Sealed Gates

Aoric once again decided that very few things could match the pure bliss of having a warm, soft bed to sleep, and a good breakfast. The Rooted Inn's breakfast wasn't a lot, but cheese, bread and hot tea were difficult to not like.

He thanked the innkeeper and the young woman, paid for another night of stay, then left the inn. He still had a job to do after all, no matter how annoyed he was at his employer. Though just straight up leaving the city had crossed his mind, he needed the money.

This morning was no less murky than the day before, but at least the drizzle had come to an end. He still watched his steps, avoiding stepping on the numerous puddles dotting the streets.

He needed to plan things – how to find the vial, how to escape from the mansion unseen while carrying the wooden case… He wasn't even sure of when he would be able to sneak in again. A lucky fog like before wasn't likely to happen again. He glanced towards the cathedral as he walked on the main street. Perhaps waiting until the next sermon was the best option he had.

Some loud voices caught his attention as he walked by a carriage. He paused and knelt down not too far away, fiddling with his boots as if something was wrong with them.

"This is insanity." A man sitting on the carriage protested. "It's too early, we haven't seven seen the first snow yet." The horses neighed, clearly somewhat startled by his loud voice. A man standing beside the carriage shrugged as a response and stroked the horses' necks to calm them.

"You know how it is. When they decide it is time, it is time. I feel bad for the people trapped here though. There were a handful of people still in the city. I wonder what they'll do?"

"Who cares about them?" The other man cried. "My wares, I say! Two more days and they would have been here! Two days! Oh gods, what have I done that you have forsaken me so?"

"Don't be dramatic." The second man sighed. "At least you didn't get trapped outside. That could have happened too."

The man on the carriage shuddered. "Gods, no." He muttered. "I'd be as good as dead if that were to happen."

Aoric furrowed his heart as a feeling of impending trouble loomed over him. Had he heard right? Was the city closed? He stood back up, and hastily walked away, towards the southern side of the city, where the gate was.

It didn't take him long to reach the gate, though it did take a while to get past the small crowd gathered by the foot of the gatehouse.

The massive, metal gates were closed, the portcullis was lowered, and rows of soldiers lined the front of the gate, keeping the somewhat angry crowd away. Or, to put it more accurately, the small number of angry people. Most of the crowd had blank expressions, almost as if they had seen this happen a hundred times before.

"I need to leave! I don't live here!" Someone shouted at the top of their lungs. "My family is waiting at home!"

"I only came for work!" Someone else cried. "Let me out – you can't keep me here!"

Aoric felt his chest tighten. He approached one of the soldiers guarding the gatehouse.

"Leave, citizen." The flat faced man said as soon as he noticed Aoric. "The gates will not open for you."

"I know," Aoric said softly. "May I ask when they will open?"

The soldier's annoyed expression softened somewhat. "Give or take three months from now, when the snow melts and the creatures of the winter scurry back to the mountains." He looked at Aoric. "You are not from here?"

The young man shook his head, trying to keep his expression emotionless. "Thank you for your help." He said and left as quickly as he came. It wouldn't do to keep standing there. He didn't want his face to be remembered by one of the soldiers. It would spell nothing but trouble.

His steps carried him back to the northern sections of the city as he tried to get his thoughts back in order. Three months! What the hell was he supposed to do here for three whole months? His plan of stealing the case, getting paid and getting out of this depressive city was shattered, utterly destroyed. Unless…

His steps slowed down. Perhaps the woman clad in black would be able to provide him with another way out of the city. Asking wouldn't hurt, or so he wanted to believe, but the dark bruises around his neck made it difficult to believe that.

He leaned against the wall of a building and rubbed his temples. It was time to think and plan. The worst case scenario was… well, it was him getting killed, but there wasn't much point in thinking about that, so he directed his attention on the things that did matter. If he really was forced to stay in Vesporum for three months, he would need money.

He spotted a rather wealthy looking gentleman walking towards him. There were many wealthy families here, and very few would be bothered by a few missing pieces of silver. He noted the gentleman's face and headed into the closest alleyway. If push came to shove, he'd steal from such people.

He climbed onto a broken down statue, and the onto the rooftops. As his light, fast steps carried him to the mansion, he continued thinking. It would be best to not stay at the inn for too long. He decided to scout some inns to avoid staying at a place like the Dancing Rat again.

Before he knew it, he had arrived on the rooftops closest to the mansion.

"I will do as I please." A sharp voice sounded, startling Aoric. When he looked down at the main street, he noticed the woman clad in white. "Do you not have your own issues to deal with, Lady Eclipse?"