
"Brother! this is our chance to escape this village!" koemi takada said as she look at her brother.. she continued saying "We can't stay here and act like nothing is happening at all that B-rank king beast will devour us all!"

kenji look at his little sister as he was hesitant..

"Other villager don't know what is happening in this village that's why its not strange this village looks peaceful but that mike maerstan can go in on this village he probably have space magic affinity we need to tell him this! we can escape here alive brother! what are you hesitating for?!" koemi takada urged as she look at her brother in annoyance..

"That beast will know what we are planning if three people suddenly go to the river near our village we can't risk it!" kenji look at his sister feeling heavy deep inside..

kenji continued as he hold his sister shoulder saying "I will distract that beast you two can leave this village! that beast know that on this village we only eat meat that's why it probably think that we can eat him! only the two of us know who is the beast king on this village!"

"But brother what if he did not agree?! We know he can feel danger on us because he is too weak our aura and malicious thoughts he can feel it! but now he did not realize that feelings.." koemi said as she look at her brother determined that she will not escape without him..

"I know what you mean.. He will agree if you explain everything to him I will give you 1 hour to escape I hope you reach the outside world!" kenji shook his head he smile as he look at his sister..

"You said you want to roam the world and discover what its looks like outside and how strong the beast outside and you said you want to set off on a journey when you grow up right? this is your chance.. I hope you can be happy on your journey" Kenji said tears flowing on his face as he run in the direction of the chief village..

koemi look at her brother we can see her face have many tears as she use her two hands to wipe his tears she smiled "Brother.." that's the only thought she have..

Running in the road kenji wipe his tears he smile as he near at the wooden door near the big house made of brick along the way he saw many villager they have orange hair and orange eyes like him he greeted them as he run..

"Kenji why are you running?" said a girl in her 20s run toward kenji she have orange hair and orange eyes as she asked she pointed at him..

"maiko there's an urgent matter I need to report on our chief it concern our village safety!" kenji said as he look at her..

Maiko eyes open wide as she said hurriedly " Report it to our chief village I will call the other villager we need to solve this problem!"

maiko run as she thought "Is it about that guy with black hair and black eyes? Is he intentionally float there on our river to give his comrades the location of this village?"

Looking at maiko receding figure kenji have a serious look he hope that his sister can convince that guy if he have time to join them escape he will do it!


Mike look at koemi as he asked how he can activate this space magic he only receive the answer "feel it"

he have an headache! how he can feel it? if he don't know what it feels at first its like trying to feel warm but you only feel the cold wind in your surrounding..

as he focus trying to feel what feeling this so called space magic rush footstep could be heard shout of villagers and their aura can be felt..

Koemi look at mike anxiously she is hoping he can activate his space magic but thinking this is his first time feeling it they only have low chance of success!

if your magic affinity in any element is low you need an entire week practicing it.. and if it is high you can feel it instantly she can only hope he have a high affinity in space magic..

In theory space magic can create gates to other dimension or using space magic to teleport in many places..

because this village has been Isolated for too long using space magic even those people who have a space magic affinity can open the door of this village but it have one setback it is because when you try to go out using the same method and have people in toe it will teleport you in a random place!

that's why its quite dangerous using this method of course mike did not know about this if he know he will hesitate a bit..

Trying to feel the space magic mike feel something amiss on his body like understanding something trying to pursue this feeling its like a balloon floating on the sky but its not as he feel this strange feeling a mechanical expressionless voice could be heard..

"Unlock Space magic affinity"

"calculating... body space magic..."


hearing the mechanical expressionless voice that he have a space magic affinity he was overjoyed but after hearing the last words his face become ugly as he thought " what the f*k? you only gave me two?.. I am I that too weak for you??"


kenji shout as he was hoping his sister success he don't want her to stay here anymore its too dangerous..

a moment later.. after they near the river they only saw an air ripples like the surrounding air is like water!

The chief village look at the ripples his majestic B- Ranker aura can be felt he turn his age eyes to kenji using his hand he cast something as kenji's head fly on the sky blood sprinkle in villagers face and body as they look at this old man in front of them..

"YOU-WILL-ALL-DIE!"As he said those four words his body transform the age old body burst as countless blood and human limbs fly everywhere a beast emerge on it its body become huge on everyone's vision..

"A-a.. a beast king run!" one of the villager shouted in panic as he use his magic to run as fast as he can..

the other villager mind jolted as they run in every direction but how can they escape their village is Isolated from the outside world!

Like that this nameless race become extinct only one member survive!