162. Battle of Hala II

You can read 68 chapters in advance and GOT fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.


Hector took a survey of the enemy battle fleet. It was not beyond what he expected, but he knew this was not all of it. ~It seems the differences between their two factions have helped me tremendously.~


"Sir, it's a communication line from Hala."

"Connect me through," he ordered.

Soon enough, a figure appeared on the screen. It was a figure of a man that also looked pretty old. Hector scoffed, "So this is what Supreme Intelligence decided to look like? Why did you contact me?"

"We want peace," the Supreme Intelligence spoke.

Hector scoffed, "Sure, we can have peace as long as the Kree Empire signs on the instrument of surrender and agrees to decolonise and restrict its influence to just its own star system. And also stick by the rules of the Galactic Federation."

"Those are unacceptable terms, and you know it. Why do you insist on bloodshed when there can be peace."

Hector took his seat, already knowing where this conversation was heading. He crossed his arms and legs and relaxed, "Why do you insist on slavery, war and general bloodshed? This war is not for subjugation or to gather power. This war is to bring order to this chaotic reality."

"So no peace?" The artificial face of the Supreme Intelligence changed into one of fury and impatience.

"No, you either surrender to me unconditionally, or I take it anyway. You can't fight my might, machine. You can only delay it. Cut the feed; we're going with the attack." he ordered the communications officer.

The last words were spoken before the screen turned off, "You won't get Hala so easily. We will fight, from the last man to the last child."

"Pfft... sure you can... but sadly, in another dimension." The screen blacked out.

The plan was pretty simple, first, get rid of the enemy ships. "Fleet, use the banana formation. Fighters, swarm the enemy with remote controllers. Sovereign gave us something good, after all.

Hector's biggest concern was that he didn't want too many casualties. Hence, the best way was to use the small fighters similar to what the armies of Sovereign had. They were powerful and could be controlled remotely.

"Diana, you can go all out. Put smash holes in their ships or simply destroy the entire control room. Moony, use your portals to kill as many generals as you can. Peter, you are free to explore the powers you just got." He ordered the big guns.

Gamora and Natasha couldn't go out at this point, as this was not a small skirmish.

Slowly, the President's Fleet made a packman around the enemy fleet, aiming to devour it from all sides. The thing about fights in space was that there was no direction. An attack could come from anywhere. So, the fleet formation was also three dimensional at all times.

However, Hector needed one advantage to ensure his fleet suffered the least amount of casualties. And that could only come from Hala. As long as he had Supreme Intelligence in his grasp, he'd have this fleet too.

Still, only one man can do so much.


The first blast appeared, and the rushed fire blew out of the hull of a Kree Ship. The first gun was fired from Hector's side. There was no point in waiting and seeing who was the first aggressor; the faster they won, the better.

"ALL SHIP! Use the portals Moony shall create to send special forces directly into their ships," he announced loudly.

The war started to light up the space over Hala. Left and right, blasts began to appear with ever-increasing intensity. As the commanding general, Hector could not just leave everything and go out. He remained at the command centre of his main ship, watched over all of the fleets, and adapted to the ever-changing situation.

This was like playing Pokemon, just with millions of pokemon at the same time.

"CHANGE FORMATION! TAKE THE SPEAR FORMATION!" He ordered quickly. It was easy to turn into a spear from a banana, as the ships in the middle needed to pick up speed.

However, Hector's plan went deeper. What he had during his planning phase was money. The Nova Empire may have banned him from trading, but his business was still booming thanks to Pym particles. Even now, in this war, they will be greatly helpful.

Sure, he had signed a deal with Pym that he wouldn't ever use his technology for war, but technically, agreements made on Earth don't work in space.

"Send out the micro spears!" He commanded.

Micro spears were nothing but small-sized engines that were capable of hitting light speed, thanks to the research Mar-Vell did on Earth on the project pegasus. Hector had made it his highest secret.

