Chapter 109: President

She had tried so hard to convince herself that it didn't matter, that she didn't need their acknowledgment, but deep down, the pain of being overlooked by her own family was unbearable.

Just then, Qiao Zirui, who had been standing by her side, noticed the change in her expression.

He realized that something was wrong and gently tugged at her sleeve, trying to get her attention.

"Sister Lea, what's the matter? Why do you look sad?" he asked with concern.

Yu Holea tried to put on a brave face and forced a smile,

"It's nothing, Zirui. Just feeling a little tired, that's all."

Qiao Zirui wasn't convinced.

He had observed enough to know that something was amiss. He knew Yu Holea well enough to see through her facade.

"You don't have to hide your feelings from me, Sister Lea. I can tell when something is bothering you," he said, his voice filled with determination.

Yu Holea looked at him, touched by his concern.