169. Home Visit

You can read 68 chapters in advance and GOT fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.


"Today, we all have gathered here to celebrate and congratulate our wholesome mad scientist, Abraham Erskine and our greatest ally, a good General and administrator, Veranke, for their marriage."

Hector raised his glass and cheered the two up. It was shocking to even him that Erskine somehow got hanky panky with the Skrull Empress and was now marrying her. Certainly, the universe was too random sometimes.

The whole of Tarnax V was decorated for this great union, as even the Skrulls have a deep respect for Erskine since he was a renowned great scientist who had helped their species over the years by curing various things.

But the marriage hall had only a few special people invited. And in that hall, in the corner, the various Generals of the Federation sat, talking about their president and his notorious virginity.

"What is he saving it for?" a Skrull General wondered.

At that, a Moranian General dreamily responded, "Don't know, but I bet whoever becomes the one to be under him will be the most blessed woman. *Sigh* I wish I was a woman,"


*Cough* "I love my wife and kids," he clarified after being stared at.

But he was not alone. Various female generals were interested in Hector, always wondering how great their offspring would be. Sadly, for them, someone already had Hector's heart. And even if she doesn't, he'd surely not just marry someone for the sake of a child.

"AWOOOOO..." Moony howled, standing at the end of the alter as the head priest who would officiate the marriage.

"I think he wants us to kiss," Erskine muttered.

"Is this how humans finish the ceremony? How romantic," Veranke softly muttered and pulled Erskine into her arms by his waist, then pushed him back to kiss him. She sure was the dominant one in this relationship.

The wedding was successful, and it was time to return to work. Hector didn't have much free time these days, but he still somehow made sure to be around those close to him.


The war ended in 2005. Now it was the year 2007. Two years was not too much time when it came to the matters of the universe. Still, significant changes happened.

First of all, the Xandar empire slowly fell into Hector's grasp, but it was never announced. The Federation just silently took over everything. One time the regular citizens would notice a Federation fleet patrolling around their space, then a few days later, it would become a permanent occurrence.

The Nova Corps was being brainwashed by their new Nova Prime, Muk-Bang. This was, in fact, making more and more Nova Corps soldiers leave their jobs and join the Federation.

However, there were still a few setbacks, as some unruly planets wished not to join the Federation and be free. But this was unacceptable. There could be permanent peace only if all civilisations were on the same idea. So, all these planets were left alone.

By being left alone, it meant they were not given any benefits from the Federation. They didn't get any protection. They didn't get any duty-free travel from other star system's spaces. They didn't get any preferential treatment in the markets. So, slowly, they realised that they'd be the biggest losers if they didn't join the system Hector created.

This way, without even forcing anyone, he made sure all joined the Federation and followed its constitution as their own. The constitution didn't change the way a planet is run. It only ensured that each planet could not do something so messed up that he'd have to destroy it. There were now laws that all needed to follow. There was economic and political oversight.

In two years, two planets had been chosen as the major headquarters. Zen-Whoberi was to be the financial capital of the Federation. At the same time, planet Moran was to be the political and military capital of the Federation. The reason why Hector chose to make Moran the military capital was because the Large Magellanic Cloud was completely under the control of Hector, and he needed the military here to keep it in check, as it used to belong to the Kree.

The Kree empire was entirely dismantled by now. The original planet, Hala, was the only planet with Kree species living on it. Hector had trapped many souls of Kree civilians in the soul stone. He preserved their bodies and slowly released them so he could handle their neutralisation.

It was tough, but it worked. Now, it was time to head back to Earth. Hector will still be the president of the Galactic Federation for as long as he lives, or unless he's impeached by the Federation council. But currently, all council members were his people.


Leaving Kul behind as his proxy for ruling everything, Hector only took one ship along. It was the Freedom One, his original ship that belonged to the Ravagers. It had the Freedom Clan onboard, in addition to Jean, Diana, Peter and Gamora.

"I wonder what changed after I was gone for this long. It's been 19 years already." Hector couldn't help but feel excited about returning.

"Wowoo?" Moony asked him, jumping on all his paws.

"I don't know, boy. But don't worry, if he has closed your favourite meat shop, I will find the owner and make him open it again," Hector assured.

Diana was also looking forward to seeing what this version of Earth would be like. She wondered if there would be a place like Themyscira, although her hopes were low.

"Will people accept the way we all look?" Yondu inquired.

Smiling, Hector threw a few paint cans on them, "Here, put the human skin colour on. Mantis, tape your antennas. Gamora... you also need to do it. Earth, at this point, doesn't even know life outside exists. And Diana... you look perfect... too perfect, to be honest. But I think it will be hard to control the crowd of lusty men if they see you in this battle gear."

She chuckled, "It's okay. I know how to disguise. I will go and get it changed. Moony, dear, will you come and help me?"

~Anything for mommy,~ Moony jumped towards her and happily wobbled his booty in happiness.

Hector didn't concern himself with translating him. No single woman likes being called a mother. At least that's what he thought.

"Logan, did you get in contact with that lazy bum Kennedy? Tell him to keep my secret hanger open."

"Done," Logan showed a thumb.

"By the way, I've got enough room at Mount Vernon for you all. You can stay there temporarily before I find jobs and places to live for you all." He announced.

