The bell rings continuously as the teachers were seen running in different directions, this was strange, what was going on?.

Mr.charles the principal comes to the hall way with a big Microphone in his hand calling the attention of the students.

'This is an emergency, no one should panic the police are on their way and everything is under control, just stay wherever you are', he added handing over the microphone to a staff by his side.

The school closed just on time, everyone was sent back home to their houses, everywhere surrounded with corps and investigators.

The incident takes place in the basketball court where a man was found dead with his neck punctured, indeed it was a two punctured wounds, he was stiff and Cold already and it looked like he was drained out of blood.

'this happened last night', a detective said looking closely around the surroundings the corps laid.

The corps was taken away for autopsy, no one seems to know him, he wasn't a teacher in the school but why on earth was he in the school basket ball court.

'The punctured wounds looks like an animal like attack', a detective said slowly walking away from the area.

'His eyes were opened and totally white which is much more scary', another detective said as he orders for the corps to be taken away.

Luna was terrified, could this be her doings.

But of course every one was terrified as well but not as much as she was.

'We checked around there's no sign of break-in anywhere and everywhere seem to be alright, we will take it from here', The man in charge leading the police team said also advising the principal to find out if any student must have known him outside the school environment.

Since the police thinks there wasn't a cause for alarm and they had it under control they believed school should resume back after two weeks.

'Did you see his eyes, he looks like a zombie or a mummie', A student said as they hurriedly made way to the hall way.

'His body was soo different', a reply came from another girl as they head to leave the school premises.