9. Howard Stark

Jaw dropped, Hector looked at Cordell Hull and Roosevelt, Moony did the same just cuz Hector was. But deep inside Hector's mind, something else was happening, ~Son of a... I have officially fucked the timeline. My butterfly wings are too damn strong and fabulous. Roosevelt was supposed to run for another term and win, then die.~

"Goddamn, I didn't wake up this morning thinking I'd become the president. With my surname and the coming war, my shoulders are going to be pressed down like asphalt under a roller. Are you sure, Franklin?" He asked again. All his plans needed to be changed now, he wasn't sure if he can fight in the war himself now either. ~Damn it, I don't want to be just a two-term president.~

Roosevelt nodded and spoke from his bed, "My friend, I am a cripple, who has gotten weakened even more, I understand that the nation does not need a cripple president right now. I trust you completely that you will be the best goddamn president that this nation has ever seen. And I'm not dying, you can keep me as an advisor if you want, I mean... Haha, I won't deny government salary if you want to give me."

Ignoring the jokes, Hector sighed, "Man, you've messed up all my plans. Let's go, Secretary Hull, you need to oversee my Oath taking, let Franklin rest. Moony, come."

He and the Secretary of State left. However, a shocking thing happened as soon as they left, Roosevelt got up from his bed, "Is he gone?"

"I think he is." The chief of staff assured.

Roosevelt sighed and energetically sat back in his wheelchair. "That old bastard, he does not understand his own value in the political circle. He wanted to personally go to the frontlines. Even trying to learn how to fly. He left me no choice but to make him the president if I wanted to keep him around... alive."

"We can understand, but it stands to see how well he does." the doctor frankly said.

Roosevelt chuckled as he lit up his cigar, "He's a magician, I'm telling you. I have full confidence in him. I had this feeling all this time... there is something strange, extraordinary about him. Not to mention, man has the devil's luck, survived a plane crash, trekked across the Grand Canyon, not a single scratch. In times like these, we do need a crazy man at the office.

"While I... I'm afraid I'd have been the laughing stock of the world. This is the right choice."

Roosevelt looked out of the window, the people were leaving. In his mind, a few regrets were looming, he wanted to stay the president, but, he was constantly questioning himself, his health was also deteriorating ever since his last heart attack after Hector's crash.

"I will just support him to the best of my ability," Roosevelt muttered.

[A/N: Unlike in our world, FDR here suffered an extra heart attack, which has made his already limited walking abilities now impossible. Hence, he took this step.]


Hector was Hell's Inquisitor. He could clearly see a lie when spoken. He knew Roosevelt was lying about the new heart attack. But, he didn't do anything. Although he considered Roosevelt a real friend, he could not deny that being the president at this time was the best possible thing that could happen. Due to war, he will enjoy unlimited power from his office.

Now, he shall be making every decision regarding the US and the war, the future, the alliances, the enemies, the social problems and much more. And being in the MCU was the cherry on top... or maybe not.

~Damn Right, President Washington is back, and this time, I will truly make this country the greatest and the world peaceful... okay, almost peaceful... a few people will die, here and there, but all is good for the greater good. MUHAHAHAHA... Take that, Dumbledore.~ He internally had a long victory laugh, that thankfully didn't come out loud or he'd be mistaken for a supervillain.

Moony suddenly barked, trying to speak to him with their connection, "Dad, you became the pre... present?... What about me?"

~Haha, my boy, it's president. And I shall make you the First Goodest Boy of America. Who needs a first lady when I have you? Wait, I can dress you in a little princess dress.~ he fawned over Moony.

"Grrr..." Moony ran away as soon as he heard this, a few memories from his childhood resurfaced in his mind.


Nobody had expected that suddenly such huge changes would occur. Just a day after taking the oath, Franklin D. Roosevelt resigned, paving the way for Hector King Washington to become the 33rd president.

Were there any voices in opposition? Absolutely. But they were in the extreme minority. What was crazy was that a huge number of people came out on the streets to cheer for this event, waving the American flag and posters of Hector and George Washington together.

Hector had somehow become a pillar of moral and mental support for the nation of 100 Million, people adored him, looked up to him. In their eyes, he was the embodiment of the principles of the nation.

To listen to his address to the Nation, most of America paused and hoarded around radios and televisions. The soldiers as well were elated to some extent, after a long time was a President entering the office who's been a top Army General.

In his speech, Hector didn't talk much about war, because officially, America was neutral and talking peace with Japan. Instead, he talked about the future, "When I see this nation, I see greatness, I see what we can become. This is my humble suggestion to all those who have a business idea, be an entrepreneur and do it. This nation was founded and developed by a bunch of businessmen, business is our power, and innovation boosts business.

"This century is America's century and nobody can stop us. And I only pray for one thing, that is... May God Bless America."

With that, he took the office. Now, he had a headache, he needed to find a new Vice-President and Secretary of Defence. At the same time, he decided to pump up the Defence Production by introducing a new law, which was originally supposed to come out years later.

The Defence Production Act of 1941 was passed by Congress, and it allowed the president, largely through executive order, to direct private companies to prioritise orders from the federal government. And it was now time to make more planes, ships and guns.

