'Oh my g o o d n e s s', an old man says running out from his car. He moves forward still in fear and notices the body on the floor, he sees a girl laying on the cold f r e z z i n g ground totally naked, he takes out his jacket and put it on her, he wasn't sure if she was dead or alive, the streets in seconds were filled with alot of people who were amazed, noone knew her and she looks dead. They called the cops and in a tinkle of an eye the press was all over the whole place, this alone caused a terrible traffic, the scene was closed up by the cops stopping people from taking photographs and seizing p h o n e s and they call for the Emergency, captain Lucas waited patiently for their arrival.

'I found her exactly where I stated in my s t a t e m e n t !', captain Lucas said speaking to a police officer, he happens to be the man who found the girl, the officer said whispering in a colleague's ear, they spoke with the doctor afterwards and he said the girl wasn't dead and she was i n d e e d lucky to have gotten help just on time.

The doctor found something amazing about the girl, her blood was bright, astonishingly red blood and her healing factor works on the blood cells too. She had bruises all over her but a m a z i n l y it all healed and it was like she never had it, but her body were cold as ice. The police had no information about her, no one has reported a missing person, some said she was a fallen angel,others said she was an alien, noone seem to know her or her background or family, there was no valid or useful i n f o r m a t i o n to help in the girl's case.