(I never thought fighting a group of monsters they commonly called chimeric beasts simultaneously could be as hard as like that...)
Cimmerian pondered as he poured water into his head while taking a bath on the well outside. He was half naked, with only a white towel covering his pubic region.
(That minotaur, it's so powerful. If my sword were not that strong enough, I wouldn't have penetrated a single strike on its joints since its armor-hard body was as hard as a metal bar. Hays!. And those two, they're so weak to assist me. That's why I thought being alone in a job would prove to be advantageous...)
He let out a deep sigh out of exhaustion. He rubbed his body with the soup invented by the villagers from some magical plants suggested by the Chief's friend who was an alchemist as well.
(Oh, this body is now well-built. Just a few months ago, this was no less than a conglomeration of bones, fatty muscles, and pale skin. Now, strong muscles are bulging out from my body.)
He was happy with his body's development. His six-pack set of strong and well-defined abdominal muscles visible on his midsection were very appealing. His fair white skin, raven-black hair, and glossy brown eyes complemented on his tall height it made him look very attractive and hot. And since he was tall, he was very much the type of so many members of the opposite sex.
(What are they doing? Isn't it creepy to gaze at someone taking a bath? Gross.)
He scowled as he sensed some young girls secretly watching him... They were from the neighborhood. He just ignored them and hurriedly poured the water instead.
"Cimmy, are you done? Here's your favorite jacket, underwear, and pants."
Belle called him.
Although it seemed embarrassing to let someone prepare your underwear for you, he became used to it already. He kept on telling Belle to stop but the latter just shrugged his complaint off.
"Okay, thank you." He just replied as usual.
"Brother, are you almost done?"
Vaissien joined him in bathing
"No. Just for a while."
"Your monster hunting today is amazing. However—."
"Hmm? What about it? What's wrong???"
"I won't lose to you. I'm going to do my best to catch up."
"Y-Yeah. Good luck."
Cimmerian thought Vaissien wasn't in the mood since he was silent for a second... He was wrong. He just declared that he will catch up while his eyes were sparkling in enthusiasm.
(Oh? Vaissien's body has been the same as always.)
It was a body built by experiencing heavy works. His long blonde hair extended below his shoulders, as some hair fragments were covering his eyes. His glossy blue eyes and his height, which was as tall as Cimmerian, resulted in a very handsome yet effeminate look on his face. His six pack was also as well-formed as Cimmerian's. Based on looks, Belle had always called Cimmerian as cute, while Vaissien as handsome.
Vaissien had become like this because he had always been the one doing most of the heavy jobs every harvest. Since he was younger, he had already possessed some extraordinary strength. Before Shiba Mitsuya awakened at the body of the boy named Cimmerian, Vaissien was far stronger than him. It was not even comparable. This wasn't known by many since he hated fighting. Even until now, Vaissien might just win in a landslide if the two would do arm wrestling. Therefore, the only difference between them was their exposure to martial arts, experience, and intellectual ability—which would all favor to Cimmerian.
However, now that Vaissien had started training in the aforementioned areas, it'd only be a matter of time before he could leave Cimmerian in the dust. Actually, Cimmerian, no, Shiba Mitsuya understood that, and he was happy of it. At least, Vaissien would be able to protect himself and the family on perilous occasions in case he was absent for other affairs.
"By the way, brother. You already know that I want to become an adventurer. How about you? Are you gonna join me?"
"I'm not sure yet. I still haven't thought of everything yet."
"Is that so? I hope you join me."
(I think that Feldor is hiding something from us. I don't know if it's something negative or for our own good...But I'm sure that he's hiding really something important..."
When Cimmerian read all the books lent to him, he noticed that a few pages in the Magitonian Book were intentionally scrapped. He assumed, then, that there were information that cannot be disclosed from them as of now.
"Vaissien, I'm going now."
"Okay, I'll feel the cold water a few minutes more."
He first went inside. As he entered the door, he smelled something delicious, so he went directly to the kitchen. Belle was slicing some carrots, peeled potatoes, and meat. There was also rice. He was wondering if these were expensive, so he asked.
"Big Sister Belle, may I ask you something?"
"What is it?" She casually replied.
"How much money do we have left?"
"Only 43 silvers. I spent some for 2 more sacks of rice. Also, for meat. And many others." She answered while counting on her fingers.
"So, can I assume that Big Sister Beatrice still hasn't said any word since a couple of months ago?" He asked.
"Yeah. You're right. I'm already worried. I hope she's okay." She said this full of emotions and a trace of solicitude could still be seen.
"Don't worry, she'll be fine. Also, don't worry about the money. I've found a new source of income." He reassured that money won't be a problem.
"What kind of—."
"Don't worry, it's a good job. It may be dangerous, but not dangerous enough to kill me."
"F-Fine. Then I won't ask further. Thank you for helping "
"It's fine."
After he wore his clothes, Cimmerian went to Feldor's house. It was getting dark, the ground is almost black. Instead of heading directly there, he took a short detour and walked into some place where no people can see. Because, he could clearly sense someone who had been following him ever since he was still enjoying his bath. He knew the person, so he called him out.
"May I know what business do you have with me, Waldo?"