
April 16, 6789

Blue Gate city

In a snowy land there's a big city with a big ship in the center of it its so huge that it almost covered the entire city... if mike is here and this ship is in front of him he can surely recognize it!

In a secret meeting room several old man are discussing something..

"say it what did you see?" a lump man sitting on the center of the long table said his age voice could be heard he have white hair and white eyes..

several old mans gaze landed at the person standing in front of them he have a bit wrinkles and red eyes..

"I saw the 20 elite squad dead body in the mountain peak sir!" an age voice could be heard it have full of vitality of a strong man..

"Its looks like they found it.." said an old man with a chubby face and hunch back..

after that they start arguing many arguments could be heard within the room..

3 hours later..

the old man with red eyes and black hair sit on his chair and thought "That treasure... the gate of death where human souls, beast souls, Demon souls, Elves soul even those extinct race they go there after death..."

"That treasure... no one knows what its looks like... they said you need to walk in the legendary death domain where only dead people can walk.."

"only by resetting this universe time can we walk there.. are the 36 Races alliance sacrifice really worth it?"

thinking on this he open one of drawer door and pick up something there..

holding it with both hands he said in his mind " oh God why there's only twenty jade stone here in the entire universe..."

as he thought this tears flow through his old face he make a quick decision as he touch a button on his wrist and a holographic icon pop up on his eyes using his mind to touch it and make a phone call..

"Grandpa why did you call me?" a moment later a girl with silver hair walk on the hall and said softly.

his grandfather look at him with a small green jade on his hand he did not speak he pass the small green jade on his grand daughter..


"grand father what is this for?" the girl with white hair ask with confusion written on her face..

the old man with red eyes did not speak he walk onto the window he gaze at the far mountain with snowy peak and said softly " crush that small jade pendant and don't ask any question"

as he said that he turn around and saw that his grand daughter crush it between her hands green dust flew around the room as the wind go in...

a trace of satisfaction could be seen on his age face...

he said "what do you feel?"

the girl with white hair look at the old man in her front she is her grand father she look confuse and a trace of shock could be seen through her beautiful face "I can feel my strength rose up but my stats did not go up a bit... weird what is this stone use for grand father?"

"You will know after the time comes.. let me tell you a story in a far away galaxies and stars interstellar travel become common sight many stars have been destroyed for fuel many civilization trying to go up and find another civilization.. many races got extinct because of war.. many races got extinct because of resources..."

"wait grandpa is that a story or are you lecturing me again?" the girl with white hair ask with annoyance..

"wait I am not finish yet" as he said that he smiled mysteriously

"In a far away place in the universe there's a planet called earth it has been destroyed after billion of years.. the civilization technology on earth did not even bloom a single bit they only have a primitive technology but in history they are the most intelligent and strongest race.."

"one of the five nation try to invade them but this race try to fight back after they lose they tried to advance their technology using scraps after a hundred of years their technology reach the peak! many of their kin sacrifice their lives for their success their technology bloom and last for twenty thousand years!"

"The five nation feel threat from them they mobilize their entire army other races only watch as this happen our race join that war too the star Demon race are one of the strongest on combat in the entire universe!"

"That race are so strong they put up a fight for a hundred of thousand of years before they got destroyed.. They called it The inter galactic war"

"after that a million of years have passed they become extinct earth are destroyed their solar system destroyed.. but who would have thought there's a beast king corpse in that Universe the creator of humans are lying his corpse dried up!"

"that god is dead after discovering this the five nation hurried with their entire army every races leader set a meeting there... hahaha" the old man with red eyes did not continue..

"so that's how the five nation got wipe out grandpa?!" with wide open eyes her small mouth open and close she asked her body trembling..

"But in our history class said humanity technology did not bloom.."


The white hair girl look in the mirror in front of her she look at her self she muttered something..

"The countdown have start.. resetting the universe only with the small green jade pendant can one remember their memories huh..."

a cute voice continued to echoed in the silent room as time passed the voice stop..

and a beautiful girl in white pajamas could be seen she have white hair and orange eyes and pink lips and her small body lying down on the bed looking at the ceiling raising her hand she can see a pale white skin hand and arm..

"That day.." she said two words before she fell asleep..