Mike's dark past(2)

"I forgot to introduce myself my name is Kenji Nomura" said a young man in front of young mike's face..

beside kenji Nomura a girl introduced herself "I am Nozomi Ota Nice to meet you" saying that she bowed..

"I am mike maertens nice to meet you two" saying that young mike smiled..

after being invited by his classmates he almost get into trouble again thankfully this two classmates of his save him..

as the three walk kenji Nomura said "Just ignore Alfred Todd he always want to find trouble in the class even teacher have headache on how to handle him"

"so that guy name is alfred what about the others? our classmates don't like to introduce themselves" ask young mike his face have confusion written on it..

after the two heard what he say Nozomi Ota smiled and impatiently explain "In our school there's a story this story become popular almost all student knows it this story name 'Don't ask name' this name is a bit corny but after reading it you will feel that you are in that story like you are the main character!"

the three young teenagers walk together as the autumn wind blew kenji Nomura continued "as the story name implies you can't ask name in school you can only ask name outside of school its a big taboo!"

hearing their explanation young mike's face have realization he nodded and look at the orange sky..

"okey the two of us are going this way see you tomorrow!" kenji Nomura said as the two wave at young mike's front..

"see you tomorrow!" young mike smiled warmly as he wave his hand too..

opening the door young mike could be seen going through the door as he say "Mom I am home!"

as he said that he received silence seeing the light is on but no one answer young mike's face look puzzled..

"mom where are you?" ask mike as he walk onto the kitchen but he only see a carrot and a knife and a hot boiled water like his mother is about to cooked their food..

looking at the carrot mike walk to the fridge beside the stok as he got near the fridge he feel something amiss...

as he hurried and see what is on the floor the sound of soft footstep stop at young mike's dark deep gaze look at the scene in front of him..

in front of him his 'mother' body have blood looking at the body there's a slash on her neck..

"this..? you are joking right? aunt!" after seeing the scene in front of him he kneel on the floor at a loss to what to do..

at a young age both his parents died on an accident his aunt took him in but he can't accept reality he call his aunt his mother as he practice martial arts on the dojo everyday he go home his aunt will smile at him warmly..

august 2, 3029

"Mike this is your first time in school be good okey?" A women soft voice could be heard..

"of course I am!" saying this young mike smile become wide..

this scene on his memory is like a piece of paper playing bit by bit as he looked at his aunt dead body he did not cry he not used to crying 'a real man will never cry'

young mike face was dazed as he walked he used the telephone on the wall to dial four numbers..

as police and ambulance siren could be heard rush footstep could be heard the door is open when the police saw mike's daze face and his hand holding the phone on his left hand the police know what to do..

"are you okey what happen?" said the young police officer as he stretch his hand on young mike's ordinary face..

young mike look at him and did not speak "this kid is in trauma" the young police officer thought..

a middle age police man came out through the kitchen door and said "sir, there's a girl body inside and have a slash on her neck"

saying that he walk to other officer and whispered something "Hays Chaney our mission is complete now we will report this to holy leader, as for that kid the holy leader don't want to kill him"

Hays Chaney look at him with confusion and whisper "Aubrey Kline who kill that women I can't even see the trace he make i can only see the slash like its all natural??"

Aubrey Kline look at him and smiled patting his shoulder he said "The person who do this is a hitman that's only what i know.."

"hey the two of you don't stand there and work!" a middle age man with fierce face said he have a broad shoulder and big muscles on his arms you can see how strong this man is..

"officer Tyler Compton you really work hard on your job" a voice sounded behind the fierce middle age officer as he feel something heavy on his shoulder..

"Detective Carrie Gibson what do you want?" ask the fierce middle age officer he look at this man behind him this man have a playful smile and a thin body and a brown tuxedo..

"Nothing I just realize this case is something interesting.." Detective Carrie Gibson said as his face become serious "base on the report i receive this kid parents died on the plane crash and his parents background is super interesting"

saying that he smiled again and look at officer Tyler Compton beside him officer tyler compton knows what he want he ask "so what this two background is?"

Detective Carrie Gibson laughed and said "This two background is pretty interesting they are world class martial artist!"

officer Tyler Compton look at him with disbelief and said "How did this two world class martial artist died they can even survived a car explosion!"

Detective Carrie Gibson have a playful smile and said "that's why its interesting"