90. Mr President, PLEASE! [BONUS]

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Hector didn't feel threatened and instead, he lifted Trask in the air by his throat. His midget body was no match for him. "What is the meaning of this?"

Bolivar Trask choked, his face slowly went red, "I-I didn't... this isn't my order..."

"If not you then who? Last I knew, you are the one who created them and have authority? If they are doing this, you either silently commanded them or had programmed them beforehand." Hector clutched his neck harder.

"I-I... it's probably Master Mold... the giant robot I made to construct other Sentinels." Trask reasoned.

"So you created an AI system to create robots that are meant to kill a population of Earth? Great, what could go wrong? Your brain is on your knees it seems."

"PRESIDENT, SURRENDER! SURRENDER!..." The Sentinels pointed their arms with guns at Hector and warned him.

"Oh shut up, you all." He annoyedly threw Trask away so he didn't die in the crossfire. He hated whenever he tried to do something, things always go bad. It was as if he was incompatible with the Universe, and he believed that certainly was the case.


The sentinels fired at him right away, they were crying at him to stop all this time. Hector sidestepped, dodging the attack. He had no idea how strong the laser was but knowing that it was able to harm the X-Men, it must be decently powerful.

"Hah, it's time to test my new skeleton," he muttered and jumped straight at one of the Sentinel robots. He landed on the head.


Just because of his body's weight, the Sentinel found it hard to move as before. Hector's eyes shined, "Haha, you are getting your metal asses kicked,"

He slammed his fists on the heads of Sentinels, a good punch that would make Hulk feel proud. With a loud creaking noise and blasting fire, the heads came off from the robot.

But the thing was, the head only had the visual sensors, not their power sources. They were still in their chests. As the Sentinel had no idea where Hector was, he just hung down and plunged his fist into the Sentinel's chest.


He pulled out the power source, some sort of a round battery. The Sentinel got deactivated in an instant. Now that he knew how to deal with them and where to hit them, he jumped around.

*WOOSH* He pulled a few scraps of metal into the air with his telekinesis, making them act like his stepping stones. Like Tarzan, he jumped from one Sentinel to another while they fired their energy guns but only ended up hitting each other.

"SUBDUE PRESIDENT!..." They repeated. But the only ones getting subdued were them.

About 20 Sentinel Robots were there, Hector didn't spare a single one of them. One by one, each got powered down. He made sure not to destroy them completely as he wanted to use them for research later. After all, why should only Tony Stark have all the fun?

"Where is Master Mold?" He asked Trask.

"U-Underground, he's too big to be let out," Trask pointed to the floor.

"Hah, that's what she said. All right, no more dad jokes, take me underground, it's time your genocidal AI robot dies. Good god, I am so happy the Internet does not exist yet,"

Trask led them into an elevator straight underground. Hector looked around, everything seemed fairly technologically advanced, "Honestly, if you had used one per cent brain into doing good things, we could have removed hunger from the world."

Being shamed by the President of the United States was never a good experience no matter who it is. The biggest reason was that absolutely nobody hated Hector, all except the crony capitalists. Heck, all scientists loved him because he invested so much into funding science. Not to mention, all the newer generation scientists like Trask have known Hector as the President since the day they were born. Hence, it was pretty damaging to his ego.

Trask felt like turning into a turtle and hiding his head in shame. "I won't defend myself but it is also true that you didn't do enough to promote peace for the mutants."

"How could I? 90% of the world thinks they don't exist. The mutant population is not that big at this moment, you know. Also, humans fear what they don't understand, how would I teach them about human genetics? The best way to do it is to first introduce the Mutants as heroes, then reveal their background by saying "Anybody can be a hero,"." He said, but his words were very literal. Nearly everyone had an X-Gene, anybody could be the next Professor X or Jean.

"Trask, I have a project for you and if you can do it I will award you The Presidential Medal of Freedom on live television and also hold a state dinner in your name." He proposed.

Trask instantly turned back to look at Hector, he didn't speak for a while to see if he was being real, "A-Are you serious? What is it that you want?"

Bolivar Trask was a midget, his childhood was full of hardships and ridicule. One of the reasons he devoted himself so much to studies and science was because he hated interacting with people. It was as if his life was defined by his height. One of the reasons he wanted all Mutants dead was because he also knew he had an X-Gene in him, and the fact it didn't activate or make him strong, was frustrating.

Even worse was that he sometimes wondered if his X-Gene did activate and that's what made him a midget in return for his heightened brain and IQ. So, in the end, he was like any other human being, he wanted recognition, praise and adoration, he wanted to separate himself from his identity of a 4-foot midget.

Hector knew this boy was serious about it, "Son, I want you to find a way to learn what power a person can have if their X-Gene gets activated, then find a way to activate the Gene. In short, I want to someday be able to find people with the most remarkable X-Gene and give them an option to activate it, this way in the future we can build an army of the most powerful defenders on Earth. Just imagining it makes my blood pump, think son, Earth becoming the most powerful civilisation in the Universe."