He called a few company CEOs to meet him in the Oval Office so he could talk to them about building planes and warships. Meanwhile, Hector himself had employed a few scientists along with Einstein to design him a powerful helicopter. The general design he had already given, all they needed to do was fill the gaps.


Boeing, Martin, Douglas, Curtiss, Grumman, Lockheed, North American Aviation and Stark Enterprise. CEOs of all these companies were called to the White House.

Hector chuckled seeing the young Howard Stark, the only person to be looking misplaced in this group of old men. He was brimming with confidence and had a look of smartness on his face. Hector liked this, this was the quality of a genius. He had something more to say to him as well, but that needed to wait.

Hector didn't sit at his table, instead, he greeted them on the couches while having some milk tea. Hector was the tallest president in history, standing 6'5" tall, while his muscular frame was enough to make any man feel small and insecure, even more so when they were shaking his strong hands. "Well, due to some circumstances, I'm the president, let's work together and make sure nobody takes advantage of our peaceful intentions.

"My main reason to call you all is to ask, will you help the nation when it needs you?"

They had a face full of patriotism, Hector continued, "I would like to use the DPA, Defence Production Act to contract your companies. I am going to need bombers, fighters, ships. In thousands." He ordered.

They were going to agree, the new act made it criminal to not do as the government says. A company cannot deny the government's order when it comes to DPA.

The government was going to pay them good money. So they happily left. All except for Howard Stark as he was told to wait.

"So, umm... what did I do now?" Howard asked alertly.

Hector chuckled, "Haha, kid, you did nothing wrong. I heard you were attacked not long ago. And I believe Colonel Phillips told you who those attackers were?"

"Oh yes, Nazi sons of bitches, hehe, I guess Hitler saw my handsome face as too much of a threat to his masculinity." Howard joked.

The door opened and Colonel Phillips entered with a thick file folder. He saluted Hector and took a seat.

"My favourite officer is here, Colonel, tell Mr Stark your proposal." Hector sat back and allowed them to talk. He patted Moony, meanwhile.

Colonel Phillips talked to him and tried to explain to him, "Mr Stark, you were attacked recently. It was an attack on your life, they wanted to kill you and they were not Nazis. They were worse. They are people from a very secret Organisation called HYDRA, their goals are unknown but we believe it's conquering the world, enslaving it and enforcing a new world order. They are currently serving the Nazis, but they are not the same as Nazis.

"They are also invested in developing technologies that are beyond normal man's imagination. They possibly see you as a threat, seeing your intelligence and ability to invent unconventional things. They will now come after you, and they won't stop until you are dead."

Howard Stark didn't seem scared though, "I KNEW IT. Tell me if Illuminati is real?"

Hector shrugged, "They probably are, I at least know that the Great Depression is man-made."

(•ˋ _ ˊ•) (°ロ°)

Colonel Phillips looked as if a ghost touched him while Howard had his jaw stuck open. He was just kidding, but it seems he learned some things he was not supposed to.

Colonel Phillips took out his gun, "Mr Stark, it seems I will have to kill you now."

Howard stood up, "WOAH! WOAH! Easy there, Colonel, that toy is lethal... Wait... is that manufactured by my company?... And I didn't know Mr President would tell me that. But... seriously? Someone deliberately caused all this damage to the world?"

Hector shrugged, "Sadly, yes. And it's pretty easy to find out who, if you look at who profited from it the most."

"And you allowed that?" Howard asked him in a confused voice. He had seen poverty during Great Depression after all. His father beat him regularly during those days.

Hector shook his head and stood up, "Back in 1929, I was just a Governor, and I didn't know about it. But now I do, and it does not matter how powerful and rich these people are, I will put a bullet in their heads myself. This I assure you."

Then he looked at Colonel Phillips, "Colonel, do it."

Phillips put the gun right at Howard's head and pulled the trigger. *BANG* Howard's eyes closed in sudden shock. But, he felt no pain and opened them soon, only to find Hector and Phillips chuckling, "Wait... is the dog also laughing at me?"

"He's not a dog, his name is Moony. And yes, he's laughing at you. I was just messing with you, kid. Your life is in danger, HYDRA will not stop. So I suggest you join the SSR, Strategic Scientific Reserve. A top-secret department of the Military that is going to develop new technology that will win us this war." Hector offered him, this was his intention from the start.

"Umm... Do I get to keep the patents of the things I make?" Howard asked.

Hector bluntly denied, "No, but you get to share them with the Department of Defence. You will be using Government money and equipment, son. Don't be so greedy now. However, anything you make in the duration with your own funding you get to keep it."

Howard paused for a few seconds, his mind tried to make calculations. His business mind worked and he thought, ~It's a sweet deal. If I can get closer to people in high places then Stark Enterprise will have infinite developmental prospects. And the President is also pretty cool.~

"You got yourself a deal, Mr President. Where do I sign?" He shook Hector's hand. Colone Phillips immediately gave him a document to sign and he effectively became a member of SSR, getting its 2nd highest clearance.

Howard left soon after, Colonel Phillips was satisfied and thanked Hector, "That was one hell of a plan, General. You scared him with that talk about secret society starting Great Depression."

Hector blankly looked at him with a look of pity, "I was not joking, Colonel,"

Phillips was struck by thunder this time. (#°Д°)