247. Symbiote

[You can read chapters in advance and GOT fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.]

"How did you correct a complete C7-C8 spinal cord injury?"

Ancient One poured some tea for Hector. "I didn't correct it. He couldn't walk. I convinced him he could."

"You're suggesting it was psychosomatic?" Stephen was still stuck to his scientific thoughts.

"When you reattach a severed nerve, is it you who heals it back together or the body?"

"It's the cells."

"And the cells are only programmed to put themselves back together in a very specific way. What if I told you that your own body could be convinced to put itself back together in all sorts of ways?" She explained.

Stephen Strange lost his mind at that. He rushed closer to the Ancient One. "You're talking about cellular regeneration. T-That's bleeding-edge medical tech. Is that why you're working here? Without a governing medical board? I mean, just how experimental is your treatment?"

Ancient One handed Hector his tea and responded with a bit of uncertainty. "Quite."

"So you've figured out a way to reprogram nerve cells to self-heal?"

"No, Mister Strange, I know how to reorient the spirit to better heal the body." She explained it in the simplest way. But she noticed the look of doubt in Stephen's eyes. So she picked up a book and showed it. "Look at these... these were drawn by someone who saw parts but not the whole thing."

Stephen started hyperventilating and mumbling about losing the last of his money to get here, only to meet religious fanatics.

"You're a man looking at the world through a keyhole. You've spent your whole life trying to widen that keyhole to see more to know more, and now on hearing it can be widened in ways you can't imagine, you reject the possibilities."


"Marvelous! Amazing quote, Yao." Hector praised from a distance, getting a smile from Ancient One in return. The two were very good chums, after all.

"Oh please, shut up, you two. Stop toying with me and telling me your fairy tales about chakras and energy or the power of belief. There is no such thing as a spirit! We—are made of matter and nothing more. You're just another tiny, momentary speck within an indifferent universe."

"I can help you see what you are meant to." She added.

Stephen started his rants once again and became angry. "Oh, you think you see through me, don't you? Well, you don't! But I see through you..."

"Here it comes!"


Ancient One pushed his astral form out for a few seconds, then pulled it back in. "Need more proof?"

"What was in that tea? LSD?"

Hector interrupted with a scoff. "You fool, she's talking about this... magic!"

Hector used his powers to replicate what looked like sorcery spells. "There are damn aliens out there, there are people with X-Genes, there is Captain America, and you're shocked by magic? Son, under which rock were you living?"

Stephen had to agree that there was some truth to that argument. There were so many unexplainable things out there that this could not be dismissed.

"Open your arrogant eyes, Doctor Strange." Ancient One tapped her thumb on Stephen's head and sent him on a trippy journey of wisdom.

Ancient One kept talking in his ears, reminding him how insignificant he was as compared to the Multiverse. "Who are you, Stephen Strange? For there lies something even beyond this tiny speck you see.

"Where beings who decide the universe's fate with a wave of palm live. Who are you, Stephan Strange?"


Doctor Fell from his chair as soon as his sense returned to his body. Or was his body moving as well? He had no idea.

"Have you seen that in a gift shop?" Ancient One asked condescendingly.

Stephan was panting as he rose to his knees and looked at Hector, then the Ancient One. "Teach me!"


Mordo returned to pick Stephen up and throw him out.

"Yup, wash that arrogance first, boy. Because sorcery is the pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural." Hector waved his hand.

"Did you just quote Darth Sidious?" Ancient One asked.

"Yes, the man was ugly but had some wisdom. But at the same time, all Sith were dumb to not see their disciples killing them when there is an abundance of examples." Hector shrugged and moved to take a seat.


A magic portal appeared, and Moony walked out cutely. ~Dad, you called me? I was busy scolding people in my office.~

"Haha, I know that's your favorite part of being Governor. Now, dear Yao there needed you for something. Go and give her some licks first."

Moony skipped towards the Ancient One and licked her face. "Woof woof!"

"Indeed, Grand Master Moony, I missed you too. I heard you have a girlfriend now. I wish to meet her someday."

Hector noticed something strange. "Can you understand him now?"

"Of course, I developed a new spell to understand him. After all, I need to be able to understand the second most powerful sorcerer in the order." She scratched the good boy on the head, making him smile widely with his tongue falling out.

"Let's go and have lunch, Hector. Doctor Strange will require some time to have a change of mindset."

"Let's do that. I'll return to New York after that."

"What are you up to these days?" She inquired.

"Well, I'm thinking of letting heads of state from a few countries come to me and get advice to improve their nations... free of cost. Let's see how it goes."


That evening, the door to the Kamar Taj opened again, and Stephen Strange was allowed to enter. But before he could be shown his room, he had another audience with Ancient One.

"Thank you." Stephen gratefully

"Good, now before we start your training, I am assigning you a master of the mystic arts who shall teach you. But remember, if you disobey, he can be very harsh on the students. Are you prepared to be patient with him?" Ancient One asked.

In reality, Stephen was ready to give his soul if it meant his hands could be healed. "Yes, I will do anything."

"Good, then your teacher shall be Grand Master Moony. Say hello to him."

"Woof!" There came Moony walking in. He stopped close to Stephen, sat up on his hind legs, and then tapped his paw on the man's head.

"Woof!" ~Good boy.~


"Is this a joke?" Stephen Strange asked.

Moony scoffed and created a magic circle to show him how awesome he was. "Woof wowo wovy."

Ancient One translated. "He says he will not teach you if you're disrespectful... and he will complain to his father, Hector."

Stephen's mouth dried up as he tried to accept the situation. Magic was already pushing the boundaries, and now this...

"I-I accept, Master Moony."

Moony nodded proudly and walked away. The training was to start the next day, after all. But deep inside, he was on cloud nine because this was going to be his first-ever disciple.


New York.

Hector returned to his office and called Eddie Brock to come and talk. He knew that the man was supposed to be Venom, but he had no idea if the alien had already taken his body.

"Come and sit, son." He welcomed the boy.


All of a sudden, Eddie's body got covered in black goo, and it fell to its knees. "My liege, I have come to pay respects and serve at your command!"

(•ˋ _ ˊ•)


"Ah! I am honored that you know my name. But, please worry not for the human. He's but a whore to me that I use and stay inside."

( ̄▽ ̄)"

"I'm not your king," Hector responded.

"Oh, but I feel the same energy radiating from you that I once felt from my king, my creator, my..."

~What is he talking about? When did I become the king of Symb- Ah, didn't Knull create symbiote? I absorbed Knull, so that does make me the king... does that mean I can command all Symbiotes?~

He looked at Venom while wondering how he could use this great opportunity. The Symbiotes were one of the strongest alines, after all.

"Venom, how about we make a trip to your homeworld and help your species?"

"Sure, my liege! Wherever you wish, I shall accompany you."

~Good, the Universe will be fully safe with Symbiotes under me. And I can use them for espionage or infiltration.~

However, at the same time, there was a voice of a human resonating inside the head of Venom.

"You fucking bastard, you're making me a slave to the President? I like it, but I don't want it. And I'm not your whore... Let me OUT!"

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If you have not, check out my new original book: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Franklin Walley* *phone thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley* *Julian Rocamora*

Thank you for all your support!