"Why can't we live with you, mister president?" Kraglin Obfonteri asked.

At that, he scoffed, "Because I want peace. I know my land is huge, but I want privacy. It's only reserved for my family and close friends, like Moony, Logan and Jean. You all are still my subordinates, don't forget,"

"What about miss Prince?" Jean cheekily asked.

Hector didn't look toward her, but answered, "She can also stay. After all, Moony likes her."

Everyone just smugly giggled or grinned. They all knew when their president was serious and when he was full of shit.


Earth, 2007

Washington Memorial College,

"Class, you need to submit the assignment within a week. I will get Yelena to check your research for plagiarism. Remember, you don't need to look too hard. Just try to make your own viewpoint about all that President H. K. Washington did in his years of service.

"Write what you think were the good and bad effects of his policies and how the world has changed with his absence. And Yelena, I hope you show something new like always,"

The professor who specialised in American History left the classroom. With that, nearly everyone stood up. Some left, but a lot of them walked towards Yelena.

"I will buy you whatever you want, just help me with this, please. I don't even know what she expects us to write. We've already done everything,"

Yelena, now 18 years old and a beautiful college student, smiled warmly, "I will email you all a list of topics we can write about. Gran... I mean, Mister President's life was full of historical events. But most of us only know about him after the plane crash incident, but there is so much more from the time when he was still a soldier,"

The students gratefully thanked her and started to leave after telling her their email id. This was a regular occurrence in her college. Yelena was getting her bachelors in American History. It may look like a useless degree, but to her, it felt perfect. After all, her wish was to one day enter politics."

It was 3 in the afternoon already, so she decided to head out to get some late lunch. But, as soon as she walked out of the Washington Block, she found her elder sister standing there, waiting.

Happily jumping, Yelena ran to Natasha and hugged her tightly. "So good to see you again. You look so hot. Where did you get that jacket? Is that a new haircut? AAAA... so pretty. Ah, let's go and eat something,"

Natasha smiled at her little sister. Ruffling her head, she got out of the hug and broke the news, "You want to eat? Hmm... here I thought you'd be interested in meeting someone returning from a long journey."


"GRANDPA?! REALLY?! Let's go then, what are you waiting for? Did you bring a car?"

Allowing Yelena to pull her, Natasha chuckled, "No, I didn't bring a car, but I did bring a fast bike."



The Freedom One was fitted with an invisibility shield and effortlessly landed on a giant underground hanger. Following that, Hector told the group of 100 Ravagers and his other friends to come out and follow him to his house, as the hanger was on his property.

Since he owned thousands of acres of land, Hector had no worries about people finding out. In fact, he had to walk a lot to reach his house. But none of them complained as the view was stunning.

The Potomac River flowed beside his property, sending a nice cool breeze their way. The ground was covered with short green grass and trees all around. It was fresh.

"What do you think?" He asked Diana.

She took a long breath and smiled, "It feels like... home. The smell, the air, nothing can compare with Earth."

"What's with the cowboy look?" Logan inquired.

Diana was indeed wearing a dress akin to a cowboy. Blue jeans, a brown jacket over an off-white shirt, a red scarf around her neck, and a cowboy hat on her head. Heck, she even had a gun attached to her waist. "This was the only attire I could make out of various clothes. This gun... Hector gifted it to me last year,"

"Haha, you look amazing, Diana. But maybe don't keep the gun with you. I have a few workers who maintain my property, and I don't want them to be spooked." Hector complimented her in his own way.

"A hundred people appeared out of nowhere. I think they'd be spooked anyway," Yondu added.

Soon enough, the big house was in the view, "There it is, the beauty,"

He couldn't help but walk quicker towards the entrance. His memories were still fresh. So many people he met here, and so many plans and meetings took place.

"Great, they even put a guard to stop the trespassers," he exclaimed, seeing a small outpost with a police officer standing in it.

"WOWOOOOO..." Moony ran fast to walk beside his dad. The Ravagers also picked up their pace.

Soon enough, Hector stood in front of the guard outpost. At the same time, he fiddled to find the keys in his pocket. "Hmm... I put them here... Nah, this is just the soul stone... Nop, the power stone... ummm... AH! HERE IT IS!"

He proceeded to enter, ignoring the guard. However, a gun was suddenly aimed at him, "STOP! Where are your tickets? And no pets allowed."

"Grrrr..." Moony showed his white fangs.

"T-Ticket? What? Why would I need that to get into my home?"

*BZZZZ...* The guard spoke into his wireless as soon as he noticed a crowd approaching, "Code 2, we seem to have a group of trouble makers. Send all teams.

"Sir, please step back, you are not allowed to enter this property without a visitor's ticket, and this is lunchtime. This is federal property. Trespassing is punishable by a prison sentence,"

(•ˋ _ ˊ•)(°ロ°)

"But this is my home," he argued, frowning simultaneously. Bastard Kennedy never told him about this situation.

In no time, a team of four more policemen arrived, guns out, aimed at Hector and Moony.

The first guard sighed and pointed at the gates, "Look at that board, 'Washington Museum'. You need a ticket to enter. God, I don't get paid enough to deal with these shitty cosplayers."

( ̄▽ ̄)"

[See Natasha, the property, and Diana on Discord at https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!