I am Vaissien.
It's my first name. We don't have surnames, since we are of common birth. In the Styllacus Kingdom, where this village belongs to, commoners' names must be only a single word. For commoners who have received acceptance in the military, they are allowed with two. For nobles, they should have three. Lastly, for royalties, they should have four. I don't know how is this helping the kingdom, it only adds to unnecessary prejudice that "commoners would never be able to overcome the walls that separate each of them" and stuff... For me, it's a slapping fact that commoners can never reach the heights of the nobility and royalty. Well, who cares? I'm proud of my origin. I'd never dream of becoming a noble anyway.
Now, to change the subject. My brother has been really cool these past months, hasn't he? I mean, I know he's silent and perceptive ever since we're kids. But this is just beyond imagination. I saw it in my eyes, he defeated the village's adored hero and inspiration in sword arts. Cooool! But I won't lose to you, brother. I'll catch up. So that, soon, we'll be standing side by side. I should not let myself be left by you. I don't want to be someone who should be protected. I've promised this to Big Sister Belle, so I must do this.
After the night when he made a vow, he did a very deep soul searching about different things...
Three weeks later, after Cimmerian fought the Chief, Vaissien and Mr. Fox, whom Cimmerian named as Furrengarde, went on Chief Feldor's residence. When they arrived there, Waldo, Rayha, Elaine, and Ferm were also present. Vaissien only came alone today since Cimmerian said he had something very important to do.
"How can I help you, ladies and gentlemen?" Chief Feldor asked while sitting outside the wooden bench relaxing.
"Good day, Sir." Elaine's group halted for a moment, and then bowed...
"""Please teach us sword arts as well."""
"As well? What are you talking about?" Chief answered in a confused look.
"Well, you know, Cimmerian learned the proper sword arts from you, right?" Waldo asked.
Actually, Waldo was already strong for ordinary humans, he'd also been skilled in hunting. But in spite of that, he felt unsatisfied and newly inspired when he saw the Chief and Cimmerian fighting the other night. Hence, he'd decided to improve.
"Yeah, he became good after training with you, right?" Rayha seconded.
"It was so cool, you know? I want to learn it too. Please teach us." Ferm was very hyperactive.
They were very energetic. However, they were grossly shocked of what they heard a moment later.
"Ha-ha-ha. Are you guys some kind of idiots?"
They involuntarily retorted in a high-pitch squeal.
"Chief, why?"
"Yeah, Even if you believe we can't do it, we'll still do our best. So please, teach us!!!"
Elaine and Rayha were very dogged. They even wore stretchable pants and jackets today to remove the obstruction in moving. Of course, skirts would only circumscribe their movements during the training.
"Everyone, you're so funny. I haven't taught Cimmerian at all. He has had his own sword arts in the first place." The Chief casually declared.
(Are you serious? I mean, what does he even mean by that???) Vaissien couldn't believe what he heard.
"Wait, is that true?" He further asked with a shocked countenance.
"Yeah, you didn't teach him?" Waldo had a difficulty accepting it as well. "That's impossible. I mean, why can he defend your barrage of attacks? Isn't that because he's learned sword arts as well?"
"Waldo, listen, I'm not saying he doesn't have any arts. I mean to say that he has completely mastered my arts and has discovered the perfect way of countering it. In short, he invented a new one of his preference."
"Is that so!!?" Waldo remained unconvinced.
"T-Then, how can we learn sword arts? I mean, we really want to do it. But without your help, it's impossible." Ferm asked with a worried look that they might not be trained
"Tsk. It's pitiful to see you as dumb and unschooled like this. Fine, I'll teach you, but I've a single requirement."
"What is it? We're willing to accept it." Vaissien asked as a representative of the group.
"Simple. You just have to provide your own practice weapons. I cannot provide you for that."
"Actually, we've already prepared for that." Waldo happily showed the bundle of wooden swords that they just made a while ago.
"We also have our own weapons." Ferm showed the knife to the Chief.
"Okay. Fine."
Everyone was cheering loudly. They were genuinely happy. However, the Chief just wore his normal bland expression. He was neither glad nor displeased of it. Anyway, everybody started lining up and readied their bodies.
"First, let me ask you, what kind of weapon do you want to wield. Sword art isn't only applicable on longswords, it can be also used to almost all close-range weapons like an axe or knife."
"I want a longsword." Vaissien came first again.
Ever since he was younger, he'd been longing to hold a real longsword just like his brother's. After all, he believed that longsword looked cool when you slash it.
"Vaissien prefers a longsword. What about the others?"
In the end, almost everyone prefers longswords. Only Waldo wanted to wield an axe.
"Okay, get your wooden swords. Let's start the training as early as now." The Chief instructed rigidly.