Chapter 26: The Seven Planes of Existence

After our duel, we took a break and relaxed.

Tea was served by Elder Grucia, as usual.

This tea was so good that I think it was on par in quality with those from my former world.

Its subtle smell helped soothe my mind. I heard that this was made from a combination of some unique plants that I thought were exclusive only to this world. Thus, I never bothered to ask about the ingredients furthermore. Anyway, the idea of me learning magic had just spawned.

Well, to be precise, I'd expected this to come. I only acted as if it was unexpected. I just showed to him in that duel that I'd been ready for the next level all this time. He detected it. That helped me get into it.

"Since you read the Magitonian Book, I expect that you already know almost everything on magic's basics, no?" He asked as he took a sip on his warm tea.

"You're right."

Basically, the concept of magic existed in this world. However, not everybody can

utilize it, as only those creatures who can utilize the magical particles called "magitons" can use it. In simple terms, magitons were like particles that served as source of magic. Furthermore, there were only two types of magitons—the positive magiton and the negative magiton. Because of this, the Adventurers' Guild had always been very accurate in classifying magic artists from one to another.

Another fact that I learned from all the books was that all creatures and races in this

world had been classified into 7 categories called the 7 Planes of Existences. This

classification was based on the type of existence the individual or a monster belonged.

These were the following;

1st Existence (Tenporal Beings)

Ex: Chimeric insects, slimes, and many others.

Life Span: A few days to months

Magiton content: 0

2nd Existence (Bestial Beings).

Ex: Chimeric Beasts, Monster Beasts, and etc.

Life Span: 20 years

Magiton content: 0

3rd Existence (Material Beings).

Ex: Normal Humans

Life Span: 100 years.

Magiton Content: 0

4th Existence (Demi-Spiritual).

Ex: goblins, minotaur demons, elves, dwarves, goblins, giants, humans (with Astral

Covenant), and harpies.

Life Span: 500 years

Magiton Level:1,000 - 10,000

5th Existence (Semi-Spiritual).

Ex: Vampires

Life Span: Immortal (unless killed)

Magiton Content: 10,001 - 100,000

6th Existence (Spiritual).

Ex: Demons and Dragons.

Life Span: Immortal (Unkillable)

Magiton Content: 100,001 - 1,000,000

+7th or -7th Existence (Transcendental).

Ex: NA (only in myth)

Life Span: Immortal (unkillable)




The two of us discussed these existences. And—.

"Now, what have you concluded?" He curiously asked.

"One of the things I learned is that humans are very weak creatures."

"Correct. Even though humans have the greatest population count, they're very weak

and vulnerable. One full monster attack, we might be curtailed into half or even annihilated completely."

"You're right. But it's illogical to me. If that's the case, how have humans survived up

until now? Humans have even held majority of the territories around the world." I asked

since I really didn't know.

"Good question. The answer of that lies here." He dipped into his pocket some folded

sheets of papers and extended them to me.

"What's this?" I pretended not to know of course.

"You knew about the scrapped pages, right? Read them."

Oh, I though he was hiding something ominous. I was wrong. Anyhow, I read the sheets for a while...

"Astral Covenant??? Is this the—."

"Yes. That's the answer to your question..."

"So, this is it, huh?"

The four pages stated that long ago, the ancient humans had developed a ritual called

Astral Covenant. This was done by making a contract between spirits or any other beings from the spiritual realm. Material beings could not utilize the magitons. Conversely, only the spiritual beings could. They possessed large amount of magitons, so upon entering into a covenant, humans became so powerful to the point of being invincible and unstoppable sometimes.

Since spirits could not traverse to the material world, they could not enjoy their presence here. Because of this, they were lonely and bored, as the spiritual realm was believed to be a dull place. Under the contract, the spirits agreed to possess the humans to enjoy the physical world, and in exchange, fight alongside with them as an "other." This had been how

humans defended themselves from the threats for hundreds of years....