You can eat him

In a forest near a mountain valley we can see a young women she have a silver eyes and white hair she is looking at her front..

holding a white light with a shape of short sword on her left hand panting could be heard.. looking at her face sweat kept falling as she hold the white light short sword that give a white luster on the surrounding area..

at this white hair girl front there's an old man he have a bamboo cap and a bamboo stick this old man have a faint smile as he look at this beautiful women on his front he have a creepy smile..

"miss this is a misunderstanding I want you to be my disciple my life span will run out in a few years!" an old voice sounded as this old man look at this girl in front of him he assessed in his mind "this girl is brave and very good at manipulating her mana she will become an expert swordswoman in the future I need her to be my disciple hehe.."

"Sorry... I cant trust a creepy old man like you can you stand out of my way!?" a cute cold voice sounded as the girl with white hair open her small mouth..

"hehe.. I will stand away if you become my disciple!" hearing what the girl say the old man shout as his age old hand pointed at her..

"You!?" the white hair girl become angry as she charge again..

The old man dodge with good accuracy as he use his bamboo stick to strike all her vital spot..

The white hair girl can feel the pain on that bamboo stick as she charge again and again but she cant even strike this creepy old man a fatal blow she can only hit the air..

looking at the sky we can see a white hair girl charging at an old man with green bamboo cap and green bamboo stick this old man movements looks quite funny he look like a monkey jumping around as he dodge the white hair girl fierce strike..


" I see.. I see" in a room there's two man and one women one of them spoke this person have orange hair and orange eyes he have a brown leather armor a short sword strap on his back his gloves look like it is made of some animal hide as he cross his arm on front of him..

the young Man with dark eyes kept silent as his red face look at his feet..

The young women beside him kept explaining what happen..

"You are mike maerstan?" Saying that the young man with orange eyes gaze at mike who have a red face..

"Y-y-Yes!" mike trembling lips could be seen as he straighten his body he have a dignified look but its crash his image because his face color look like a red tomato..

"I am kenji tanaka I am koemi big brother nice to meet you brother-in-law" as he said those words he look at his sister she have a wide open eyes her crimson face about to speak when his brother open his mouth saying "Just joking! hahaha"

Kenji tanaka laughter could be heard he did not continue teasing his little sister as he know if he continue she will really get angry..

thinking about that.. he look at mike his face is red you can see how shy he is but his deep dark eyes isn't focus on what happening on his surrounding as he look at the holographic screen on his eyes..

Name: Mike Maerstan

Race: Human

Ranked: G

Title: Unknown

Path: Assassin

physical strength: 6

Agility: 8

awareness: 7

spirit: 6

Looking at his race it change! he really is a human seeing that.. he heave a sigh of relief internally as his eyes go back to reality..

"Just call me kenji so it will not trouble you when remembering my name" saying that he have a mysterious smile..

"Anyway I have many question in mind if you don't mind it I will ask you some question before I report it on our village chief is it okey?" kenji ask he look like a straight forward man as he look at mike waiting for his answer..

"Yes" mike said as his expression turn serious..

"First why are you floating at the river side?"

"second why do you have a black hair and black eyes?"

"third what race are you?"

As koemi takada heard her brother questions her innocent watery eyes look at mike curiously she still remember that kiss that happen a moment ago as her face turn red instantly..

seeing both brother and sister are looking at him he answer their question "this is what happen first I ran into a cliff because.."

As mike's answer every question his expression is serious and his voice is clear as water..

Upon hearing what happen both brother and sister go out from the room as this two walk on a muddy road they saw many bamboo house other's are made of wood and bricks as they walk blowing wind could be heard as they gaze far their orange eyes kept pondering..

after walking for a minute they reach a big house it is build of bricks and a wooden door could be seen this two walk near the wooden door as kenji knock at the wooden door an old man with glasses came and open the door he have an old age face and orange hair and eyes..

"Village chief we are here to report that human have no motive at our village its looks like its all coincidence that he float on the river side near our village" a cute voice could be heard as koemi tanaka speak her innocent eyes gone replace by intelligent gaze her face looks serious she don't have that innocent air that mike see..

kenji tanaka look at his sister and at the old village chief and did not speak..

the old man with orange hair and eyes look at this two he know what they want to ask as he said with age sinister tone "okey you can eat him.. and don't make too much noise there are many greedy people on our surrounding understand!?"

hearing what he said the two have a sinister smile.. koemi's cute face distorted as she imagine how she will eat that young man with black hair and black eyes..