With binoculars, Brigadier General Phillips watched the entire showdown in Pearl Harbour. His gaze was on Hector the entire time, a bit tense as well as expecting to see some miracle, especially when Hector asked for a gun.

Then, the explosion came and his jaw fell, "MOTHER OF JESUS! He shot the bomb."


Everyone dumbly stared at the scene, how can a man shoot a bomb dropping from the sky, it was understandable with big guns, but a handgun? It was too out of the world experience. Hector could understand what they were feeling, as there were no public superheroes yet and all such things were first for them. He did wonder though, ~Will I be seen as the first superhero now?~

"Chop chop... those planes aren't going to shoot themselves. Return to your position and gun them down. Expect more to come." He roared in a commanding voice. All sailors saluted and ran back to their positions, now with newfound courage and enthusiasm.

"You two go to safety." He ordered the Secretary of Defence and his chief of Secret Service.

"Where will you be going, sir?" They asked in confusion.

Hector grinned and slowly walked to the edge of the deck. "My boys are fighting for the nation, their president can't leave them alone, can he?"


He jumped down. Many ran up to the edge to see him fall in the water with a splash, however, a fast Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk fighter zoomed by and Hector landed on it. Everyone saw with horror as Hector stayed on top of it and the fighter gained altitude.

Inside the cockpit was one grunting man with a cigar in his mouth, "I am neither trained for this nor paid enough. I only know how to fly this thing, not land."

Hector laughed, "Calm down, Logan, my boy. Folks like us, landing ain't something to worry about. Besides, you are supposed to be my official bodyguard. Now, bring me to a greater height."

"I'm sure a Bodyguard isn't supposed to take the President to his possible death... but who am I to care." Logan shrugged and pulled the handle, going straight up, as Hector held on to a safety bar.

There was a dogfight going on in the sky, as this time, all of the fighters at the Hawaii base were in the air, ready to give a fight. This made sure that a majority of the Japanese fighters could not directly go to their bomb drop zones, as they had to first fight in the air.

Still, they decided to randomly drop whenever they felt it was right, it did some damage to a few ships, but nothing too destructive yet. In this aspect, Hector felt that his work was successful, he was able to reduce loss of life by a big margin.

"Bring me closer to that plane," Hector ordered.

Logan clumsily flew the aircraft and brought it above the Japanese fighter. Hector waved his hand and jumped with no fear. The warm wind fluttered his beard and hair. His coat also waved like a flag.


He landed on the Japanese fighter that dropped the bomb on USS Arizona. *BAM* He clasped the glass and metal frame and pulled it off easily. The Japanese man inside was shocked, when he saw who it was.

*BAM* Hector punched his face, "YOU PICKED THE WRONG COUNTRY, FOOL... haha, ignore that, just felt like saying it. Anyway, you guys should have stuck to Anime, but again, if you didn't do this, there would not be Anime I think."

Hector then read the nameplate, it was in Japanese but Hector could understand it well, "Ah, so your name is Masashi Kishimoto? I hope the creator of Naruto is not your descendant, otherwise, I'm about to yeet his existence away."

The Japanese soldier was dumbly looking at Hector with confusion, but he was at the same time slowly trying to take out his pistol.

"Boy, say Onii-chan, and I might let you go," Hector demanded.

"Onii-chan?" the soldier repeated, as it was the only Japanese sounding word he heard Hector speak.

"You were looking for this?"


Hector fired a bullet straight to his head from the small pistol of the soldier, "Sadly, you didn't sound like a cute anime girl... Rest in peace."

He pulled the soldier's body and threw him out. It landed on the terrace of the medical centre, though beyond healing now.

"Nice, the controls are nearly the same as what I learnt in the 3-day "crash" course." Hector cheered and flew the plane around.


However, he soon realised that flying a Zero in this place was not a smart move, as he was receiving friendly fire. Sighing, he steered the plane to a high altitude bomber and jumped out.


The sky was engulfed in flames at that instant. He meanwhile fell straight down while looking at the multiple planes. Eventually, he saw an American one coming his way so he landed on it.