Now, one thing he had in abundance was money, so he decided to build a few of these ships, not for flight, but a fight. Why? Well, Hector got an idea from a Star Wars movie he saw a long time ago in his past life. It was a shitty movie, but the CGI was great.


As soon as his command came, a dozen light speed unmanned spacecraft ignited their engines at full speed and rammed straight into the enemy space at the speed of light.

The mass destruction that appeared before the President's fleet was beyond what one could have imagined. All they saw were streaks of lights that travelled in soundless space. However, the blasts and the destruction only appeared with a delay.

What happens when a spacecraft, an even smaller one, rams itself onto a bigger ship at light speed? The result is the total destruction of both parties.

Hector took a cold breath and sighed, "Here go fireworks,"

"FUCK! This is crazy! They are all probably dead," Peter gasped at the scene.

The old man agreed, "Everything in their path is now gone. And folks, here it is, I just changed space warfare." He once again spoke in the communications, "SPEAR FORMATION! MOVE!"

The battle took a tightly favourable turn for the Federation as the Kree found themselves still in shock and disarray. They didn't even know what weapon it was, what hit them and why 30 per cent of their fleet just got destroyed.

Panic took over among the Kree forces. The odds were already against them; now there were no odds left.

"Should we retreat?" the Generals wondered among themselves.

"Where would we even go if there is no Hala? Without the supreme Intelligence, the Kree Empire would crumble. We need to weaken them at least and slow them down. Hopefully, that mad Ronan will open his eyes and come to aid."


"SIR! Another ship lost!"



The Kree Generals panicked, "What's happening? Visuals?"

The screen soon showed scenes of a blonde-haired woman with a glowing body, hovering in the space, then ramming into various warships. A few knew who it was, "TRAITOR!"


Hector also noticed the scenes and shrugged, "So it seems Captain Marvel has decided which side of history she wants to stand up on? But she came too late.

"Gamora and Natasha, you two are coming with me to Hala. We're going to end Supreme Intelligence, and with it disabled, all of the Empire will crumble." He ordered. In his place, he called Kraglin Obfonteri to take the lead. The man used to be Yondu's first mate, but now he was a student of Hector.

He quickly contacted all ships and told them to start going slow and focus on defence. "Diana, Moony and Peter, keep things at bay. Don't escalate. I will start the planet's invasion."

The next thing they knew, Hector used his old entry that he used to love—falling straight down onto the planet. He didn't even let Gamora and Natasha use a ship. He just grabbed them and jumped down straight into the clouds.

"AAAAA... THIS IS M-MADNESS!" Gamora screamed, her face and hair looking funny from the air brushing past them.

Natasha was in no better shape, "THIS IS... AAAAA... CRAZY!"

Hector merely laughed like an old man would, "BWAHAHA... Get used to President's landing. The war has just begun."

"W-e don't have a parachute!" Gamora said.

"Parachutes are for losers!"


He landed like a nuke that could destroy cities in an instant. Rubble flew around, and the buildings around cracked from the intensity. It was like an earthquake, as the glass of tall buildings surrounding them shattered.

He let Gamora and Natasha step on the ground. But they instantly fell to their knees, fast breathing being common. "Sure, sure, get some rest. The first time it's always like this. I remember Moony puked on me when he tried it,"

"You are crazy," Gamora barked.

He chuckled, "Dear, the entire Galaxy calls me that for doing what I do. So get up now; let's conquer this planet."

Knowing there would be armed guards, he took out the one shiny gem that was too alluring to be eaten, but Hector knew better. "How will there be a rebellion if the rebels aren't alive?"


Just like on Xandar, the yellow light circled around the whole planet, leaving only machines alive. The rest just fell in their places, their souls being sucked out and getting trapped in the stone.

A minute later, the stone stopped casting its powers. "Well, we're good to go now."



Supreme Intelligence saw everything that just occurred. It was speechless and truly considered unconditional surrender now. ~What power was that? What do we do now?~ It did wonder.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!