299. Good Old Batman

[You can read the last chapters in advance, OP and GOT fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.]

"Let's go and meet Bruce then." She said and flew up in the air. Hector also flew behind her.

Diana does not wear her Wonder Woman suit most of the time now. She instead prefers to wear comfortable jeans, high boots and a good white shirt with a sweater above. She was likely preparing herself for the coming life. So it was hard to recognise her at one glance for most heroes in this world.

They soon followed the trail of Batman. The big bat was standing beside the pier while looking ahead in silence. He likely lost Joker once again.


Diana landed beside Batman. "Bruce."

Batman, still going through an adrenalin rush, looked back. His strange gun was already in hand, and he took a position to flee if needed. But, when the woman called him by his real name, he calmed down.

"Diana? You look... different... or you're not the Diana I know?" Bruce quickly came to a conclusion, since the woman in front of him appeared similar but older and more mature.

Then his eyes fell on Hector. Instantly, his guards went up as his identity was important to him. "Who is he?"

Hector snapped his finger, and in an instant, the motorbike and all the weapons on Batman's body vanished. "I am what you may call a god."

"Many have said the same before being pulled and slapped onto the ground," Batman said, coldly.

"Bwahaha... I don't blame you for thinking I'm one of those gods. Well, I will not even try to explain. This little trip is not about me." Hector said and let Diana take the wheel.

"Bruce, I come from a different universe... where everything gets destroyed... the entire fabric of the universe gets devoured by the thing called The Undoing. A shadowy cosmic force that takes the form of a swarm of silhouette dragons with tentacles. It erases everything, Bruce... until nothing is left. But I survived and defeated it... but I was too late."

"And you have come to warn us?" Bruce asked back. But it was obvious that he was not fully trusting Diana yet. It was understandable, even more so for a paranoid man like Batman.

Diana sighed and looked around. "Not really. I do not know how this world is different from mine. So what I'm telling you here may not be helpful."

Hector interjected just then. "You should start killing the likes of Joker, that I must say."

Bruce scowled. "I am not the decider of fate. I only bring criminals to justice. If I start killing, there will be no difference between them and me."


Hector clapped and whistled. "Bravo... here we have the Dark Knight who'd rather see Joker kill a hundred people every month than kill the Joker. How many times has he escaped from prison now? Why does the Gothan City judiciary not put him in the gas chamber? Maybe they are also corrupt and in cahoots with the Joker."

"You think I should kill Joker?"

"You should unless you're in love with him or something. The best way to kill cancer is to obliterate it. You don't leave tidbits behind so that it may spread once again."

"Where did you find this lunatic?" Bruce looked at Diana.

Now, this annoyed her more. "The lunatic you call is my husband and a being from Omniverse. You can't fathom it, so just leave it. Where is this world's version of Diana? I wish to meet her here."

"I don't know," Bruce replied while narrowing his eyes. He wished to first do some digging before acting chums with them.

Hector shrugged and walked away. "Let's just go to Themyscira, Diana. I'm sure the people there have a way to call Wonder Woman of this world home."

"Let's go then." She flew behind Hector, not even saying goodbye to Bruce. There was no point in talking to him as she knew how hard it was to get Bruce to change his mind about something. Not to mention, she didn't feel as connected to this universe since she had already seen the Bruce of her world die.


Batman was not someone who would sit quietly after seeing invaders from a different universe and, in their own words, outside the multiverse. He called the Justice League quickly to discuss what they should do.

Most of the heroes could fly really fast, and those who could not, had the Zeta-Tubes to use. So, within half an hour, everyone arrived at the Justice League Base on Earth, since the one in orbit was still in the works.

"What's the emergency, Batman?" Superman asked as he stood around the meeting table, arms folded and looking mighty.

"Look at this." Batman tapped on a control panel near his seat, and soon a screen got projected in the middle of the table, exposing the whole exchange between him and the two visitors.

Everyone in the room silently listened to it until the two figures flew away.

"How! This feels so strange to see me this old." Wonder Woman of this world was there too, frowning.

"I must say, you became prettier with time," Flash spoke.

Aquaman also started at that point, taking a jibe at Batman. "That old man was not wrong. You should kill Joker. How many people has he killed by now? A thousand?"

"We're not here to discuss the Joker." Batman ignored all the taunts and focused on the man on the holographic screen. "The older Wonder Woman said this man here is an Omniversal being... a god. Do any of you know exactly what that means? Thanks to Flash, we know about the multiverse, but Omniverse is new."

"Maybe I can help." Wonder Woman spoke, although sounding unsure. "The only time I've met Zeus, he told me that he's not the only Zeus, and he made sure to clarify that he was not talking about Zeus from another universe. He said there is one Zeus above all that lives beyond the great wall that separates our entire bubble of multiverse, in which all possible realities of our universe exist."

"What's in the Omniverse?" Batman questioned.

Wonder Woman shook her head. "This I don't know. Even Zeus didn't seem to know this part. But all I know is that if that man is a god from Omniverse, then he should be able to erase our world with a snap if he wishes to do so."

Hearing that proclamation, all the heroes moved in their places uncomfortably. This was not a level of power any of them could imagine, let alone fight it.

Batman remained calm, however. "Then we need to find his weakness."

"Which is?"

"We already have it." Batman moved the video to a different scene and paused at the old Wonder Woman. "She's his wife."

"Batman! Don't! This is going too far." Superman erupted instantly. "Are you suggesting we harm Wonder Woman?"

"She's not from our world." Batman insisted. "And this is the worst-case scenario."

"Boys!" Wonder Woman exclaimed all of a sudden while her eyes remained fixated on the screen. "Let's be gentle this time. We don't want to anger the being... and if he's truly my... future alternate me's husband, then he must be in love with me and understand me. I should try talking to him and understand why they are here. Let's first find out if they are even a threat."

"He's not your husband. We can't risk you going close to him." Batman warned her.

Wonder Woman scoffed and walked away. "He still fell in love with a version of me... and from that same video... I can see his feelings for her. Superman, will you join me?"

Superman quickly followed her to provide backup. He knew Batman was a brooding schemer, and he was not against it as it often comes in handy. But, even he knows that you don't scheme against a being of supreme strength. After all, no scheme could save you from a punch that could shatter the universe.

"I'm coming too! I always wanted to see a real god!" Flash chased.

"Me too!" Shazam followed up too.

"Can he swim faster than me? Haha, only one way to find." The same was the case with Aquaman.



"This is where I used to play as a child... and that's where I learnt to swim." Diana showed Hector her home... just a replica of them. She dragged him around with her arm wrapped around his.

Hector silently heard her tell the stories and relive the memories. He walked where she took him, and saw what she showed. He just felt happy to see her smile so happily.



All of a sudden, a few women arrived on their horses. At the front was a tall, buffed black haired woman with a crown on her head. She pointed at Hector specifically. "What is this man doing here... Diana?"

"Mother?" Diana, instead, ran towards the woman and hugged her.

"That's not me, mother!" Another voice came.

The black-haired woman looked at Diana in her arms and the one who had just landed. Utterly confused, she kept looking at them one by one because both were real. She could feel it.

"What's happening?"

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If you have not, check out my new original book: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Franklin Walley* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley* *Jason Jimenez* *Devor*

Thank you for all your support!