Chapter 435: Qiao Jun's Chance.

Yu Holea stood there, blinking back tears as she took in the sight of the beautifully decorated Qiao Mansion.

The entire family had gathered to celebrate her birthday, their faces beaming with love and warmth. She felt a deep sense of gratitude and happiness welling up inside her.

"Thank you, everyone," Yu Holea said, her voice trembling with emotion.

"This is the most wonderful surprise."

Qiao Li smiled warmly and placed the cake in front of Yu Holea, the candles casting a soft glow in the dimly lit room.

"Make a wish, Lea," she encouraged.

Yu Holea closed her eyes, her heart overflowing with gratitude and love. She made a silent wish, one filled with hopes and dreams for the future, and then blew out the candles.

The room erupted into applause and cheers, filling the space with joy and celebration.