Chapter 11

Percy woke up in the early morning with Crash sleeping on him. He got dressed in his usual black t shirt, black jeans, black socks, black boots and a grey beanie. He liked the color black but more importantly thought that he didn't have to try and match clothes colors together.

He stepped out of the tent into a empty camp. 'Good, they're still asleep.' Percy thought to himself. He woke up Crash by dragging him by his tail outside. Then he walked about 20 meters away from the camp where he stopped and let Mankey out of his pokeball.

Suddenly he heard a whooshing sound as a Pidgeotto landed in a branch nearby. Percy recognized it as Jason's Pokémon. He completely forgot that it watched the camp at night. After making sure everything was okay the Pidgeotto flew back to Jason's tent and sat outside.

The Mankey noticed Crash and Percy now and started to yell and jump. It started to run toward Percy but Crash promptly got in its way. Crash hissed at the Mankey and started toward it. The Mankey back up hesitantly and started speaking to Crash.

It gestured toward Percy and punched the air a few times. It then pointed at Crash and flexed its muscles. "You want to become my Pokémon to be strong?" Percy asked. The Mankey jumped up and down happily screaming it's assent. "Alright that sounds good. I expect you to listen to everything I say, do you understand." Percy told Mankey seriously.

Mankey seemed to understand the seriousness behind his words and bowed his head. "Farther." The Mankey hesitated to bow farther as it was a Mankeys pride to be strong and alone since birth. They would never bow down to anyone except somebody they had complete trust and faith. Percy was asking for a lot from Mankey even though they barely knew each other.

Percy didn't want to have Pokémon below Red potential. Of course he could increase the potential with materials and money but it wasn't really worth it when he could upgrade better potential Pokémon for near same amount of money. If he ended up getting lower potential Pokémon then he would like he wanted to make sure that they were completely loyal to him.

It's not that he doesn't like Pokémon it's just that he doesn't have the time or the resources to spend on a Pokémon that won't get him closer to his goals. The Mankey struggled internally with its decision. She knew she could get a lot stronger if she became the trainers Pokémon but she didn't want to concede herself to superiority.

After weighing the pros and the cons she kneeled and bowed, her nose almost touching the dirt. "Alright let's go we'll train soon in a couple more days. I'll make you strong." Percy said. "Do you want a name or do you want me to call you Mankey." The Mankey jumped up and down excitedly when she heard she could get a name. "How about Fúria. I think that's a pretty badass name." Mankey nodded eagerly apparently happy with a her new name.

Percy walked back to the camp with Crash and Fúria walking behind him. Crash was looking curiously at Fúria as they walked back. He then said something to her in which she immediately got angry and started to jump at Crash. "STOP." Percy ordered the Pokémon. "Don't aggravate her Crash and don't get angry so quickly Fúria. I don't want you guys fighting for no reason. A friendly rivalry is ok and I encourage it but I don't need pointless bickering." Both Pokémon immediately stopped fighting and continued to walk with their head down in shame.

When Percy arrived at camp he saw Jason emerging from his tent with Max in tow. "Yo good morning." Jason saw the Mankey behind Percy and said "When did you get a Mankey." He pulled out his Pokédex to check it. "I got her when I was exploring yesterday." Percy replied "Not bad, Bulk Up is a really good move for a fighting type Pokémon." Jason said after checking Fúria. "We have to move quickly today if we want to get there by 12 tomorrow. I'll wake her up." Jason took a deep breath in to prepare himself.

He walked over to Charlottes tent and called her name. The tent opened almost immediately almost as though she was awake the whole time. "Good morning Jason." She said quietly. "We're leaving in 10 minutes." Jason turned around and went to pack up his stuff completely ignoring Charlottes greeting.

Charlotte glanced at Percy before flipping him off and retreating into her tent. About 10 minutes later they left but at a much faster pace than before. Percy and Jason had to run at a fast jog to get there on time. As usual Charlotte rode on her mistreated Ponyta. They took half an hour breaks every two hours.

Jason and Percy would be heavily panting by now and would wet themselves with Crash's Water Gun. Not a lot happened except for the fact that they were stopped by a group of Zigzagoon. There were only three of them and they were levels 15,14,13 with white potential. Percy and Jason decided to use their new Pokémon instead of their starters to see what they should train with.

The Zigzagoon weren't a threat in the slightest so they decided to use them as a learning experience. Two of the Zigazagoon prepared moves and rushed up to Fúria and Pidgeotto. Both of the top of their heads started to glow white. Meanwhile the Zigzagoon in the back tail started to glow brown. "Use Dig on the one in the back!" Percy yelled to Mankey.

Mankeys body was covered in a brown glow before he quickly dug into the ground narrowly avoiding one of the Zigzagoons. Jason stayed silent as he was communicating with the Pidgeotto via telepathy. Although Percy can do the same kinda thing it took a lot of energy because he hasn't done it a lot. He never lived around Pokémon before a week ago so he couldn't practice his aura communication.

Pidgeotto glowed golden as it was preparing Brave Bird. Pidgeotto flew into the charging Zigzagoon and clashed with its head. The Zigzagoon didn't stand a chance and was blown away. It was just barely conscious now and wouldn't be able to take another hit. The Zigzagoon in the back threw sand from its tail that hit the distracted Pidgeotto in the face.

Mankey was still underground and with no other target the other Zigzagoon attacked Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto however just simply flew up avoiding the headbutt from the Zigzagoon. She tried to counterattack with Gust but missed because of the sand in her eyes. It was now that Mankey rose from the ground straight into the Zigzagoons belly. The Zigzagoon soared into the sky several meters high. "Use Karate Chop." The Zigzagoon was plummeting to the ground where it was faced with a Mankey with a red hand.

Mankey swung and plunged his hand into the side of it. The Zigzagoon was sent tumbling on the ground where it lay motionless. The severely injured Zigzagoon prepared head butt and used it on Fúria. Fúria who was distracted got hit and stumbled back. She started to have a slight tinge of red to her fur.

Meanwhile Pidgeotto was fighting the unharmed Zigzagoon and making steady progress. She was just flying in the sky where it couldn't reach her and kept using Gust. Although it doesn't do a lot of damage it had a wide area of effect and rarely misses. Pidgeotto still had sand in her eyes and missed one more gust.

There wasn't anything the Zigzagoon could do so it was knocked out after 6 Gusts. The injured one was the only one left but was quickly finished by a Karate Chop from Fúria. Percy walked up to Fúria and congratulated her on her performance. Then he put down the Zigzagoon and stored them in his Pokédex. Jason said some things to Pidgeotto and they walked to where Charlotte was to continue traveling. "That was amazing Jason! You are so talented. Let me get my agency to sponsor you." She said excitedly.

'There's no way he won't fall for me now I'm willing to give him tons of money.' She thought to herself. Jason smiled charmingly and said "That would be great." He turned away from her with an unimpressed look. 'If I stayed with 'him' your money would seem like pocket change.' Jason thought to himself. Charlotte was brimming with happiness for getting Jason closer to her. "Let's get going." Percy interrupted.

Charlotte looked at him with a death glare. "Alright." Jason responded. They continued their fast traveling until it started getting dark. They didn't run into any other problems and set up camp off the road in the middle of a grove of bushes. They ate dinner and went into their respective tents. Percy exhausted from the hard traveling fell asleep with Crash.