223. Peeping Tony

[You can read 51 chapters in advance and GOT fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.]

California, Venice beach

"Woof wuf wooo. Wuwoo wowowo..."

"Mister Moony says, 'I do not promise to tax someone more or someone less. What I promise is that I shall not allow hiding any of their taxes by any means.'" Jean translated Moony's speech.

But Moony was displeased, so he barked at her. ~ I said I would bite the bad man's asses. Why did you change that?~

She talked through minds as well, ~You are running in elections, so you can't appear violent to the people.~

~But I'm a doggo. They can't hate me, ~ he argued.

Jean sighed and added the words, "He also says that he will bite bad people's asses for breaking the law."





Jean was left stunned at how easily they shrugged at the violent threat. "God, you've made yourself a cult."

Moony was proud of it, actually. Anyway, how can anyone hate him? He was cute and intelligent. He also had experience as a mayor, which added a lot to his resume. In fact, just being Hector's boy was enough. Ah, scratch that. Just being a dog was enough.

People just hate politicians and would even like a blank plank at this point. Moony was an angel in their eyes. Hence, such mad worship was seen in his promotional rallies.

"AWOOOOOOOO..." Moony gave a long howl.


"Awo Awo Awo..." the people repeated with him and howled. It started to look more and more like a cult with that.

"Moony, it's time to go to the next location. It's a children's hospital." The new Secretary of Moony, Yelena, notified him.

Now, Moony was a good heavenly doggo. He was the best when it came to kiddies, as he loved playing with them and making them happy. "Wuf!"

"Quick, let's go." Jean translated.


White House,

"Are you seeing this? Moony is running in the lead in California. If this goes on, he will soon be sitting in the seat of Governor." Kennedy commented as they watched television.

Hector chuckled and responded, "Well, that will at least make people more accepting of Gifted Ones as politicians. After all, if a dog can become the Governor, why can't a gifted one be a representative or senator."

"You're right, father." Erik and Charles were also seated in the office, along with Fury and Diana.

"So you finally decided to get married?" Charles asked.

"Haha, yes. I finally found someone I feel I can spend eternity with. But I didn't call you here to plan my wedding. I have others for that. I want you folks to help me change a few things. After marriage, Diana will be the First lady. But I know this position is useless with no power.

"So, I wish for Diana to run for Senate and win. The problem is that she has been a US citizen for just four years, and to become a Senator, you need to have at least 9."

"Just appoint her as Secretary of any department you want. There are no guidelines on that. You just need to nominate her, and the Senate needs to approve." Kennedy suggested.

Hector was still conflicted, "I know that. I also had that idea, but then I might be accused of nepotism or something for putting her in a high place. She needs to appear natural."

"What do you even want me to do?" Diana finally asked.

"I want you to become the Secretary of defence and scare the hell out of the world while looking graceful. I am going to wage war on Russia and slowly turn it into a world war. But, of course, nukes will be neutralized before the war even begins." He announced with a plain face.

Except for Fury, who knew this already, and Diana, who didn't care, all had their jaws falling. Especially Kennedy, "Were they right? Are you a warmongering president?"

"Huh, you're wrong. This war is the one to end all wars and join the planet as one single thing. I will use it to erase all ideological differences and bring everyone together. Even those in the enemy nations will be on our side by the end. So, tell me how I can make her the Secretary of Defence?"

Everyone silently started to brainstorm. Then they took out their phones and started looking around on the internet. Hector did the same, but eventually, he ended up on Twitter, replying to some questions. And that was when the idea hit him, "I know how to make the people accept her. I will do a Twitter poll. I will name random politicians and add Diana's name to the list. Then, knowing the horny virgins and her other fans, she will top the poll instantly."


"Horny virgins are bad? Amazing how the tables have turned." Kennedy muttered.

"It's a nice idea. This way, they can't protest later when she's selected." Fury agreed with it.

"What do you want from our community?" Charles inquired.

By now, Charles and Erik had become the leaders of the world's most prominent mutants rights organization. As a result, they hold a lot of pull over the community and could also pressurize any nation or organization that mistreats mutants.

"Charles, I need you to become the Secretary of state and do what you do the best—mind r*pe. Not to any common people but rather to other politicians. Read their minds, know what they are planning, and get me the best results possible. Are you ready for that task?"

The bald man was offended by how his ability was described, but he was used to it since Erik said that all the time. "I am, sir."

"Great, now get out and let me work... Ah! Not you, Diana. This is our home from now on. You can stay in all my meetings." he stopped her, despite getting jealous gazes from other boys.

"You got any work for me?" Diana asked him.

Cheekily, Hector pulled her to his lap. "I was wondering if we should go shopping. Let's buy our wedding dresses, as I sure don't want to be wearing this red coat when it happens."

"Let's go then." she got up.

"Just a minute, I need to sign some bills the boys passed in the congress. Let's see, new land zoning laws? Accepted! LGBT rights? Sure, we have aliens on Earth at this point, so what's this? New military pension scheme? Let's goooo! Bill to create a special police department for Mutant Crimes? Yes, this is something we need. Bill to reinstate capital punishment? Well, I want it but can't have it due to the weak-ass society. The deserving ones will still die, however. Accidents always happen. So rejected!..."

Diana chuckled after hearing him talk to himself. Hector didn't write these bills himself. He only tells his loyalists the direction he wants the nation to take. Then these random bills come up, and he gets to decide to accept them or reject them.

"Bill to subsidize electric vehicle research? Accepted! Done, let's go out, Diana." He shut the files close and jumped up. "We should also buy Moony a tuxedo. He is going to be our ring bearer, after all."

"He is going to look so cute. We should get something for Fenris as well. She's been a very good girl all this time." Diana added.

Both of them were already like parents, doing normal things. Maybe a bit extra horny, but again, when you are gods and have super hot bodies, why wouldn't you be horny? It was still better than being Zeus, who was always horny for any random object that appeared.


Avengers Tower,

"Mister Stark, the target has started to move. They are in the city."

"Where exactly, Jarvis?"

"In the... Hamilton Tailors. They appear to be looking for wedding suits. Do you wish to connect with them, sir?"

Tony quickly shouted, "NO! What's the point of spying if you tell them? They are on my turf now, and I must get some embarrassing juice on that old man before he gets married. I will play it at his evening party."

"Sir, we have a problem."

"Not now, Jarvis. I am working on Mark 9 suit. Don't disturb me unless the world is about to end. Keep an eye on the old man and record everything."

"Look at the screen, Mister Stark. It appears we have been caught already." Jarvis turned on the television and showed the camera feed from the shop.

Hector was visible, looking directly into the camera. Tony felt like his soul was being searched by those eyes. "His lips are moving. Read them."

Jarvis ran some scans and recreated Hector's voice, "'I will break your legs, Tony.' is what he said."

"FUCK! Get back! Take back all the controls from the cameras. Do not track him ever... oh no, he will have his payback now. It's all on you, Jarvis. How did you get caught so easily? You're supposed to be the best A.I." As always, Tony, the narcissist, was first to blame others.

But Jarvis was upgraded with the help of Adam. "You made me, sir."

"You're supposed to be smarter than me, Jarvis."

"Mister Stark, since we got caught, does that mean you are less smarter than Mister President?"

(•ˋ _ ˊ•)

"Okay, you're going to the trashcan."

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If you have not, check out my new original book: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!