"AAAA..." The pilot was scared by the loud thump. He looked out and noticed the old man with a fabulous white beard and hair, "HOLY SHIT... MR PRESIDENT?!"

Hector smiled and nodded, he forced the small window in the glass open and ordered, "Kid, take me over that area, there are a lot of zeroes. This is an order."

The pilot stiffly nodded and followed the order, he tried to tell Hector that he'd land and bring him to safety, but he was strongly ordered to follow the previous command.

Soon, Hector stood up and jumped from his plane as well, seeing this, all that the American pilot could muster out was, "FUCKING MAD!"

He looked down and saw Hector landing on a Japanese zero, then subsequently killing the pilot, taking the plane and raming it into another one, then jumping onto another zero or an American fighter, then ordering the pilot to take him to another zero fighters.

Meanwhile, a lot of high-level commanders, the Secretary of Defence, Secret Service Head, Generals, Admirals were using their binoculars to look at the madness going on in the air.

Heck, there were Japanese commanders in a few aircraft, going crazy, questing themselves, "WHO DOES HAND TO HAND COMBAT AGAINST AN AIR RAID?"

Well, the questions were shared by many on the ground as well. On the wireless radio, the Japanese informed the situation to the Fleet in the Pacific.

"Mission failed, they were prepared, we were fooled. Their President is a mad man, he himself is fighting us in the air, without an aircraft, by jumping on aircraft one by one. HE CAN'T BE A HUMAN! HE'S LIKELY A MUTANT!" the words were passed to the Japanese command.

On the fleet, Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo had to make a decision now. Their attack utterly failed, this was a fact. But, he could not return home with any good news. So he ordered, "Retreat, all aircraft, drop your bombs wherever you can, it doesn't matter if military or civilian. A super squadron of 50 fighters will remain and aim all their fire at their President. Kill him at all costs."

Well, when the words were "At all cost" It was basically saying, don't come back if he's not dead.

So, after the entire group of 50 Japanese fighters were selected, they headed straight to the American fighter Hector was on. They all fired at the same time, there was no way the American fighter could survive that. They started to crash down with a tail cloud of black smoke.

Hector was quick to punch through the glass and take the pilot with himself. The man was unconscious from trauma to the head. Cursing, Hector jumped onto another American fighter, a different model one. It had space for two to sit, but only one occupied it as there was an emergency and the requirement was more planes in the sky.

He opened the hatch quickly and put the man in. By now, most of the American pilots had seen Hector jumping around, so instead of acting shocked and crazy, they behaved respectfully to his orders. "Go up, as much as you can."

Taking his command, the pilot pulled up, going vertically upwards. Meanwhile, Hector took the wireless radio microphone from the Pilot and spoke to all the ground commands, "President's order to all American aircraft, the Japanese are retreating, do not chase, your fuel won't last. I repeat, do not chase, and return to the ground immediately. Help the wounded there."

With that, slowly all American aircraft started retreating. Leaving only the 50 Japanese ones, madly chasing Hector.

Hector, knowing all too well that he can't stay on top of this fighter, ordered, "Kid, take your injured colleague to the ground. I will follow up soon."


Hector jumped in style, a back dive with arms wide open and on his face a big grin. From a distance, it looked like everything was in slow motion. 50 Japanese fighters came towards Hector from below as he fell towards them.

He took out his gun and aimed at the fighter, *BANG* *BANG*

One bullet, one pilot. Even before they approached each other, Hector had already downed 10 of them, the rest realised their mistake and spread out.

Hector quickly latched onto one of them and killed the pilot, taking over the aircraft. He then tailed a few while firing machine guns with no reservations. He had nothing to fear, while others did. So, he just needed one lucky shot.

This way, he brought 10 more planes down. But by then, his ride started to smoke, so he decided to ram it straight into another one. Just a second before it did, he jumped down once again.

This time, no one came close to him and fired at him from a distance. "FUCK!" he cursed as a big bullet pierced his right arm. But because his strength was similar to that of Hulk, it didn't do much damage.

