Chapter 15: Reflection

Her eyebrows furrowed when she was near the rack of shoes.

Wasn't this the shoe with black air, which saw at the Lotus temple?

Seeing Yu Holea staring at his son's shoes with a frown on his face, Tian Han was confused.

"Master Yu?"


Yu Holea ignored her suspicion and walked up to the innermost bedroom.

Her eyes roamed around the Villa.

Tian Han saw this and felt strange.

On the way, Tian Han told Yu Holea about the incident.

"Master Yu, we always feel as if we are watched by someone. The mirror of the house will automatically change position. At 2:30 am all the clocks will start ringing loudly."

Yu Holea listened to him while staring at one of the mirrors.

Reaching the inner-most room, Tian Han said,

"Master Yu for the past 2 days, my wife is not feeling well too. Her body is covered in some black patches. There are injuries on her body also. Currently, she is resting."

The bedroom was decorated with plywood, a bed was present with a table on either side and a table on the left. A mirror was present just beside the table on the left.

Tian Han walked up to his wife and stroked her head gently.

Her wife was currently sleeping.

Yu Holea saw their interaction and asked,

"How many members are there in the family?"



"Me, my wife, and my son."

"From when all of this started?"

"Around a week ago."

Week ago?

"Any special event that happened at that time? Did you, your son, or your wife go out to any special place?"

Tian Han thought hard before replying.

"No, except for my son going to Lotus Temple last week, we haven't to any special place."

Yu Holea asked her next question.

"Was there any gift received by your son or you or your wife?"

Tian Han was feeling slightly impatient,


"Did you renovate your house recently?"


"Mr. Tian, where is your son?"

"He is busy!"

"Mr. Tian, do you feel particularly light or strange? Do you feel as if you don't exist?"

"Ok, Master Yu! Can't you see me standing in front of you?"

Yu Holea slowly said,

"But Mr. Tian I...I really can't see your reflection"

Tian Han was startled and asked with a confused expression,

"What reflection?"

"The one behind you"

Tian Han turned around but saw nothing else than a mirror.


He saw nothing!

There was no reflection of his in the mirror!

That means...he was dead!

He looked up at Yu Holea in horror.

"Am I...dead?"

A tremble could be heard in his voice.

Yu Holea lightly sighed and shook her head.


"So why am I not visible in the mirror."

"You are in your soul state."

"Soul state?"

"You won't understand. Anyway even though you are not dead you will soon be."


Yu Holea ignored the shocked Tian Han and lightly explained to him,

"If I am not wrong after you contacted me, your soul left your body. You are not dead but you are not living either."

"Your wife is also in a soulless state. Different from you she is struck in medium less dimension. Her body is intact but your body on the other hand isn't."

"In other words, her life is in more danger than yours."

"I have two pieces of news good and bad which one do you want to hear first?"

Tian Han said without hesitation,


"Your son is the cause of this."

Tian Han shook his head in disbelief.

"No impossible!"

Yu Holea ignored his disbelief and soon found a watch.

"Is this your son's watch?"


Chanting some incantation, Yu Holea lifted her hand.

Blue rays started forming at the tip of her hand and a projection appeared in front of Tian Han.

A scene flashed, in the scene Tian Han's son, Tian Jie was chatting with his friend when one of his friends 'dropped' something in his bag. The scene changed and Tian Jie reached his home. He threw the bag and that is how strange things started happening.

Tian Han was stunned seeing this scene, at the same time he was sure that Master Yu in front of her was a true Celestial Master.

He immediately dropped to his knees and said with a trembling voice,


Thank you for:

Power Stone: Mikadzuki_yue


A scene flashed, in the scene Tian Han's son, Tian Jie was chatting with Author

(Author: Hmm...why hasn't anyone commented or added my book to the library?

Tian Jie: But at least someone is giving you a power stone! You should be thankful!

Author: Yes! Yes...*Cough*...Mikadzuki_yue thank you so much for the power stone!

Yu Holea: Mikadzuki_yue, I have cooked something for you as a gift, here, 🥞(pancakes))

Stay blessed Lovelies!