Unfounded Allegations

Aoric stepped back as the door creaked open, revealing the woman clad in white. From the conversation he overheard, he already knew his name was Irene.

She was wearing a silken white dress, that revealed more than it concealed. Her red lips were pressed together, forming a thin line. Her thin brows were furrowed, and her eyes were filled with annoyance.

All in all, her expression did not give Aoric any hope.

"Already up, despite your wound?" She asked with a sharp voice. "Good. Then you can tell me what I need to know." She left the door half open as she stepped closer to Aoric.

The young man clenched his fists. "No thanks to you." He snapped back at her. "You don't even know how to properly dress a wound."

Irene smirked. "As if I would ever bother." She raised her chin and looked down on him. "Now – what have to done to the real vial and blade?"

Aoric was about to comment something snappy, but her words stopped him. He felt his chest tighten. "I stole what you asked me to steal."

"Lies!" She growled. "That vile woman got to you, didn't she?" She walked towards him and grabbed his neck. Aoric immediately caught her wrist. "Let go of me!" he hissed, digging his fingernails into her skin. She ignored him and sniffed the air.

A look of confusion came over her. She pressed her lips together. "You stink." She let go of him.

Aoric gasped for air and stumbled back until his back leaned against the wall. "What did you expect?!" He cried out, rubbing his throat. "God, what is it with you people and choking others?" He grumbled. "Listen to me!" He shouted, seeing as she was lost in thought.

Her bright blue eyes focused on him. "That other woman told me to steal a case that had documents and a vial in it. I stole a case that had documents and a vial in it. And a blade." He added. "I told her what the case looked like, and she said it was the right one. I did my job, and I didn't replace things with fake versions! Now, give me my money and let me go."

Irene laughed out loud. "No." She said as her laughter subsided. "The gates of Vesporum are sealed, and none may leave. As such, I have no way of finding another thief." Her lips curled up with a smile. "You will finish this job."

"I already did!" Aoric shouted. Her bossy attitude, and how she was so ready to dismiss his words was getting on his nerves already.

"No." She folded her arms and tapped her naked foot on the ground softly. "You will steal something else for me."

Aoric gritted his teeth. "No." He hissed. "I'm done working for you people. All you've brought me is trouble."

Irene licked her lips. "I wasn't asking, thief." She said with a sharp voice. "You will steal something else for me. And if you pull that off," She made a vague gesture. "Let's just say you won't need another coin in this lifetime."

"No, thanks." Aoric gritted his teeth. "I'm not dumb, lady. I know exactly what those words mean."

Seeing that look of surprise on her eyes, even if only for a split second, was worth it.

"I will give you two choices then." Irene whispered as she approached him. "Either I kill you here and now," She reached for his throat. "Or I give you a chance to earn your life."

Aoric motioned to push her hand away, but she caught his wrist instead. He let out a small cry as she squeezed her fingers around his wrist. How could this fragile looking woman be so strong?

"Which one is it going to be?"

Aoric tried to shake off her hand, even used his other hand to try and pry her fingers open, but her grip didn't lessen one bit.

"Fine!" He finally hissed. He breathed a sigh of relief as she let go of him. "What the hell do you want me to steal this time?"

The woman's lips curled up with a mischievous smile. "It's going to be a little more complicated than just stealing something." She turned her back on him and walked to the door. "It is late, and I have work to do. We shall speak tomorrow." She left the room and closed the door behind her. Aoric heard the sound of a key turning in its lock.

"Damn you." He hissed, rubbing his wrist. He was still having trouble believing her sheer strength.

As soon as he was let out of this damn place, was making a run for it. With his money or without. No amount of coin was worth a life, especially his.