He was freefalling, he didn't have the power to fly. His Ultra Strength didn't help in this situation, his Exorcism magic was useless as it only worked on dark beings. He didn't have any hell summons either at this point, as he was yet to go to hell dimensions of Marvel Universe. But he did have simple telekinetic abilities, such as pulling and pushing things.

So he tried to do just this, in a way it would seem he's gliding. He tried to make a few Japanese aircraft his point of focus and moved closer to them. He was also calculating the movements of others so he could get onto them.

After a few seconds, he had the perfect opportunity. *BOOM* he brashly landed, killed the pilot, took his pistol and started shooting both, the plane's guns and his pistol.

Slowly, he eliminated 45 out of 50 planes. The battle had been going on for more than an hour now, while Hector's battle had been going on for dozens of minutes. People on the ground were just watching the fast-paced, high-intensity drama. Hector, the commander-in-chief, had himself ordered for no one to move and focus on the wounded only, so no one dared.

Soon, Hector once again found himself free falling, this time, the 5 remaining zeroes were too far away to use his telekinetic powers. *BAM*

Out of nowhere, an American fighter came and caught Hector's body. Hector looked down inside the cockpit and laughed heartily, "Bwahaha... Logan, you came for me? This much loyalty, I... I am honoured."

But Logan had a conflicted face as he replied, "I don't know how to land this shit."

( ̄▽ ̄)"

Gathering himself, Hector chuckled, "Haha, just crash it into the sea. Anyway, now that you're here. Let's get them. You got spare bullets?"

Logan handed him a few and kept on flying. The Japanese Fighters were in a crazed state now, their do or die attempt was going to be wasted, they didn't want this. The five came at him together.

But Hector calmly stood on top of the fighter and aimed accurately. *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*

Four bullets, four planes down. The last one reached too close to them, so Hector jumped onto it while shouting at Logan, "Crash your plane, boy."

The sky was soon cleared, Hector was on the last plane. The pilot was dead and now in the sea. He flew the plane towards the USS Arizona now. At the same time, he picked up the radio mic and spoke in Japanese, "This is President Hector King Washington Speaking. Anata wa okina machigai o okashimashita. Watashi wa anatagata zen'in no tame ni kite imasu. Mata chikaiuchini o ai shimashou."

His words were simple, "You made a big mistake, I will be coming for you all, see you soon."

The message was not for the soldiers, but the commanders, the generals and their war council. The Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo felt sweat run down his head and back when he listened to the heavy manly voice. He knew his military career was over now.

He suddenly sat down on his knees, reddened eyes, darkened face and disappointment clear, he opened his military coat, unbuttoned his shirt. Then he took out a small dagger and plunged it into his heart while screaming in a crazed voice, "BANZAIIII!"

Long live the emperor, he meant. The soldiers around him frowned in fear and disappointment, that they could not bring the ultimate glory to the Empire today. The high ranking officers, on the other hand, felt devastated, knowing that they had just woken up the sleeping giant that was America. They could not inflict much damage to the Pacific Fleet, and this was going to cost them greatly now.


Hector steered down the plane so he could do a flyby over the USS Arizona. Then, just as the plane was over the ship, nearly a few inches above, Hector jumped out, directly onto the deck. The plane then crashed into the sea and was destroyed in a cloud of flames. The scene was the definition of "BADASS".

He patted his clothes clean and straightened his collar. The Secretary of Defence saw him with eyes that could part-time as bulbs, the Secret Service Chief looked at him with the eyes of self-pity, feeling his job was so useless.

He quickly addressed the Navy Commander, Kimmel and Secretary of Defence in a grave voice, "Send some long-distance bombers to check the surroundings, we don't want a second attack. Keep the base at maximum alert. Count the damage and casualties. I want the report by 9 in the night. I will be heading back to Washington, DC, the nation is going to be devastated by this news.

"This was an unprovoked attack, you should know what this means."

This means war. Every single American who found out about this attack knew it. Those in the political circle knew America was going to enter war sooner rather than later from the day the Lend-Lease act was passed. But, they never expected to be attacked by Japan. Sure, they had cut Japan's 80% oil supply, as well as other precious minerals, but they did not think Japan would go to this length to turn them into true enemies.