The curious case of exploding toilet

The curious case of exploding toilet

Today I go to Santa's Asshole.

[Quest: print the photo sent by Grimm]

To that end, I will utilize the public printer in school's library. Yes, even correctional institutions for troubled youth are equipped with such high-tech devices, though most of the time they are unused and gather dust.

Making my way to the library, I can't help but notice that the premises of the bathroom are warded off with yellow tape, and there are orange cones all around.

[Quest: investigate the case]

"What happened here?"

"Didn't you hear? Someone threw a firecracker in the toilet and blew it up"

"Debil, it couldn't have been a firecracker! It must have been something stronger!"

"I think it was a baseball bat!"

"Nah, the cameras would have registered that…"

This is true. This school has a so-called 'monitoring' on the corridors, but not in the bathrooms. If students are being beaten up or have their things stolen, no one sees a thing.

But if school property is destroyed, it's a big deal, and the janny whose office oversees the monitoring system would certainly notice it and report it.

In other words, someone had to use some method that allowed them to go in and out without arousing suspicion, and even meticulous study of nearby cameras wasn't enough to pinpoint the culprit.

", perhaps?"


"You're a mooooooooron"

Ignoring the high-pitched voice screaming at me, I continue my speculation.

Alternative explanations exist.

For example, what if janny was bribed and deleted or replaced the incriminating recording? Or perhaps the janny is the culprit, I wouldn't put it past the fatass to do it for the lulz, he did pull a gun on me the other day…

I shrug. Well, I don't care.

[Quest aborted]

I make my way to the library. In the library, there are countless books, but none of them interest me.

After all, this is a school, and parents and taxpayers alike would be outraged if they learned that school libraries, paid for with THEIR rubles, provide any sort of entertainment to the students.

(this is also why we don't have school hobby clubs like americans or japanese apparently do)

And thus, the only books available are boring and overly scientific titles such as:

'Hebrew origin of Serbs'


'The criminal roman catholic project of artifical croatian nation'

...none of which interest me, as history was never my forte.

As I put the paper in and log into my email to find the photo Grimm sent me, I thank god I live in a semi-socialist country such as this one and thus don't have to pay for printing paper like people in decadent and rotten West do.

[Quest: 'print the photo send by Grimm' successful! +10 exp]

Now the search for dope begins for real!

[New quest: treasure hunt]