Trask stared at nothingness, absorbing the demand Hector made and his last words. Surely, it painted a beautiful picture in his head, a future where Earth is the strongest civilisation. The fact he could be the man behind it all was all the recognition he dreamt of having.

"I will need funds," Trask said.

*PAT* Hector patted his head, "Bwahaha... son, I am the president of the most powerful and the greatest nation on this planet, money is something I don't lack. Okay, now tell me how to kill this AI you created."

Trask felt weird, he was middle-aged and was being treated like a kid. "The robot is incomplete, it has no physical properties. It's just connected to the main supercomputer right now. You only need to destroy it."

*CRUNCH* Hector cracked his knuckle with a smile. *DING* The elevator reached its destination and the door opened. It was a giant underground dome-shaped hall.

He stepped out of it and looked around. It was, for the most part, very dark, but the Master Mold had a head and it was lit up. "Son, you stay here,"

He crouched slightly to ensure maximum push. *BAM* His feet kicked off the ground with such intensity that they cracked the metallic floor. "PRESIDENT SMASH!"

*BOOM* As soon as his fists fell on Masters Mold's head, it cracked into tiny pieces and got engulfed in flames. Hector, as if he was joking around, shouted the names of his comical moves and went total berserk.




He turned every single piece of electrical equipment in the room into trash. There was no way that the AI can survive that. He wasn't even done. He took out his lighter from the pocket, cracked it open and spread around the gasoline. Then he threw a sparking wire on it.

In an instant, the fire engulfed the giant hall, and all steel and plastic started to melt. In triumph, Hector showed a thumbs up to Trask. "Let's go back up, kid. This place might explode at any moment."

Trask felt like crying in reality, this was his life's work that got stomped on by the US President. ~*Sigh* It's still better than getting my skull stomped~ he took solace in being alive and followed him back.


The X-Men team was all ready and set to head out. Jean was 15 years old now, she had grown into a fine young pretty girl. Hector had warned her that if she dated bad boys then he would break some legs. She took her grandpa's words seriously.

Charles and Erik were the main leaders of the team. Raven was a field commander as she could stay the calmest. Their first time to shine came when Hurricane Alicia hit southern Texas. They arrived in time, saving every single life there with the help of Charles pinpointing where people were. Jean was a multitasker, she also sensed people. But she was advised not to use her mental abilities as they were highly unstable.

Magneto was quick to create temporary shelters for all the people displaced by Hurricane Alicia. Ice Man was able to stop all fires. And their newest member, Storm was able to steer away the hurricane slightly so it didn't hit highly populated areas.

Then some months later a new opportunity came with some forest fires, it was easy to solve. Then finally a massive earthquake came. Erzurum earthquake that hit Turkey. It was 6.6 magnitude, highly violent. A lot of people were stuck in the rubble, houses were destroyed.

The X-Men team arrived in time. Jean, Magneto and Beast were quick to remove rubble and save people. Cyclops was of great help in cutting various pieces of walls that were too big.

In total, they were able to save so many people that casualties were limited to just 5. The team was a huge success and the world was talking about it. Hector pushed for the media to secretly support them. He used his connections in various countries that he formed since the days of world war.

In no time, a lot of posters and comics were published about them. Hector was a master manipulator, thanks to living in Hell.

Then finally, he decided to award the entire team of X-Men with The Presidential Medal of Freedom in a live ceremony. The whole team arrived in Washington, at the White House.

On the lawn of the White House, a small stage was set. A few civilians were also allowed to enter, along with tonnes of reporters and cameramen. It was going to be a live telecast.

He stood in front of the podium, behind him were the entire X-Men team in their superhero costumes, "Thank you for coming, my children. I am delighted and so proud to present this medal to these remarkable men and women. They have gone beyond their duty to save lives. I have deep respect for such people since the days of the great war.

"I would have done the same if I ha..."

He was interrupted by a beautiful blonde woman in the crowd who suddenly lifted her shirt and showed her big mommy milkers. There was something written on them, but she recited it too, "MISTER PRESIDENT! I WANT YOUR BABIES! PLEASE DO ME THE HONOURS"

The fools with cameras instinctively turned it around and showed the woman. Thank goodness she had her nipples black tapped. Still, she was on live television. Thankfully, Jean was quick to use her telekinesis to throw a piece of cloth on her milkers.

Hector sighed, shaking his head, "Easy there, child. I may have a strong manly body, but I'm older than your great-grandpa."

"PLEASE RAVAGE MY PUSS... UMMMM HMMMMM!" She wanted to say more unholy words, but the Secret Service men picked her up and dragged her away in time. They finally had a job to do and they did it zealously now.

[A/N: Hector's idea may seem absurd but it's well within what X-Men movies have already established. In the X-Men: Days of Future Past, Trask's Sentinels were able to become so advanced that they could absorb the abilities of some mutants. They could even detect humans who would give birth to mutants. So, Trask is smart enough to do what Hector asked him.]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

Thank you for all your support!