Looting a dead body!

time passed after 72 hours...

cold wind blew snow kept flowing like rain..

In a mountain peak in a certain cave there's a man and a woman they wear brown robes the woman's hair can be seen outside her robe.. her hair color is white like silver in front of her there's a small bonfire..

their expression could not be seen but we can hear their voice..

"grandpa! you said you will teach me your sword arts! but here we are climbing a mountain in winter season!" a cute woman's voice could be heard blending with the rumbling of wind and snow..

"I am teaching you my sword arts right now.. you need to comprehend it yourself" a helpless age voice could be heard within the brown robe his age hand holding the wooden skewer with a large meat on its end..

"B-b-but we are hiking!?" the woman's cute angry voice could be heard.. the girl in brown robes stomp her foot on the ground in annoyance..

"sigh.. this kid" the old man sighed on his mind thinking what his grand daughter do to persuade him cause him headache that scene always popping up and down on his mind..

thinking about that what happen..


"father you should teach your grand daughter our secret sword art its time she's already ten years old this year" A man with white hair said softly he look at the old man in front of him this old man have white hair and a bit wrinkles on his face he look like in his 60s but over 120 years old!

the old man lean at his chair closing the book with both hands and looking at his son with deep gaze his eyes color is red and its looks scary being stared down by it..

the room is silent.. both father and son look at each other only a tapping noise could be heard the old man use his finger to tap in the table like he is deep in thought..


he is about to open his mouth and about to speak when he heard the door opening and hearing a cute excited voice of a girl..


looking at the meat on his skewer that almost cooked he hand it for his grand daughter and said "here"

taking the wooden skewer she take a bite.. the girl did not say anything..

while they are eating they heard some loud weird noise its a creepy sound like a child laughing and crying..

Mike look at his front his eyes have a deep color of black.. gazing at his front he can see many mountains and a snow storm raging havoc in the surrounding he almost blown away by the cold wind thankfully there's a large withered tree by his side..

he can feel his body freezing looking around him he can only see snow but after some thought he look at his small body his dark eyes saw some shock.. because his body is glowing with green luster..

"Is this the power of that small green jade?" mike thought while feeling excited and shock he look at his body he can still feel he would freeze at any second..

he don't have the time to admire this beautiful scenery in front of him because he really feel cold he can even feel his brain freezing..

he can still feel the pain on his small fist but he did not mind it in his life he feel so much pain.. painful than what he feels now..

looking at the flying droplet of blood a pain expression could be seen on his young face "sigh! why its still bleeding its only a small wound!"

but thinking about infections he look at his small fist again he used the black dried leaves on his side as a bandage some time ago..

Mike can feel his throat becoming dry and he feel thirsty while he is in fantasy he look at the tree that he is leaning on..

it is shielding him from the raging snow storm and his gaze landed on a wall he can only see some claw marking the cave that he went out is gone he look puzzled and curious..

"wait what is that smell?" mike look around him he smell something rotting but he can't find the source but thinking about the tree he was leaning on he try to stand up and take a quick glance behind him..

a weird sound came out in mike's mouth his expression change rapidly from shock, curiosity and some fear..

what he saw shock him to the core because behind him where a snow storm are striking there's a bloody scene..

as he thought this rapid footstep could be heard..

two shadows can be seen running rapidly trying to locate the voice..

"Grandpa, what is that sound?" a curious cute voice said

"silence" an age voice sounded

as the two shadow figure run we can see a big and small shadow.. soon the two see a huge withered tree blood can be seen on the tree side..

the brown robe man walk to the blood and take a sniff while he hold his wooden sword hilt inside his robe..

"this blood is fresh...hmmm?"

the small brown robe said as she used her snow white hand to cover her nose underneath her brown robe "Grandpa what is that smell?"

the big brown robe raised its head and sniff...

he walk to the withered tree and look at behind the tree what he saw shock him its a massacre there's many dead bodies severed limbs and heads loitering around its a bloody field..

after that he came to his senses he rush back and use his age hand to carry his grand daughter who is so confused as to why his grandfather was so anxious running..

"this.. How can this be?!"

"After thousand of years that demon are still alive?!"

"No!! I need to run!"

many thoughts are created in his mind like a water falling into a empty basin he have many speculation on what happen that's why he did not want to stay on that place..

After the two mysterious person leave mike who have dug a hole somewhere near the tree don't know what happen..

he don't want those people finding him and question him like why are you here?

a child in a middle of nowhere?

are your parents criminals?

looking at the receding shadowy figures of the two mike sighed..

"why did that man run so fast? he use the huge stone to propel his jump that guy is no ordinary.." mike thought "is this world full of strong man like him? but what happen here?"

"why there's so many dead bodies here??"

looking at the dead bodies mike's deep black eyes have a trace of confusion of course mike are used to this scene because he is from military the invasion of those extraterrestrial life cause a huge massacre on his planet..

"what do I do now?" Mike thought he look at the bloody scene and their armor and swords..

mike foot slowly walk toward the bloody scene his nose can smell a rotting body as he got closer he can smell how this body died for a month or so..

"this sword is good its so sharp" mike look at the sword on the ground a dead body of a man still holding the sword want to swing it.. too bad he got shot by an arrow..

its a one shot kill! looking at the head whose skull are cracked open mike's eyes open wide he can clearly see the brain juices its color is white..

it feel nausea from the scene covering his mouth using his hand.. he can feel like there's something want to go out on his mouth from his stomach..

mike gaze turn to the side and found a shining weapon and its a dagger!

"this dagger look familiar huh?!" picking it up mike's deep dark eyes observe it like he is looking at the masterpiece after sometime his gaze landed on the other pair of the dagger he look shock..

the design and how the dagger are crafted look unique..

mike came to a quick decision he pick the two dagger and the other sheath of the dagger from the man who are lying on the ground full of blood like something stab him from behind..

"sorry brother i need your dagger.. oh your dark robe looks so cool can i get it too? oh thank you brother.." looking at the mountain peak there's a child picking a robe from dead body of a man..

mike with a wide smile on his face carry the two dagger on his small hands he can feel its heaviness..

"the robe are oversize" mike wear the black robe and observe it on himself looking at himself in front we can see a black robe are standing like using a stick..

if you can see the expression of this dead man lying on his own pool of blood trace of shock and unwillingness could be seen on his face..