192. Green Boy Scared

[You can read 60 chapters in advance and GOT fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.]

Around the world, all of a sudden, thousands of Ultra Rich slowly started to see a decline in their wealth. Especially those in the Middle East. Oil was going as cheap as 10$ a barrel against what it was before. These people had a firm grip over oil production and always produced enough to keep the market competitive and thirsty. The oil price before Hector hijacked everything was 110$ per barrel.

His shenanigans had angered many people, and one thing history had enough examples of was wars for money. So because of this, an unlikely alliance started to form between people with similar interests who knew Hector had returned and he was behind everything.

They planned on hurting Hector's interests around the world by surrounding his companies with controversies and creating accidents. The more people die, the better. Blasts in factories, something wrong in the food. Anything they could, they would do.

They already had the news media with them. The weapons industry also joined them in no time, followed by the healthcare and food industries. All in all, the wealthiest folks in the world saw Hector as their biggest enemy. Some of them were smart, however. They knew that Hector was not after their wealth. He just didn't like their methods. As long as they can change them, they can continue to amass wealth.

But they all could never imagine how big the Internet was going to be and how an invasion would change the very concept of life for them."


Hector was in India right now, West Bengal mainly. He came to find Doctor Bruce Banner here, who was trying to hide from the authorities. He was doing a crap job at that, however.

Out of all places, he went to the county where a white-skinned westerner would stand out like a sore thumb. The shield had near to no trouble finding him.

So, Hector, Moony, Natasha, Jean, and Diana went to get him on a Quinjet. It was total overkill, however. However, Jean was the most important one among them as she could simply put Hulk to sleep if he ever came out. Hector could do it too with the Soul Stone, but he reckoned that would only make him angrier when he returns to his body.

"So, what did you guys talk about on your bonding date night?" He asked Diana.

She smiled and caressed Hector's face, "Dear, it's girls' talk. Not for you, besides, Jean also joined, and we had a blast. I never ask you about your adventures, and you shouldn't either,"

"Fine, but take Moony next time. He was complaining that he was left alone by you," He passed the grumpy boy's words.

Moony was originally a husky, and they were known to throw tantrums. One would think that would change after the boy got more intelligent, but no. Instead, his tantrums became more complex.

Diana quickly hugged Moony's fluffy head and pecked on his forehead, leaving behind the lipstick mark, "Dear, I thought you wanted to play with Hector. You did say it was your fun time,"

"Woff wuwu wooo."

Jean translated, "I could have had fun with you too, mom."

"Aw... okay, next time, I will take you with me no matter what," she promised.


"That's it? He's fine now?" Hector was shocked by how quickly Moony forgave her, "If it were me, he'd have extorted a bag of treats by now. I think he's just going easy on you for now,"

Diana glanced at the boy and saw his open jaws, his tongue falling as he looked cute the whole time, "I don't think so. Look at him. So cute. My baby,"

She quickly hugged him. Moony put his head on her shoulder and glanced at Hector. Then all of a sudden, his right eye blinked.

~Was that a wink? This boy...~ He laughed, "Bwahaha... you will see the reality soon. Anyway, Jean, come here to Grandpa. How are you? Did you find a boyfriend?"

"Ugh... please don't talk about that. I hate dating. They all are so afraid of me for some reason. Phoenix says my aura is too intimidating. Is that true?" She inquired while looking at her own body.

Hector tried to sense it and eventually shook his head, "No, I feel nothing."

"Phoenix says only mortals can feel it. You are far from being a mortal. Grandpa, you're too strong. *Sigh* Maybe I will test this Hulk guy you talked about," she muttered, acting frustrated. She was even more annoyed by the daily sight of Scott and Emma Frost acting all lovey-dovey every day.

~Great, I need to find someone for her as well,~ Hector sighed. Responsibilities were just piling up. First Moony and now her. But then his eyes fell on Natasha, looking gorgeous as she piloted the aircraft.

~*Sigh* Having a family is tough,~


Bruce Banner was living his life. It was not what he wanted but all he could have. His girlfriend had left him, and her father was trying to catch him to do some experiments.

Now here he was helping the people in the volunteer health checkup camps. He didn't even know where else he would be going after this, maybe China. As American presence was the least there.



All of a sudden, the ceiling of the building he was in collapsed, and a figure fell from it. Banner had already jumped to hide under the desk in fear.

"Come out, boy. I won't hurt you. I promise." Hector boomed.

Banner peeked out and looked. There the man stood in a red coat, looking all too familiar for some reason. "GO AWAY! Please! I don't want to hurt anybody."

"Haha, hurting somebody should be the least of your worries at this point, boy. Get up. It's time to go back home." Hector lifted Bruce by his back collar. Now that he was lifted up, he could see Hector better.

"Y-You're... Washington? You didn't die?"

"Well, I never claimed I was dead, nor am I trying to hide at this point. People just refuse to believe that it's really me." Hector replied.

"Don't hurt me, or the green guy would come out. It's better for everyone to leave me alone." Bruce pleaded.

Just then, Jeane lowered down from the ceiling and landed, "Is that the one? You said he was going to be green and angry,"

"Give it some time. He can get angry if we annoy him or scare him. Pick him up; we shall transport him to an African safe house. Moony, come here. Stop eating the leftover food," He scolded the furry boy as he had already sneaked inside the room and was eating Banner's food left on the table.


"Make the portal. The Quinjet will move towards Japan in the meantime. All those who are secretly following us will be fooled," he ordered.

The good boy twisted his paw round and round to create the magic circle. Bruce gulped, seeing that. He was still just a simple scientist at this point. In fact, most people were like this since mutants were not talked about much, and aliens were a secret. Well, not for long.

"W-What sorcery is this?" Bruce asked.

"This—is sorcery," Hector replied and lifted Bruce by his shirt and dragged him to the other side. It was a big hall with no windows.

"Now we're in the safe. Bring the green guy out," Jean repeated her demand again.

Bruce dumbly looked at her face, "Do you have any idea what you are asking? He's a monster. One that can't be killed... I tried."

Hector chuckled, "Boy, that Green monster would get his butt kicked by this girl here. Just tell the green guy to come out. I also need to evaluate him,"

"Where are we?"

"Under the uninhabited Sahara Desert,"

Bruce nodded, "Then it's fine, I guess. Unnnnnnn... UGH!"

He started making different noises as if he was constipating. He tried his best and screamed as hard as he could. But only his breath got heavier, "I don't know what's happening. He just won't come out... it's as if. It's as if he's scared."


Hector was amazed, "He is scared? Of what?"

"I don't know. I can't talk to him. He just appears whenever I'm angry or agitated." Bruce replied.


Hector punched his face hard enough to make his nose bleed. He could always heal him later.

"AA... why did you do that?" Bruce fell back in pain.

"Hmmm... interesting." Hector rubbed his beard, "He still won't come out?"

~Is he afraid of Jean or me?~ Hector wondered, though.

"Maybe we s..." He stopped proposing the idea due to his phone suddenly ringing. He picked it up, and Fury's voice appeared, "Return quickly, sir. The Sleeping Beauty has awoken,"

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Check out my new original book if you have not: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!