow and doing pretty well for himself. The Sunny Day buff made his fire moves a lot stronger and he was handling the Spearow with just a few Fire Blasts.

Crash had a much harder time fighting as his water move effectiveness was cut in half. Percy realized that he should practice different type moves for different situations. The third Spearow witnessed its family losing and decided it was best to attack the trainer.

The Spearow flew quickly toward Percy with its beak glowing. Percy noticed the Spearow flying at his head and put his body into overdrive. He used aura to strengthen his muscles, eyes, and brain to dodge the Spearows attack.

Although the difference between Pokémon and people will always be huge Percy trained his body for several years and had access to aura. If a regular human tried to dodge this attack they would be speared and most likely die.

The Spearow almost reached Percys face before he spun his body around on one foot and sent a punch into the Spearow. Immediately he pulled his hatchet off of his belt and held it in a combat ready stance. The Spearow saw this and became discouraged to fight with Percy.

It decided to help the Fearow who was fighting against the Pidgey. Now the Pidgey was fighting against something with a higher level and another Spearow. It was under a lot of stress and it started glowing brightly. The Spearow and Fearow stopped fighting and turned toward the glowing Pidgey.

The Spearow and Fearow didn't attack the Pidgey as it was taboo to attack something during evolution. A blinding white light covered the area and a Pidgeotto emerged from the light. It screamed confidently and launched itself speedily at the Fearow it was previously fighting. It was glowing in a golden light.

It was using the move Brave Bird! The Pidgeotto slammed into the Fearow and the Fearow went flying into a tree. The Fearow got up and threw itself beak first into the Pidgeotto. They squawked at each other and continued to fight on more even ground.

By this point Max was able to defeat the two Spearow with ease. The Sunny Day buff and level difference made it easy for Max to defeat the Spearow with no injuries. Crash on the other hand was seriously injured with long scratches and bruises all over his body.

Instead of giving up Crash seemed to only get more hyped and excited. The Fearow Crash was fighting was moderately injured but Crash couldn't do a lot because his only ranged move was basically useless.

He was able to bite the Fearow when it swooped in for a Peck but couldn't hurt it otherwise. The Fearow came in for one more Peck to defeat Crash but was stopped by a flaming blast. Max had arrived on the scene.


A/N: I plan on having polls so that people can vote on things. Just reply with a comment on what you want. The things you can vote on are.

Beedrill army

Butterfree army

I will not expand except say that there is a both option.