Chapter 47: Lesson

Ming Xiao just ignored her question and started her stopwatch,

"You have 1 hour to complete your task. Oh yes, don't forget to touch the stone at the center."

In between Ming Xiao and the student was a short pillar with a round shiny ball.

All the students touched it and went back to their position.

They felt nothing, not knowing that this type of short pillar were the worst nightmare of students in Jackson High School.

He Ding and Zhou Kun were the first ones to start running followed by Yu Holea and then remaining.

Since He Ding and Zhou Kun had body-type superpowers they were able to complete 1 lap while remaining in the lead.

Behind them was Xia Heqian who was using her Flight superpower, and flying.

Xia Bao on the other hand decided to use her brain and became invisible.

She was waiting for others to complete their 3rd lap and join them from there acting as if she was with them the whole time.